"Dr. Fuji, I understand what you mean. If you change the nutrient solution, the 13th will not be able to survive."

"But now, the facts are in front of our eyes. If this continues, No. 13 will not be able to survive."

"Look, there is already a trace of Purple's blood overflowing from the seven orifices on the 13th, and the situation is already very critical."

"Switch back to the original nutrient solution, maybe the 13th still has a glimmer of life, and if you don't take quick measures, you will really be exhausted.

Feng Che said solemnly to Dr. Fuji and many pharmacists.

Everyone's eyes turned to the Petri dish where the young Mewtwo was.

As Feng Che said, this juvenile Mewtwo was in great pain, and Purple's blood had already oozed out.

"Yeyue once told me that Feng Che's pharmacist level is far above hers, and it is very likely that she is at the level of a master pharmacist."

"At this point, there is no other way. I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Seeing Feng Che's firm eyes, Dr. Fuji made a decision immediately.

"Dr. Fuji...."

Researcher assistant Xia Chuan was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Dr. Fuji, who gave Feng Che a bad look.

"Needless to say, if there is a problem, Chief Giovanni will investigate it and I will bear it."

"Feng Che, just do as you want."

"But now there is a problem, we don't know the formula of the previous nutrient solution."

"The Potion Master is not in Rocket Hideout at this time. If you call the Potion Master urgently, it may be too late.

Dr. Fuji looked at the twitching Mewtwo, and said to Feng Che anxiously and helplessly.

"Bring up all the raw materials in your inventory, and leave the rest to me.

Feng Che said calmly, he is confident that he can prepare a more perfect nutrient solution.

"What are you still doing, you haven't moved out all the raw materials in the warehouse."

Dr. Fuji yelled at all the researchers and research assistants, and Dr. Fuji's voice echoed throughout the laboratory.

At the critical moment concerning the life and death of the Mewtwo embryo, Dr. Fuji lost control of his emotions.

Day and night painstaking efforts ah.

Dr. Fuji rushed to the warehouse first, and took out boxes of berries from inside.

"I want Salac Berry, Dragon Fruit, Rainbow Fruit..."

Feng Che reported a long list of tree fruits.

Everyone present moved raw materials back and forth from the 773 warehouse according to the list reported by Feng Che.

"Feng Che, do you want to help you deal with it together.

Dr. Fuji said out of breath, lifting so many berries at once was really hard for him, a person who has never done heavy physical work.

"No, you will only affect my speed, come out, Aipom."

Feng Che released Aipom.

Aipom is very flexible to slice and grind various tree fruits according to Feng Che's requirements.

From time to time, Feng Che used the Psychic to lift a tree fruit, squeezed it with the Psychic, and the juice of the fruit fell continuously into the measuring cylinder beside it.

The whole preparation process is smooth and smooth.

In less than five minutes, Feng Che mixed the processed concoction together to form a jar of nutrient solution that was the size of a person and radiated rainbow light.

"Okay, take out the nutrient solution in the petri dish, and quickly inject the nutrient solution I just prepared."

Feng Che's back was wet with sweat, and Feng Che had just used Psychic to perform tens of millions of calculations in his brain before he calculated the most suitable nutrient solution formula for Mewtwo.

"Dr. Fuji, this nutrient solution is different from the one prepared by the potion master. Should we inject this nutrient solution?"

Xia Chuan said in a very questioning tone, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Nonsense, don't waste time, I will take responsibility for any accident."

Dr. Fuji said with wide-eyed eyes.

Xia Chuan smiled mischievously, silently lowered her face, and said nothing more.

With the injection of the nutrient solution, the convulsions on Mewtwo began to slow down, and Mewtwo gradually regained its calm, falling into a deep sleep again.

But everyone can also notice that this Mewtwo's Contest Condition is very poor, and it is in a Contest Condition that is about to die at any time.

"Dr. Fuji, just leave it to me, with me here, this Pokémon will be fine.

"Although the current Contest Condition of this Pokémon is not good, the nutrient solution I prepared is repairing the damaged cells on its body.

"I believe that the 13th will return to normal soon."

Feng Che looked at the worried Dr. Fuji and said confidently.

"You are not a master of pharmacy, why are you so loud?"

"Dr. Fuji, I suggest that this nutrient solution must be tested, and let this person announce the formula of the nutrient solution."

"The Contest Condition on the 13th has become so weak, is it the problem of this nutrient solution?"

