The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 241: Temple Of The Sea

The sea water in the Hoenn Region is extremely clear.

In the sunlight, it looks like a tourmaline Normal.

Corsola, Luvdisc, Gorebyss are all playing in the sea.

It's full of weeds.

There are quite a few Clamperl lazily opening shells beneath the ocean floor, spitting out priceless Pearls from them.

"This is a good place to collect Clamperl Pearl, but my most important goal now is to find Relicanth as soon as possible.

"I don't know if Relicanth is still here."

Feng Che said to himself.

According to Xi, Relicanth likes to eat the young seaweed here.

She had seen Relicanth appearing around here once.

"Now Relicanth doesn't appear, but Chinchou and Electric Monster appear."

Feng Che watched many Chinchou and Lanturn gathered around.

They all looked at Feng Che with unfriendly expressions.

Both Chinchou and Lanturn had electric arcs flashing on their bodies, as if they were going to fight if they disagreed.

Chinchou is covered in blue and looks like a fish, but it also has a pair of small feet.

A pair of tentacles protrude forward from its tail, each end with a yellow droplet-shaped light emitter.

Its eyes are round yellow, the pupil is a black cross, and its mouth is small.

Chinchou can emit electricity from the tip of the tentacles, and can also use the flash of the tentacles to communicate with the same kind.

Lanturn is a Blue, larger Pokémon with a pair of small fins.

Lanturn has big red eyes, a yellow mask like thing on the face, and the end of its tail is also yellow.

Compared with before evolution, the wires on Lanturn's head have changed from two to one, but there are branches in the middle of the wires.

It has two yellow spherical emitters.

A huge Lanturn swam over, its body shone with extremely dazzling glare.

This is Lanturn's special hunting technique, they stun Rival with a bright light, and then use Thunder Shock to knock Rival down.

"Gyarados, use the waterspout."

Feng Che held onto Gyarados' trident tightly.

A flick of Gyarados' tail then formed a waterspout.

The currents of Lanturn and Chinchou spread rapidly through the sea and blasted towards Gyarados.

These 13 huge electric currents failed to tear the waterspout, but these electric currents were bounced back to Lanturn and Chinchou.

Some Lanturns and Chinchou who were not with the power storage ability were stunned alive.

The leader of Lanturn looked angrily at the waterspout made by Gyarados, and the Saffron-colored electric current wrapped around his whole body rushed towards the waterspout.

"Gyarados, use Aqua Tail."

Feng Che spoke telepathically to Gyarados.

Facing the menacing leader Lanturn, Gyarados shot the leader Lanturn into the reef on the seabed with one tail.

"Go, Poké Ball."

With such a big Lanturn, Feng Che thought about it and put it in the Poké Ball.

Use it as a reserve power source for your Breeder House.

After seeing their leader was defeated, Lanturn and Chinchou dispersed one after another.

At this moment, Feng Che saw a huge Relicanth sticking its head out from the reef on the seabed.

It looks uncharacteristically Rage.

The Relicanth is a large fish with map markings and a light brown head.

It has light brown markings and a large red spot on its dark brown body.

"At last, Relicanth."

Feng Che looked at this Relicanth who didn't know how many years it had lived, and thought secretly.

"Gyarados, I leave it to you to capture Relicanth."

Feng Che spoke telepathically to Gyarados.

Relicanth roared and spit up a lot of Rock from his mouth.

These Rocks exploded like torpedoes in the sea.

Suddenly, the entire bottom of the sea trembled.

The sea water was suddenly muddy by the explosion of the Rock.

Just when Relicanth wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, at this time Gyarados directly bound Relicanth tightly with its body.

At the same time, a Saffron-colored electric arc came from Gyarados' mouth, and Gyarados used the Thunder Fang skill.

Gyarados sighed directly at Relicanth.

A huge electric current was instantly injected into Relicanth's body, shocking Relicanth into convulsions.

"Very good. Although this Relicanth is powerful, it has been sleeping for too long, and it was knocked down by Gyarados before its body functions fully recovered."

"Go, Poké Ball."

Feng Che throws a Poké Ball at Relicanth with Psychic.

Not long after, Feng Che rushed out of the sea with Gyarados.

Feng Che took out the notebook from the bracelet, and continuously scanned the patterns on Relicanth's body through the scanner.

Compare the difference between the pattern on Relicanth and the modern map.

Feng Che finally managed to Lock On a small island and found the location of Kyogre's Sea Temple.

"Finally found, the island where the Kyogre Temple is located."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Feng Che's mouth.

