The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 99

In the last step, the virus is implanted. The bundle ,,, The blood red "Warning" is placed on the screen, and the virus is intercepted by the firewall.

"When? I don't know even me ..." The bundle is wrong.

"In the Yumu network, there is a presence similar to the commander." If the bee is thinking, "the last thing ...?"

Unfortunately, this failed. I can only see you, Xiaoyu.

Thank you for your question, I will force interpretation of a wave. The ability to pass the ability is unpublished. Not a literal [vector operation], the hippo is the energy operation, but the energy is scalar. Powerful does not necessarily do work, can't be mixed. I am circling, even if it includes a generalized vector, that is, all physical processes involving directionality.

The woody god fists is the paradox. I didn't encounter how to change the direction of punch. I have been reflected. Unless otherwise reflected similar to nitrogen armor, there is a certain thickness and there is a calculation process.

If it is not a party, it is impossible to win. One party is truly weak, only the energy that cannot be understood or exceeds the operation, that is, the mystery and strength are crushing. For example, the second uses "energy that cannot be understood", as long as it is magical, it can't completely reflect, and is abused by Aihua.

Forget it, I can't make it.

After finishing one, the school city copy is cleared, and it is afraid to enter the unparalleled mower mode.

Chapter 065 Hunting Night

In the middle of the night, the research institute of Shuii Institutions has passed the explosion of the two two. The labyrinth is inner construction, layer stacked. The ceiling and the floor are full of leads.

In order to prevent electromagnetic force, Franida gave up the remote control and changed the original lead. One degree super-electromagnet cannon into the desperation.

"Your bounty, I accept it!"

The high heels of Franda are on the ground, from the footwear, pop-up. She is very busy, and the enemy will start the meat. The hand of the dark department exercise is showing.

Good little girl.

The Yumu Meiqin is not covered, and the T-shirt is a yellow small vein, and the remaining wave of the explosion is shredded. She can't take care of the spring, exhausted.

It is the biggest weakness of the power.


Franida hit his head with his hand. Similar to gymnast flexibly. The slender legs have been able to have a beautiful trajectory. Meiqin rushed to fight against the cheek, leaving a touch of blood.

Yumu Meiqin Cold Schokes: "Beat your current is still."

Franida claims to put a air bomb, once the release of electric sparks will be attributed to the same. Meiqin does not know that there is fraud, can only give up the electric shock. A current usage is more than one.

Thanks to the creativity of the guy.

Liu Hai, a girl floating, stimulating the muscles with the current, whether it is a speed or strength. She grabbed the calf of Franda, broke out, throwing out. The latter was fallen to be dizziness, rolling a few laps on the ground, and hit the distribution box and issued a "".

"Ok ... a good risk, I thought I had to break." Franca was afraid.

Yumu Meiqin gasped, said: "Okay, tell me who means?"

"That one……"

"call out!"

A light green beam rosted through the air and brought the wall. In a big hole, it stands behind Mai Hei and the pot.

"Mai Nak!" Dr. Presta.

Mai Niki said: "Flana, you lose hard. Do you want to sell organizations? Especially ... I am the third place."

Franda DC sweat. Almost say it, will it be killed?

"It doesn't matter." Takiug said softly, "such Farnda is very hard."

Franda abdomen: Why do you want to say "this"!

"the third?"

Yumu Meiqin looked at the light ball floating in front of the enemy, and he understood the event. This destructive force is at least a Level5.

This guy is no.4 [atomic collapse]!

"Really ... fate, prove here, who is the real third. But because your ability to produce more economic interests, it will kill my value?"

Mai Nak's face is distorted. However, she is still faithfully observing the order of Mai Na.

In short, pull the distance first.

Yumu Miqin turned and ran and fled in the maze. Did not deliberately select the route, you should get rid of the enemy.


Mai Nak snorted and threw a box of "chewing gum" to the Takulum. The latter poured out a few white pills and licked a bite. She smashed her eyes like a drug | product.

[Capability Crystallization] - The product of a certain experiment is essentially the ability to lose control to get stronger power. The [Ability Tracking] of the is the weak sensing of the AIM power field, and it is impossible to properly position it.

"found it."

Under the positioning of , the wheat wild wall releases atomic collapse. A three-four-walled wall is running in an instant, and the brick stone is burnt red and melted like a magma.


Yumu Meiqin just wants to avoid, one. She only felt that the calf was numb, and her body was stiff. This is the side effect of the current stimulating muscles, and it takes a period of time to recover.

Seeing that it is necessary to be hit by the beam, there is a shadow in the air. The double horsetail girl took the happiness of Meiqin and quickly met, and the dangerous dangers hide.

"Hez? Why is you ..." Meiqin is unite.

Baijing black is blame: "Is the sister who wants to fight for a fight?"

"I have been doing bad things, destroying more than a dozen institutes." Meiqin smiled, "Are you coming to arrest me?"

"Indeed, I can't agree with my sister's approach. However, killing 20,000 dark experiments, which violates justice."

Baijing black is confused.

What is justice, what is evil? Is it right as long as the order of the urban park is? The existence like Tyrui Na is a high-level mistake.

In the end, she firmly believes - to implement their own justice!

Baijing Niuzi, a sleeve, said: "I am Judgment! After the experiment, arrest my sister adult. Before this, I won't let my love of the criminal hurt by anyone!"

"What?" Meiqin was touched.


When the light beam crushed the steel bridge, the two girls held hands and fell from the air. Seeing countless light beam shot, the black scorpion is pulling a metano, continuous transient. Meiqin added electromagnetic force in the palm, hardening the atomic collapse. The beam is drawn from a fold line and is forcibly deflected.

Meiqin Dark Road: It turns out, we are the same capacity!

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