"If something goes wrong, I will definitely report to Chief Giovanni and hold you accountable."

Assistant Xia Chuan jumped out again, with a smug expression on his face, he wanted to pin the blame directly on Feng Che and Dr. Fuji.

"Enough, Xia Chuan, shut up, I believe in Feng Che's ability, and he is also the person sent by Chief Giovanni to protect me.

"Stop talking nonsense anymore, you are not welcome in my laboratory, you can get out for me."

Dr. Fuji suddenly flew into a rage.

Although Dr. Fuji has always been obsessed with research, he is not blind to everything.

If Feng Che hadn't made a timely move, No. 13 might have died.

But from just now, this Xia Chuan didn't do anything to help, and kept jumping up and down, which really made Dr. Fuji feel extremely annoyed.

"Dr. Fuji, I am a researcher sent by General Petrel, you have no right to drive me out of the laboratory."

Seeing that Dr. Fuji is tearing apart with himself, some people who are used as the backstage every day don't take Dr. Fuji seriously.

"What about Petrel? Chief Giovanni gave me control of the laboratory, so I can expel any researcher who doesn't follow my orders from the laboratory."

"Security, get this man out for me."

Dr. Fuji shouted to Team Rocket members who were on duty in the lab.

"Dare you, I will report to General Petrel!"

Xia Chuan was dragged out by members of Team Rocket, crying for his father and mother.

"Feng Che, thanks to you, the 13th did not die, thank you very much."

Dr. Fuji watched the condition of the young Mewtwo in the petri dish gradually improve, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

If this baby Mewtwo dies, Dr. Fuji will go crazy too.

Because this is the only Mewtwo out of his Breeder that has formed and has self-awareness.

"If it wasn't for the accident of the pharmacist guild, I guess you would have been admitted to the master of pharmacy."

Dr. Fuji joked.

"Feng Che, you don't need to watch here for a long time."

"If you feel bored, you can go around the Rockets headquarters. If there is an emergency, I will notify you to come back."

Dr. Fuji said to Feng Che.

"Can I use a Petri dish here, I just happen to have a Pokémon that wants a Breeder.

Feng Che saw that there are many testing instruments here, so he said to Dr. Fuji.

"You want Breeder Pokémon, of course there is no problem, all the materials in the laboratory, you can use them as much as you want.

"You can use the instruments here as you like."

After Dr. Fuji finished speaking, he received a call from Giovanni and left in a hurry.

With such a serious situation in the laboratory, Dr. Fuji must personally report to Giovanni.

Feng Che wanted Breeder's Pokémon to be Magneton, and he wanted to turn Magneton Breeder into Magnezone, and then exchange that Pokémon with superior aptitude from Ma Zhishi.

"It's strange, why the tree fruit I put on the table just now disappeared."

When Feng Che turned his head, he found that the tree fruit he had just placed on the table was gone. He was a little puzzled, and he thought that the researcher might have taken it back.

"Forget it, I'll go to the warehouse to look for it later."

When Feng Che didn't notice, the shadow under his feet suddenly moved.

"Come out, Magneton."

Feng Che released the rusty Magneton from the Poké Ball.

This Magneton is still in its original dilapidated state, and its body is full of rust.

Magneton floated in the air with glassy eyes. (bdbe)

"It's quite a project to deal with such a large rusted area."

Feng Che let Magneton enter into the petri dish.

He deftly pressed the switch of the petri dish and injected electrolyte into it.

"Fortunately, the laboratory studies electric Pokémon, so there are a lot of electrolytes. If it is in other places, there will be no such complete tools and materials.

Feng Che took out a bottle of corrosive strong acid from the bracelet and poured it into the petri dish.

This is made from the strong acid of Bellsprout collected by Feng Che on Dead Isle, mixed with the strong acid Ditto Transform spit out when he became Arbok.

Immediately, a large number of bubbles appeared on Magneton's body, and the strong acid was dissolving the rusted parts of Magneton.

"Fortunately, Magneton does not feel pain, and the metal part of Magneton will not be corroded by strong acid."

Feng Che soaked the Magneton in strong acid for an hour, then took out the Magneton and washed it with Tolkowsky.

Sure enough, the rusty part of Magneton's body has been dissolved by strong acid.

The entire surface of Magneton is potholed and still looks very ugly.

Feng Che used a large amount of Tolkowsky to wash away the strong acid attached to Magneton's body, and then threw Magneton into a petri dish filled with electrolytes.