Poseidon Cave.

It has been built as a new base by Team Aqua.

Hoenn Region Team Aqua leader Archie is sitting on the throne looking at the Team Aqua members kneeling below.

"Lord Sea God just gave me an order to find the Sea God Temple."

"Master Sea God wants to assist the power of Sea God Temple to recast its god body."

"By the way, the little ghost that Lord Seagod mentioned was desecrating it, have you found him?"

Archie's eyes blazed brightly.

"Sorry, Lord Archie, that person suddenly disappeared without a trace, it seems that he is not from this Region."

"I'm checking his identity right now."

One of Archie's subordinates quickly leaned over and said respectfully.

"Continue to investigate. Lord Sea God hates this person very much. He has already ordered me to find this person, and then cut him into pieces."

A hideous grin appeared on Archie's face.

"It's here."

Feng Che found the small island where the Sea God Temple is located.

There are countless Pelippers and Wingulls wandering above the island.

From time to time, a Pelipper would jump into the sea, and after a while, it would pick up a small finger-wide fish and swallow it into its belly.

"Go, Steel Armored Crow, land directly on the small island, we are looking for the Temple of the Sea."

The steel armored crow swooped down and turned into a blue light, and brought Feng Che to the beach of the small island.

A Pelipper hovering high in the sky was not disturbed during the whole process.

It can be seen that the speed of the steel armored crow Flying has reached the extreme.

"Very well, Pen Crow."

After Feng Che praised the Steel Armored Crow, he released Frogadier casually.

"Frogadier, with Kyogre's Scale in your hand, find the Sea Temple.

A light blue energy appeared on Frogadier's body, and Kyogre's scales were triggered, floating into the air to guide Frogadier to the location of the sea temple.

At this moment, countless Staryu and Starmie suddenly jumped out of the sea.

A huge Octillery nearly three meters high surged out of the sea.

Several two-meter-tall Mantines also rushed up from the sea.

Octillery is a red, octopus-shaped Pokémon with yellow suction cups.

There are two yellow circular spots on the round head.

There are two suckers on each tentacle, most of the tentacles are concentrated on the back side of the body, and there are two longer tentacles on the front side.

Octillery has a solid hard head. Wrap Rival with its suction-cup feet, and then take down with its head.

The longer the Octillery lives, the bigger and stronger the Octillery will be.

The Octillery is even capable of towing a mid-sized cruise ship to the bottom of the ocean.

The appearance of Mantine is similar to the manta ray in reality, with Remoraid attached to the body.

Remoraid is attached to Mantine's body, and sometimes Mantine will fire Remoraid as a cannonball.

Remoraid has the characteristics of fish, similar to striped fish and archer fish, with two stripes near the tail and one on the head


Its body is mainly light gray with two large eyes.

Its fins and tail are White. Not big enough to cling to Mantine.

Remoraid can Water Spout, and the range is very far.

These Pokémon seem to be the subordinates of the Octillery leader.

They are there for Snatch Kyogre's scales.

"So that's how it is. If you want to find the Sea God's Temple, you have to defeat many competitors."

"Very well, Frogadier, it's time for you to show your talents."

Feng Che raised his eyebrows, looked at Frogadier and said.

At this time, Frogadier changed his cautious attitude.

It understands that in order to obtain Kyogre's inheritance, it must prove its own strength.

Mantine roared past, and the Remoraid absorbed under it hit Frogadier like a shell Normal.

The Remoraid hit the beach, sending gravel flying everywhere.

Frogadier dodges the Remoraid's attack with great speed, and Spit Up the Water Gun on the Remoraid.

Remoraid dove headlong into the beach.

When Remoraid was preparing to Struggle, a Water Gun hit Remoraid.

Then Frogadier slapped the ground heavily with his cold arm, and Remoraid was instantly frozen in ice.

Several ice prisms suddenly appeared on the beach.

Seeing his little brother frozen, Mantine gave Frogadier a hard look.

Mantine opened his mouth and spit up the Emperor's Bubble Beam from it.

Frogadier jumped back twice to avoid the Bubble Beam's attack.

The Bubble Beam bombarded the beach, blasting the beach into several deep craters.

Frogadier spread his hands, and two water whips were released from his hands, and he slammed them hard in Mantine's direction.

In just one click, Mantine felt a huge force hit him.

Mantine felt drunk and Normal hit a big tree with a bang.

The remaining two Mantines sensed Frogadier, they were not to be trifled with, and were about to turn around and run away.

