The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 101: The Three Royal Families With Horror Talent

"Feng Che, congratulations, you performed well and won the first place this year. My vision is really good.

There was a smile on the corner of Sabrina's lips, her eyebrows were raised, and she had a proud expression on her face.

"I'm here, mainly to remind you officially that I will be your boss from now on. You have to behave well, otherwise I don't mind having another doll.

Sabrina's complexion suddenly froze, and there was no expression on her face, and she said to Feng Che in a cold voice.

"I see, Lord Sabrina, I will definitely behave well." Feng Che hurriedly replied to Sabrina, he didn't want to accidentally provoke the moody Sabrina and be turned into a doll to play with her.

Feng Che heard from Uncle Caesar that Sabrina actually has the kind of personality that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and Rival also pays special attention to it.

"Yo, Feng Che, you are indeed born to do this job. I have been with the Rockets for ten years."

"I didn't expect you to participate in an assessment and become the elite of the Rockets."

"It's not good if you don't accept it."

Uncle Caesar walked over leisurely from a distance.

"Seriously, Sabrina-sama, you dragged me here forcibly, and I wondered why.

"Congratulations, Feng Che."

Uncle Caesar congratulated again.

"By the way, Uncle Caesar, you just accept this Baltoy, it will give you extra security when you go out to perform missions.

Feng Che smiled and handed a Poké Ball to Uncle Caesar.

"I haven't registered this Baltoy with the Alliance yet, just see what to do with it."

Feng Che put the Poké Ball into Uncle Caesar's hand.

Uncle Caesar held the Poké Ball in his hand, and "870" felt warm in his heart.

"Feng Che, be careful when you meet Alice's sister Lily."

"She is the real Hoshikari, but because her Constitution is too weak, there is no way to bear the huge Psychic on her body."

"That's why Ariana moved part of her Psychic and consciousness into another body to act on her behalf."

"Now that Lily has woken up, according to her vindictive character, she will definitely find a chance to attack you again.

Sabrina suddenly telepathized to Feng Che.

After Sabrina said this, she turned and left.

"Feng Che, if you have anything to do in the future, please contact Sabrina-sama directly, don't look at Sabrina-sama's cold appearance."

"Lord Sabrina has a better heart than anyone else."

Uncle Caesar said in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting from afar.

"Caesar, you haven't come to perform the mission yet.

Uncle Caesar smiled sarcastically, then hurriedly followed Sabrina and left.

Feng Che didn't go back to his dormitory directly, he continued to rent the training room.

"Come out, Litten."

Feng Che threw the Poké Ball and released Litten.

Litten is a kitten-shaped Pokémon with black hair.

It has Red markings and a beard on its face, and Red stripes on its limbs.

Litten has yellow eyes and a spiky tail at the end.

Litten's hair contains oil, so it is very flammable, and the old hair will be burned all at once when moulting.

It often grooms itself by licking its body with its tongue, and by doing this it collects the shed fur.

Litten always acts calm and doesn't show emotion on his face.

However, when Trainer and his friends are in an emergency, it will do its best to save everyone.

Feng Che's Litten was cold and not very enthusiastic. After it came out of the Poké Ball, it just lay on the side and ignored everyone.

"This Litten is a bit emaciated, probably didn't eat well."

At present, Feng Che has seen Litten not showing much enthusiasm, but there is no other performance.

"The system said that Litten is prone to losing control, so Litten should show it in the near future.

Feng Che carefully observed Litten's movements.

The juvenile chickadee was chirping to say hello to Litten, but Litten ignored her and groomed herself instead.

{ Litten: I don't know why I was chosen, but I have no way to control my power at all. }

Because Ditto had just finished fighting, he was lying there lazily like a salted fish drinking Berry Juice.

{ Litten: Not good, I can't control the strength of my body again. }

Litten's eyes widened suddenly, his yellow pupils widening.

Suddenly, Feng Che felt an extremely huge flame erupting from Litten's body.

The flames jumped three meters high and even touched the ceiling of the training ground.

Immediately, the fire sprinkler bubble was triggered, and a large number of bubbles spit up from inside.

Feng Che saw that Bubble not only failed to extinguish the flame on Litten, but also intensified.

Suddenly the entire training ground became a sea of ​​flames.

Subsequently, the siren sounded all over the training ground.

Just as the door of the East Room was pushed open, the Rockets from the East Room poured in one after another.

They took a large number of fire extinguishers and sprayed on Litten, trying to suppress the flames that erupted.

"This Litten explosion is really scary."

Feng Che looked at the raging flames in front of him, and said secretly.

"Feng Che, see, this Litten is so terrifying when it erupts, but Litten can't control this power king at all."

Instructor Viper suddenly walked in.

After he heard the fire alarm in the training room, he rushed over, and as expected, Litten exploded again.

"Fortunately, the training room is made of fireproof materials, so the loss is not too great."

Instructor Viper said a few words to Feng Che, then answered a phone call and hurried away.

The fire on Litten's body was still burning, but it was clearly not as strong as before.

After a while, the flames on Litten's body gradually weakened.

Soon, Litten's body was covered with layers of spray bubbles, and the flames were completely extinguished.

Litten looked weakly at Feng Che running towards him, and hugged him up.

{ Litten: Will the Trainer dislike me as a Pokémon who only causes trouble and has no way to fight?}

{ Litten: I can't control my power at all. }

"Litten, you are really amazing, to be able to explode with such powerful power."

"Just now I thought it was the flames of an adult Charizard."

"Don't worry, the explosion of strength in your body is only because your talent is too high.

"So you don't have a good way of controlling the fire in your body right now."

Looking at Litten's lost eyes, Feng Che comforted him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you. By then, you will become the most powerful Litten.