A large number of metal blocks were piled up under the petri dish. Feng Che pressed the current switch in the petri dish and released an electric current into the petri dish. Magneton was constantly adsorbing free metal ions in the Spark.

Not long after, Magneton refreshed.

"Very well, the next step is to let Magneton use the top-grade Thunder Stone for communication exchange.

Feng Che retracted the Magneton into the Poké Ball, then he took out an empty Poké Ball and put it on the side of the Pokémon Exchanger, flexing

The swap switch was pressed.

Immediately, the Pokémon switcher overflowed with White's light and switched the Poké Ball to the other side.

"The next step is to find a place with plenty of current. If the evolution of Magneton is completed in the laboratory, Magneton will involuntarily absorb the current of the laboratory.

"If I accidentally cause a power outage in the lab, Giovanni will beat me to death."

Feng Che was thinking, and a slight attack secretly crossed the corner of his mouth.

Feng Che quickly inquired with the researcher in the laboratory about a place where Team Rocket specialized in evolving electric-type Pokémon, and left the laboratory in a hurry.

The place to evolve Electric Pokémon is in Team Rocket's Breeder.

This is a place opened by Team Rocket for members of Team Rocket to evolve Electric Pokémon.

"Hello, what service do you need?"

A black-haired lady in Team Rocket suit greeted Feng Che with a smile on her face.

"I need a place where I can evolve Electric Pokémon."

"We have super-large generators here, which can meet the evolution needs of Pokémon."

But one thing you need to pay attention to is that you need to prepare a lot of points.

"We bill you based on your electricity consumption."

The black-haired lady said to Feng Che.

"Okay, please arrange it for me."

Soon Feng Che got a card.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Che entered a room dedicated to the evolution of electric Pokémon, and there were countless arcs swimming in the room.

This is a small partitioned room with Charge stakes on it.

Feng Che inserted the card into the device according to the instructions placed on the device.

"Come out, Magneton."

The moment Magneton rushed out of the Poké Ball, his body emitted an evolved white light.

Feng Che hastily connected the Charge pile to the Magneton, and then pressed the button to start the power switch.

The numbers on the device jumped rapidly.

Magneton is sucking in a lot of electricity, and the white light it evolves is also covered by the Saffron-colored light.

"Fine, I just have to wait for Magneton to evolve."

Feng Che found a corner in the room and sat down.

There was the humming sound of the generator running, and Feng Che fell asleep unknowingly.

When Feng Che woke up, a brand new Magnezone appeared in the room.

The basic color of Magnezone is gray, and it has an oval body similar to a UFO. And it can float in the air without touching the Ground.

Although the red pupil in the middle of the body looks like a one-eyed structure, it is actually a fake eye, and the circular structures on the shoulders on both sides are the real eyes.

After evolution, it is no longer connected by Magnemite, but it seems to have integrated Magnemite into one body, the one in the middle is bigger.

Magnezone was floating quietly in the air.

【Pokémon Name: Magnezone】

【Gender: no gender】

【Qualification: Excellence (Green)】

【Ability: Analysis】

【Level: 38】

【Attribute: steel+electricity】

【Skills: Tri Attack, Electric Terrain, Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Gyro Ball, Spark, Screech, Electromagnetic Levitation, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound1

【Contest Condition: Fully charged】

[Comment: This Magnezone evolved through a special way, and absorbed a lot of electricity during the evolution process, so the power of this Magnezone is astonishing, it is an electric

A favorite of Pokémon Trainers. 】

"Finally finished evolving, Magnezone."

Feng Che said very gratified.

"Let's go, Magnezone, and I'll find you an Electric-type Pokémon Trainer that's perfect for you.

After Feng Che took the Magnezone back to the Poké Ball, he murmured.

"With your current qualifications, you should be able to sell it at a good price."

"However, it's really not easy to sell you."

Feng Che is also a little worried, Ma Zhishi is his only target buyer.

He couldn't just walk up to Ma Zhishi, and then casually said to Ma Zhishi, I have a Magnezone with good qualifications, and I want to trade it with you.

This would probably be kicked out by Ma Zhishi as a psychopath.

And even if Ma Zhishi didn't chase him away, it would be too cheap to rush to give away Pokémon.

So Feng Che wanted to find a way to attract Ma Zhishi's attention, and let Ma Zhiwang take the initiative to come to ask for the exchange of electric Pokémon.

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