Frogadier spread his hands, and two freezing rays hit Mantine.

Mantine was frozen into a lump of ice in the air, and fell into the water with a plop.

"Very well, the Megalodon and Remoraid have been resolved."

I saw this giant Octillery lazily. It stretched out a tentacle and gestured to Staryu and Starmie.

Staryu and Starmie in Rapid Spin, Normal smashed into Frogadier like a sharp chainsaw.

Frogadier's hands condensed two huge marine knives.

The sailor blade was nearly the size of Frogadier's height.

Frogadier threw out the two sailor knives and flew towards Staryu and Starmie who were in Rapid Spin.

The moment the water shuriken touched Staryu and Starmie, it suddenly scattered in all directions, forming water droplets all over the sky and shooting away.

Shocked by the sudden impact, both Staryu and Starmie scattered and penetrated deeply into the ground, losing their ability to fight.

At this moment, a huge tentacle smashed towards Frogadier's direction.

This Octillery is after all

Unable to restrain himself, he made a move.

There was only a bang, and a ravine appeared on the ground, stirring up a cloud of gunpowder smoke.

A sly smile appeared on Octillery's face.

Octillery's tentacles are as heavy as ten thousand pounds, as long as it hits Frogadier, Frogadier will either die or be injured.

Octillery looked at Kyogre's scales floating in the air with a greedy look in his eyes.

{Octillery: As long as I get this token, I will be able to enter the Temple of the Sea and obtain the water energy base accumulated by the temple for hundreds of thousands of years. }

{Octillery: At that time, I will be able to break through the strength of the gymnasium level and officially advance to the quasi-Elite. }

{ Octillery: Maybe, I can still step into the Elite level. }

Chapter 020 Fish Barrel stretched out its tentacles and grabbed Kyogre's scales.

At this moment, Octillery only felt a pain from the tentacles, and then a section of the tentacles fell to the ground and squirmed.

{ Octillery: What the hell is going on, what is this Pokémon that Hou Jie handed. }

The broken part of Octillery's wound squirmed, and after a while, another new tentacle grew out.

"The regeneration ability of this Octillery is really strong. It is said that the tentacles of Octillery are also one of the delicious things in the Pokémon world."

"If I catch such a big Octillery, can I use the Octillery's tentacles to make takoyaki?"

The corners of Feng Che's mouth raised slightly, and the delicious takoyaki could not help appearing in his mind.

Octillery spit up a large amount of water from its mouth, and rushed towards the croaking frog.

Frogadier evaded Octillery's Hydro Pump attack through his extreme speed.

Octillery looked annoyed at the little jumping frog repeatedly jumping sideways.

Everywhere this Frogadier went.

Octillery's tentacles were all chopped off by Frogadier's water hand blade, and Octillery's regeneration speed gradually couldn't keep up.

Eventually the Octillery, with only one head left, landed on the beach.

{Octillery: Do you think that if I am like this, I will not be able to attack. }

{ Octillery: There is a lot of venom and ink in my mouth. }

{ Octillery: The tentacles scattered on the ground are still able to obey my commands. }

Just as Frogadier was about to end the Octillery.

Suddenly Frogadier found himself caught by Octillery's tentacles.

The suction cups on the Octillery's tentacles are so powerful that once grasped, they lock onto Frogadier tightly.

Frogadier's body suddenly became heavier, the speed naturally dropped, and more and more tentacles were attached to Frogadier's body.

Frogadier was getting slower and slower.

Eventually the Octillery is aligned in Frogadier's direction to prepare Spit Up Black's ink.

{Octillery: This time I won, my testicles contain the toxin that paralyzes the nerves of the emperor. }

{ Octillery: When I recover, it's time for you to kill yourself. }

At this moment, a Poké Ball suddenly appeared on Octillery's head.

{ Octillery: I'll go, Trainer, you don't talk about martial arts. }

Octillery wailed in his heart and was collected into the Poké Ball by Feng Che.

"This Frogadier has a Trainer owner, and with your Contest Condition, it is normal to judge you to lose.

"Why should I let you come back against the wind? One Poké Ball is not enough, so let's have two."

Feng Che looked at the subdued Octillery and murmured.

Then Feng Che took Mantine and Starmie and Staryu with better qualifications.

"I already have a lot of water Pokémon in hand, and I can open an aquarium in the Breeder house.

Feng Che put away the Poké Ball.

At this time, Kyogre's scales suddenly shone brightly, and the sea surface was split in two.

A sea temple hidden under the sea appeared in front of Feng Che. .

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