After solving this episode, Jiang Fan returned to his own space.

At this time, the human species also recovered from the shock of the two-way foil blow.

“High Priest, the power of these two-way foils is really terrifying! It’s a big killer of civilization!

The crowd exclaimed.

Who would have thought that a small piece of paper could easily destroy an entire star system?

Zhuo Yuanming nodded: “This experiment is very successful, so let’s collect the true vacuum bubbles born after the blow is completed to make more two-way foil.” ”


So a group of people took action and began to fight against the true vacuum bubbles generated by the collection of star systems.

God gave 600, and the human race began the great cleanup of civilization, from the previous use of light particle strikes to the use of two-way foil strikes.

All civilizations have no resistance and are easily wiped out in this universe.

Such a terrifying means have made many civilizations detect it, and the frightened atmosphere does not dare to breathe, desperately hiding their tracks, trying not to be discovered.

But under the many high-tech of the human race, no matter how you hide it, you can’t escape the investigation of dark matter information.

As long as there is civilization, it will definitely leave traces at the dark matter level, and human species only need to follow the vine to find your location.

After that, their civilization will be greeted by a blow of a piece of paper!

The disadvantages of two-way foil are great, it will make the universe collapse from high dimension to low dimension, and this change is irreversible.

The proliferation of dimensional weapons will cause the universe to continue to reduce its dimensionality until it is reduced to one dimension.

If it weren’t for Jiang Fan’s guarantee, the human race wouldn’t dare to abuse this dimensional weapon too much.

“My Lord Kamui… Even this kind of thing can be done easily. Zhuo

Yuanming and others sighed for a while, when the universe drops to one dimension, all creatures will be trapped to death, and only by waiting for the singularity of the universe to return to the zero-dimensional state and re-experiencing the Big Bang will other dimensions be re-unfolded.

God gave 650 years, and the level of human civilization was promoted to a third-level civilization!

And mastered the technology to obtain energy from black holes! This has made the human race no longer worry about the lack of energy.

Jiang Fan had always looked at the development of the human race, and he thought that the human race would trigger the task after it was promoted to a third-level civilization, but he didn’t.

After he couldn’t figure it out, he asked about the situation with a sense of communication rules.

The answer was that there would be no more tests after the third-level civilization, because the galaxy could no longer bind this level of civilization, but if the star lord was not promoted to become a domain master, then the realm would always be stuck at the level of the ninth-level star lord.

And if a galaxy fails to give birth to a domain master, it will usher in the crusade of other galaxy domain masters.

Jiang Fan frowned and asked, “What if other galaxies come to fight before our galaxy birth domain master?” Isn’t this a mortal situation?

“The star lord does not need to worry, there is no galaxy born a domain lord now, even if the domain lord wants to fight other galaxies without a domain lord, he must first inform the galaxy being crusaded and give it a thousand years of development time before it can carry out the crusade.”

But if both sides are galaxies with domain masters, there is no such restriction, and the two sides fight by skill. As for the more, please also ask the star lord to be promoted to a domain lord to be qualified to ask. ”

The rules give an intriguing answer.

There is a lot of information hidden in it, and Jiang Fan carefully scrutinizes it.

One: There is no star lord promoted to domain master.

Two: Promoting to domain master is not the end, there will be galaxy battles in the future!

Three: The rules will give preferential treatment to star owners with great potential….

Jiang Fan no longer said much, and there was nothing to ask, but accelerated the pace of cleaning up the galaxy by his civilization.

God gave 700, and the human species expanded from 1,000 light-years of radiation to 100 million light-years!

The civilization level seems to be moving up quickly from the shackles, and the technology that has not exploded for many years seems to ignite the powder thread! Soaring fast!

Jiang Fan had also plundered tens of thousands of S-grade talents and thousands of SS-level talents in years of conquest.

He had not yet met a star master with SSS-level talent, and it seemed that such talent was very rare.

But Jiang Fan alone possessed hundreds of SSS-level talents, which were all transformed by many top SS-level talents through Ye Yu’s tenfold increase.

“Whew… Soon, now that he has mastered one-tenth of the galaxy, he should be able to fully master the entire galaxy and be promoted to the domain master in a few hundred years.

Jiang Fan let out a breath of turbid qi, his own realm had been stuck at the peak of the ninth-level star lord for many years.

This feeling is more uncomfortable than constipation, like ammunition loaded, obviously ignited to the muzzle of the gun is the feeling that it cannot be fired….

God gave 800 years, the territory controlled by the human race expanded to 300 million light years, and this year the human race discovered a strange phenomenon.

“High Priest… All the star systems in the vicinity here have been destroyed…”

someone exclaimed.

Zhuo Yuanming didn’t care too much when he heard this, wasn’t a few star systems destroyed, isn’t it the norm under this dark forest.

“It’s just a few star systems, don’t care too much, those civilizations with galaxy navigation technology will meet more or less, and it is normal to be wiped out by each other.”

“Not the High Priest… This time the situation is different, all star systems detected 100 million light years away have no traces of civilization!

The man continued.

“100 million light years?!”

Zhuo Yuanming’s eyes widened, knowing that the human race had been fighting for a long time, and now it had only now wiped out all civilizations within 300 million light years.

The range of 100 million light years here is gone?

The civilization level of that shot is very high!

In an instant, Zhuo Yuanming’s eyes became solemn, this time is different, this strike civilization is very threatening!

“Collect dark matter information and restore the historical development trajectory!”

Zhuo Yuanming ordered, he wanted to see what kind of strike method the other party used.


The crowd began to operate, and a large amount of data began to operate.

But it didn’t take long for them to stop.

“So soon?”

Zhuo Yuanming was surprised.

“It’s not… The surrounding dark matter does not have the history of the existence of civilization, and the dark matter information has been deleted at a certain time segment! The

crowd was a little shocked.

Compare dark matter information to a movie.

The dark matter information of a space is a record of the space in minutes.

The human race can use technology to collect this dark matter information and restore its history to replay.

But now there is a civilization in a certain history in this space, but the next second of information records will not have this civilization!

As if the fragment of time that existed after this civilization was deleted!

It was the first time that the human species had encountered this situation, and this method shocked them.

Because they interfere with the information record of a space at most, the history of their restoration becomes a bunch of garbled characters, but they cannot delete the information of a space.

Zhuo Yuanming’s brows furrowed, a little feeling that he didn’t know where to start, and if he continued to investigate, he would definitely be able to find out, but he would definitely be discovered by the other party.

This is not the usual practice of the human race, who like to hide in the shadows and constantly hit others to minimize the risk.

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