The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 988

"I haven't detected Xiaoyu's nucleic acid, otherwise there is no way to explain." Silver hair is self-speaking.

Chongyou really made a big red face, Nenene said: "It will not ..."

: "This is a key point? Origami is also a bit possible, just in the past, it is not so easy to detect the deoxyribonucleic acid ... Why do you want to show disappointed expressions!"

"Nothing." White haired girl recovered his face.

"The words returned to Zheng Chuan, DNA test confirmed the satellite relationship." Zone is positive, "this child has a large number of magic treated traces, the body can damage serious, only less than ten years left "

This report is like a sunny day. True that exposed the expression that dare not confidence, repeatedly confirmed it several times, it is true.

"I am afraid it is a good thing to work in Dem." B is quickly calm, "In order to better control you, desperately develop your body potential, so that the life is shortened."

The first five magician in the world.

"how come……"

Chongyong is really awkward. Suddenly I was told that there was only a ten-year life, and I couldn't stand the heavy blow.

Wuheqin is confused: "How did you join DEM?"

"I have no previous memories." Really frustrated, "I used to suppress the DEM community of robbery banks in the UK, accidentally blow up the underground gold library, owe the debt to be repaid for one hundred years to repay ..."

Bachelor's analysis: "The incident may not be a conspiracy, just like the reins."

Chongyong has finally seen the true face of DEM. She has experienced the intense struggle, and she looked at it. Finally, this Gaolin's flower-like girl will be defected.

"In fact, we have been investigated ... The truth of the elf."

After some communication, I really had the rear dust of origami. She is determined to be determined and the demary of the grievances. They have been washed with Dem to wash their brains and become tools to deal with the elves.

"I understand. If your sister chooses to believe you, I also have reason to believe." Time to say seriously, "I want to protect the elf as adults, only [Nightmare], I can't forgive!"

: You are really a family.

Wuheqin said happily: "Welcome to join."

"Well, the sister of Qin!"

The sister party's compulsory family said that the relationship between the girl and the girl became better. B is in the doubiziness, just because the sister is angry because it is called a sister.

Red Mao Xiaoli has played a chest, proudly said: "Then, I will make it difficult to recognize your sister."

Out of CP since ancient red.

Waiting for the five corners to know the front of the consequences, have to wear the means of your boyfriend. It is a man who wants to become the god of Raiders, so easy to take two sisters.

Ratatoskr lacks combat power, the only magician has also been sent to Siberian corn. Wuheqin is very happy, absorb two small mice in the power of blowing ash ... is not, two members. Excellent magicians have the opportunity to show the technology of Ratatoskr.

Chongyong has long residing Fraxinus, adjusting the body with the help of village rain. Maybe there is no way to return to the normal person's level, try to extend your life. Both

The girl is also asked: "Brothers grow up, please don't tell my sister. I don't want her to worry."

"I promise you." Both spouse said seriously.

That is inexplicable, suddenly makes it in his cheek "". She jumped away and picked up the hair of the ear, blooming the innocent smile, bluefaming single horse tail gently swaying.

There is no way to think of the work of the workplace, but a pure and innocent beauty. Sister attribute, can be charged.

"Thank you, the brother is not killing, this is Xie Li ~"

Bestei, touch the wet place on your face. There is an instant, I thought it was a small squid. Oral epithelial cells and bacteria are left.

Hello, don't use your DNA to insult me!

"Why are you also the same as the four?"

" !"

One of the sights of Ben, and I got a look at the inscription of the piano. The red-haired double horses tied to the white hair band, which is already a sister mode. She bounched his face, and she couldn't help but say the brother's arm, and she was picked up.

For the Wugongqin, the old sister is of course very important, but the brother-in-law is very safe.

God said, when the beautiful girl pro, you give her right face when you leave your face.

At this time, Basaki has Yu Can feel the [dusk "of the pair of homes, the guns of dusk], and the LORD issued a protest.

"BIU -"

Next second, the red-haired double horsetail was [reflection] played out, the small mouth was swollen. She sat on the ground, tears, smoked the nose, as if they changed it five years ago.

"Ou Ni sauce, it is really too much!"

"The gods will not be defeated twice with the same trick." Biece said, "You are eating lollipops all day, the sugar in the mouth is excellent. Don't come up with you, sticky It's hard to wash. "

Even if you are very sweet, you can't do your girlfriend.

From the beginning, the Sakura is not interested in "Dating Big Battle". In order to save the world and the lovely girl kiss, only exist in obscenity. Kiss, what is the privilege of a girlfriend. When he thinks the woven, there is a cute expression, and he can not help but fighter.

No, maybe it is Hu Ji's left hand. Who can resist the temptation of safety pants? It is because of the strict strictness that usually cover, there is a pleasant pleasure in the moment of breaking through the line.

Chongyong That really doesn't talk and suddenly talk in Wuheqin. I envy that this man is in love for my sister.

"It's too much. Hello, what is the gustper! Are you not a elf?"

The recovery of is better, just take a while. The ship has limited resources, she was transferred to the General Hospital. Ratatoskr's little action is naturally tapped.

This day, Tiangong has a hospital. White-haired girls rely on the hospital bed and the door has come to a rapid guest.

The lower part of the day knocked on the door and asked: "Can I come in, can I come in?"

"... Captain, please come."

The ,,,,,,,,,,, , She is taking care of the captain, and now I don't know how to face this benefactor.

The relationship between the two is another friend. If it is not the shelter of the son, the violation of the military order does not know how many times to be punished.

"I thought you were sacrificed. The man is your teacher, it seems that the students are complicated.

The origami said calmly: "I am already his person."

One language doubles.

"Is it? AST has a confidential report. Nothing to read, just when my last gift. After reading it, I remember to destroy."

After that, the lower part of the sun put down the fruit basket and a copy, ready to leave. She can't "miss" too long, people who have been in contact may be reviewed by military to expose origami.

Before leaving the room, she stopped and said: "Right, I changed the '' of the troops" to death, the name is engraved in the martyrs monument to the elves. After ... so. "

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