The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 180: The Imprisoned Zeraora

"Well, this person's manipulation techniques are very skilled.

"It should be a person with many years of experience in genetic research."

"If there's nothing wrong with him, I'll have him help me with Laceyram and Zekrom's feathers."

Akromar secretly observed Feng Che's every move through surveillance.

"Lord Akromar, Lord Ghetsis wants to make a video call with you."

A member of Team Plasma hurried to the monitoring room and said to Akromar.

"What is Ghetsis looking for me now, has Ghetsis already found N?"

"This is just right, just enough to get Laceyram and Zekrom's feathers in N's hand."

Akromar thought secretly.

Afterwards, Akromar hurried to the meeting room.

"Lord Ghetsis."

Akromar said respectfully to the actual controller of Team Plasma.

"Akromar, what's the progress of the research on the cloning of Eudemons?"

"We are going to fight the Unova Alliance, and we need these cloned Eudemons to take the lead."

Ghetsis asked sharply.

"Currently, the progress of the experiment is not good enough, and the survival time of the cloned phantom is too short.

"I plan to extract Zekrom's cell "157" and combine it with the Eudemons Zeraora's cell."

"See if you can assist Zekrom's divine power to keep the clone Zeraora alive."

Akromar said to Ghetsis.

"Please increase your speed as soon as possible, Akromar, the time left for us is running out."

"It is said that Team Rocket in the Kanto Region has successfully cloned a Kagami."

"If you can steal Team Rocket's technology, it will definitely help you in cloning mythical beasts."

Ghetsis rubbed his temples, he seemed to have been very tired lately.

"Master Ghetsis, may I ask whether Master N will return?"

"I need to get more Zekrom and Laceyram feathers."

Akromar asked tentatively.

"Don't mention this rebellious son to me, he said he doesn't agree with my ideas."

"I don't know where this rebellious son has gone."

Ghetsis was almost pissed off by N, and the mention of N made his head hurt.

"Acromar, Zekrom, and Laceyram's feathers, I still have a lot of them in stock."

"I will send someone to send you these feathers as soon as possible, please hurry up and study the progress of cloned Eudemons.

"Although the mythical beasts in the Unova Region have been controlled by Nizi, there are also quite a few magical beasts controlled by the Unova Alliance, the Four Musketeers, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus."

"We have no certainty of victory, so we can only rely on you, Akromar.

Ghetsis sighed.

"Right now there is disagreement within Team Plasma."

"Some people propose to suspend your research, and some people support your research."

"As the leader, I am also very difficult to do, I hope you can understand me, Akromar.

Ghetsis said wearily.

"I understand, Master Ghetsis, I will complete the research on cloning Eudemons as soon as possible."

Akromar nodded.

"I have other things to deal with now, Akromar, I look forward to your good news.

Ghetsis ended the video call after speaking.

At this point Akromar returned to his laboratory.

As soon as Akromar entered the laboratory, he saw Feng Che busy in front of the laboratory bench.

Feng Che was seriously carrying out the cell extraction experiment, and even Akromar didn't look up when he came in.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, let's suspend the processing of this sample."

"You have passed the test."

Akromar suddenly spoke to Feng Che.

"Okay, Lord Akromar." Feng Che stopped what he was doing, and he was waiting for Akromar's words.

"Sure enough, Akromar has been observing secretly."

"Well, it's good. I've been pretending for a long time, and Akromar has accepted it."

"Then the next step should be the experiment of Esthetic Beast cloning."

Feng Che thought secretly.

"I have a very urgent task now, that is the Eudemons experiment."

"But there are no blood samples from Eudemons in the lab."

"Go to the room where the Eudemons Zeraora is held and draw Zeraora's blood."

Akromar said to Feng Che expressionlessly.

"Attention, you draw blood gently."

"This Zeraora was captured by our Team Plasma in the Alola Region with great effort.

"This is the magnetic card that Zeraora was imprisoned in, and only this magnetic card can open the room where Zeraora was imprisoned.

Akromar handed the magnetic card to Feng Che.

The moment Feng Che came into contact with Akromar's finger, he quietly stole Akroma's fingerprint.

Feng Che got the magnetic card, took the sampling equipment and turned around to go to the room where Zeraora was held.

The place where Zeraora is held is at the bottom of the cruise ship, not far from Akromar's laboratory.

” Team Plasma chose the place where Zeraora was imprisoned at the bottom of the cabin. “That’s really convenient for me.”