Feng Che encouraged Litten.

{ Litten: Is this really the case? This is the first time someone said that I am very powerful, and finally they stopped saying that I was a disaster star. }

Litten's pupils reflected Feng Che's firm eyes, and Litten's eyes suddenly shone with crystal light, as if he was trying his best to engrave Feng Che's appearance into his memory.

Afterwards, Litten gradually fell into lethargy due to excessive physical exertion.

"This Litten is just too talented."

"But because Litten is young, Litten has no way to control this strong flame power."

"Look at this violent flame, it really seems to be Entei's normal flame."

After Feng Che wiped the spray bubbles on Litten's body, he put Litten in the Poké Ball.

Many potion formulas flashed through Feng Che's mind, and finally Lock On found a potion formula.

three days later.

Dressed in light clothes, Feng Che came to Rainbow City.

Rainbow City can be said to be an important city in the Rockets after Changpan City, Gold City, and Vermilion City.

Mewtwo was originally developed in Rainbow City.

Later, because the experimental base in Rainbow City was discovered by the Alliance, it was urgently transferred to the Rockets' headquarters.

But even so, the Rockets still firmly control most of the underground forces in Rainbow City.

The residence arranged by the Rockets for Feng Che in Rainbow City is an apartment full of supplies.

After Feng Che arrived at the residence, he found that Miss Joey was standing at the door of his apartment.

Chansey is knocking on the door of Feng Che's apartment.

"Am I exposed? What is Miss Joey doing at the door of my apartment all of a sudden?"

Feng Che held a Poké Ball tightly, with a calm smile on his face, and walked towards the door of the apartment.

"Hello, are you Mr. Feng Che, I'm Miss Joey from the Pokémon Center..."

"The Pokémon you applied for has been approved, and you can claim your first Pokémon.

"I just happened to pass by here on business, so I just wanted to see if you were at home.

Miss Joey smiled and said to Feng Che.

"Hehe, there are such hidden benefits, okay, thank you very much."

Feng Che smiled, he knew that the Pokémon obtained by Normal through Miss Joey were good Pokémon.

"May I ask Mr. Feng Che to follow me to collect Pokémon now?"

Miss Joey asked Feng Che with a smile.

"Then trouble Miss Joey."

Feng Che let go of the hand holding the Poké Ball tightly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Che followed Miss Joey to the Pokémon Center in Rainbow City.

The exterior of Rainbow City's Pokémon Center resembles a brilliant rainbow.

The Pokémon Center is a five-story building.

Next to the Pokémon Center, there is a Breeder House that occupies an equally large Ground area.

"Alliance's Pokémon were originally stored in the Pokémon Center, but these Pokémon were too noisy."

"They affect the patients at the Pokémon Center, so we hired some people to open the Breeder House with the support of the Alliance."

"You are also lucky. These Yusanjia have just been transported from Alliance's breeding farm, and you just happened to be the first to pick them."

"The Breeder house is divided into three parts in total, and the three houses of the grass system and the three houses of the fire system and the three houses of the water system are placed respectively."

"Which part do you visit first?"

Miss Joey smiled at Feng Che and at the same time led Feng Che into the Breeder house.

As soon as they entered the Breeder house, the employees of the Breeder house all said hello to Ms. Joey.

"Let's visit the three water system royal houses first."

Feng Che now has Litten in his hand, so he will not choose the fire element for the time being.

Grass-type Pokémon mainly focus on healing, and the most indispensable thing for Feng Che is the means of healing, so grass-type Pokémon Feng Che also passed directly.

"Please come with me."

Ms. Joey took Feng Che to the area in the Breeder house where the water system Yusanjia was placed.

"There are many water system royal families here, you can choose slowly."

"Of course the Yusanjia here is not just sent over by the Alliance."

"There are also some Yusanjia who were screened out due to various reasons.

"If you want, these Yusanjia can also be taken away."

"However, the Yusanjia who were screened out all have some problems."

Miss Joey said to Feng Che.

"I have work to get back to the Pokémon Center.

"After you've selected the Yusanjia, come directly to the Pokémon Center here.

"I'll make you a Pokémon registration and trainer registration, and then you can participate in Alliance's 4.1 challenge.

Miss Joey urged Feng Che repeatedly, and then left in a hurry.

The place where the Water System Yusanjia is placed is not big, there is only one pool with fountains and rockery, and there are more than a dozen Water System Yusanjia playing in the pool.

"The Yusanjia here are very energetic, not bad."

Feng Che glanced at Squirtle and Mudkip who were chasing with the Water Gun, both of them were very energetic.

However, after Feng Che used the system to detect the qualifications of Squirtle and Mudkip, he immediately shook his head.

"They all only have yellow aptitude, and they are relatively good Pokémon in Alliance, but to be my main Pokémon, I still need to choose some Pokémon with better aptitude."

The main reason is that it is really difficult to collect the main materials of some qualification-enhancing potions, and Feng Che does not want to spend so much energy on improving Pokémon's qualifications.

Feng Che checked all the nearby water system Yusanjia, and some Pokémon didn't even reach the yellow aptitude.

Just when Feng Che was going to settle for the second choice and choose a Mudkip with yellow qualifications to train, Feng Che suddenly heard a strange voice.

{Here comes another stupid human being, fortunately I pretended to be lame, so I don't have to fight, and I can eat and drink in the Breeder house to become a tyrant. }

{No one would have guessed that the other Pokémon in the Breeder house are all defeated by me, haha!!!}

Feng Che looked up and saw a Froakie leaning comfortably on the highest part of the rockery.

A Squirtle is using a lotus leaf as a fan to help it, looking very comfortable. .

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