Feng Che thought to himself, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Feng Che came to the lowest level of the cabin.

A dozen or so rice-grain-sized robots silently landed on the ground along Feng Che's trousers.

Then the robots spread out and started to move.

These rice-grain-sized robots are the latest robots developed by the Rockets, with a powerful built-in reconnaissance system.

They will transmit the detected data to the terminal of Feng Che's computer in real time.

After Feng Che walked forward for a certain distance, he came to the room where Zeraora was held.

There are two heavy doors here.

Next to the gate are two heavy rocket launchers.

Each launch pad is equipped with four heavy-duty rocket launchers, and the equipment and guards are quite sophisticated and strict.

As soon as Feng Che entered the gate, the rocket launcher on the launch pad had already aimed at Feng Che.

Feng Che took out the magnetic card that Akromar gave him, and swiped it on the LCD screen.

"Permission verification is successful, Acromar Professor, please enter."

An electronically synthesized sound came from the LCD screen.

Heavy Weapons then also revoked the Lock On on Feng Che.

A stainless Oreburgh door nearly a meter thick opens.

Feng Che saw Zeraora imprisoned in a special container.

The special container is a container made of transparent superalloy metal.

In order to prevent Zeraora from getting away, Zeraora's hands and feet are bound in the container with superalloy chains....

Zeraora is shaped like a cat that walks upright.

It has blue pads on its hands, and blue or black patterns that resemble lightning all over its body.

Blue mainly appears on the upper body.

It can emit a large amount of current from the pads of the hands and feet, thereby creating a strong magnetic field.

The power of this magnetic field can also make it overcome Gravity, float in the air and Agility.

It is said that its maximum movement speed is not inferior to the speed of falling thunder.

Unlike Normal's Electric Type Pokémon, it does not have an organ that can generate electricity in its body.

But it can store the electrical energy absorbed from the outside in its body and use it as its own electrical energy.

When it uses a lot of electricity, the hair on its whole body will stand on end.

Normal's Zeraora has most of the hair on her body yellow.

This Zeraora is a different-color Pokémon, with silver and white hair all over it, and looks very handsome

At this time, Zeraora's eyes were scarlet and extremely irritable.

Zeraora was very emotional after seeing Feng Che, and her eyes were full of fierce eyes.

Countless arcs of silver White overflowed from Zeraora's body.

The super-alloy chain was tightened by Zeraora's Struggle, making a rustling sound.

Zeraora: Humans are not good things. }

{ Zeraora: I want to get out and set me free. }

Silver White's arc was guided along a superalloy chain into a Saffron-colored orb.

"Team Plasma is really rich Hideki for using the Thunder God Orb as a container to absorb Zeraora's current.

Feng Che couldn't help but whisper secretly.

The Thunder God Orb is the top training resource of the electric Pokémon, which can absorb the lightning essence of the world and supply it to the electric Pokémon to practice.

"Qingjian, this Zeraora has lost its mind and fell into a frenzied Contest Condition."

"I'll release hypnotic gas in the vessel, and you'll draw Zeraora's blood."

Akromar's voice came from the corner of the room.

As soon as Feng Che looked up, he saw the surveillance equipment in the corner.

"1.3 There are monitoring equipment in the four corners of this room, monitoring every move of Zeraora."

"If I want to save Zeraora, I have to open this room quickly and put Zeraora in the Poké Ball."

Feng Che secretly thought.

White's hypnotic gas emanates from the special container holding Zeraora.

Zeraora Struggle fell asleep emphatically.

Feng Che approached the special container and carefully observed Geratula.

Zeraora's body is covered with dense pinholes, and its figure is extremely thin.

【Pokémon Name: Zeraora】

【Gender: Female】

【Qualification: Legendary (Dark Cyan)】

【Ability: Power Storage】

【Level: 53】

【Attribute: electricity】

【Skills: Quick Attack, Fake Out, Power-Up Punch, Catch, Thunder Shock, Spark, Snarl, Fury Swipes, Quick Guard, Slash, Volt Switch, Charge, Thunder Punch, Hone Claws, Discharge, Electro Ball, Outrage, Electric Terrain and other skills]

【Contest Condition: Pregnant】

[Comment: This is a Zeraora that has been pregnant for a period of time. Its Contest Condition is not very good at this time, because the blood in the body is drawn for a long time, which may cause congenital deficiency of Pokémon eggs. 】.

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