The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 272 Suspected Again? I'm Used To It (Please Subscribe)

The bug that Xiaolan placed in Feng Che's room made a long "di" sound, and the communication signal was interrupted.

"Hey, I got Foresight."

Xiaolan took off her earphones and shook her head.

Xiaolan looked unhappy, she didn't eavesdrop on any useful information.

She always felt that there was something wrong with Feng Che, and wanted to secretly investigate Feng Che's identity.

Whether it was hacking into the Alliance's system or the Rockets' system, the information she obtained on Feng Che was a very common experience.

"Because your information is so common, I concluded that your information must be fake."

"Otherwise, how could you afford such a big Breeder house."

"How did you master so many Pokémon Breeders and Pokémon potion crafting techniques.

"I will definitely expose your details."

Xiaolan thought to herself.

"Feng Che, that Stephanie called Xiaolan just now has doubts about you."

Mewtwo's voice suddenly sounded from Feng Che's mind.

"If you doubt it, just doubt it. Anyway, it's not that I haven't been doubted before. I'm used to it. As long as I don't get caught."

"Normal people can't find any flaws in the data that the Rockets gave me.

"As for the Rockets, after I perform the Alliance latent mission, there is no more information about me."

Feng Che said to Mewtwo with a calm face.

"Xiao Lan is good at espionage work, she must have tried many methods but failed to find out my problem.

"However, she was very unwilling, so she thought of the method of wiretapping."

"Mewtwo, let's meet Breeder first."

"These days are exactly the due date of Zeraora, I want to see the specific situation of Zeraora."

After Feng Che finished speaking, he followed Mewtwo's Psychic and disappeared in place.

Rainbow Breeder House.

Zeraora has made her nest in a dry tree.

This dry tree is not simple, it is called the thunder tree.

The trunk contains metal, so it is particularly prone to lightning.

The whole tree is also bare due to frequent lightning strikes.

When Feng Che arrived, Zeraora was already preparing to lay Pokémon eggs.

Saffron-colored arcs flickered all over Zeraora's body.

The Lanturn and Starmie conquered by Feng Che are continuously providing electricity to Zeraora.

Zeraora was lying on the Grassy Terrain, moaning in pain.

"Zeraora, breathe evenly, it's all right."

Feng Che stepped forward to see Zeraora cheering.

He double-checked Zeraora's Contest Condition.

The situation is fine at this time, and Zeraora is not bleeding heavily.

Venusaur is using the Grassy Terrain to keep restoring Zeraora's strength.

"Your Contest Condition is very good, and it is estimated that you will be able to successfully produce Pokémon eggs after a while."

"Let me prepare something for you to replenish your strength."

Feng Che took out the Bubble fruit from the bracelet.

He carefully peeled off the outer skin of the Bubble fruit, and took out the crystal clear pulp.

Feng Che used tree berries and herbs, plus the pulp of Bubble fruit, to concoct a potion that can quickly replenish physical strength.

"Zeraora, this stamina potion is very helpful to you.

Feng Che said and handed the potion to Zeraora.

Zeraora glanced at Feng Che gratefully, and then drank the potion in one gulp.

After repeatedly confirming that Zeraora could successfully give birth to Pokémon eggs, Feng Che returned to the Breeder house where the Pokémon eggs were stored.

When checking Zeraora just now, Feng Che remembered that there was a quasi-god Pokémon egg in Breeder's house.

Feng Che plans to use the system to conduct a large-scale scan to find the location of quasi-god Pokémon eggs.

"Garbage system, broken chain again."

Feng Che found that the system is still not capable of large-scale scanning.

"Feng Che, is this Pokémon egg the one you were looking for?"

Mewtwo suddenly used Psychic and brought one of the Pokémon eggs to Feng Che.

"I just scanned with Psychic and found that this Pokémon egg has the highest qualifications.

Mewtwo explained.

"Let me see."

Feng Che used system identification on this Pokémon egg.

【Pokémon Name: Beldum】

【Gender: Unknown】

【Ability: Unknown】

【Level: 0】

【Attribute: super energy + steel】

【Skill: Unknown】

【Contest Condition: About to hatch】

【Comment: This is a mutated Beldum Pokémon egg. In an accident, this Pokémon egg absorbed a large amount of Psychic. 】

"Beldum's Pokémon egg, how did I remember that the quasi-god was rumored to be Larvitar.

"Mewtwo, can you sense that there are quasi-god Pokémon eggs in this Breeder pool?"

Feng Che asked Mewtwo.

"I didn't detect this, it's very possible that it's just a Psychic Pokémon that resonated with me and I just found it."

Mewtwo shook his head.

"In this case, this Pokémon egg will be melted by you."

"Mewtwo, you probably haven't experienced hatching Pokémon eggs before."

"You can feel the joy of the birth of a new life.

"At that time, you will understand what responsibility is."

Feng Che smiled and suggested to Mewtwo.

Just at this moment, alone outside the Breeder house.

Dozens of cloaked figures were looking greedily at the Rainbow Breeder House.

"According to the employer, there seems to be a lot of Precious Pokémon in the Breeder house.

"Legendary, there is also a quasi-god Pokémon egg in the Pokémon hatch in the Breeder house."

"Everyone knows the value of quasi-god Pokémon eggs."

"This time we pretended to be poachers and sneaked into the Breeder house to burn, kill and loot."

"What we can grab at the Breeder house is up to each of us."

"If everyone has the ability to win the quasi-god Pokémon egg, it will be prosperous."

The lead human poisonous worm laughed and threw a Poké Ball, which released a Dustox and two Ninjasks.

Dustox has a purple body, yellow compound eyes with three black spots, Saffron's oval antennae, two pairs of deep pink feet, and green wings.

Dustox is a nocturnal Pokémon that loves light. When it detects danger, it will sprinkle Poison Powder to protect itself. Dustox has the habit of being attracted by lights. Dustox, lured by street lights, will eat all the leaves on trees.

Dustox will also use radar-like tentacles to find food, and when attacked, it will violently flap its wings and scatter Toxic powder, and it will start to move after the sun goes down.

Dustox silently dropped a large amount of Poison Powder in the air.

"A little thief wants to break into my Breeder house and take my Pokémon."

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why do people keep targeting me recently? Is this an accident or a conspiracy?"

Feng Che discovered this group of unexpected guests through Mewtwo's Psychic.

"It seems that the Breeder Pokémon's Breeder Bank cannot be placed in the Breeder House, and should be placed in the backyard of the Breeder House.

"Pokémon's defense forces are all in the backyard. If there is a problem with the Breeder House and a large number of Pokémon eggs are stolen, it will seriously affect the reputation of the Breeder House."

"Even if the Breeder house has the ability to help the Trainer cultivate Pokémon, the Trainer will not dare to deposit the Pokémon in the Breeder house.

Feng Che thought secretly.

"Mewtwo, use Psychic to secure this building, and I'll meet them."

After Feng Che finished speaking, he took Salazzle and other Pokémon Pokémon towards the group of uninvited guests.

"It's strange, why have we walked for so long and haven't reached the Breeder house?"

"Hey, why is the Breeder house missing?"

"Why are we standing still?"

"I remember we had been walking for a quarter of an hour."

The group of cloaked people looked at each other and discussed.

".々Calm down everyone, we should be caught in the illusion of Psychic or Ghost Pokémon.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you have evil Pokémon, you can break this illusion."

"Whoever has evil Pokémon, release it directly."

"I have Absol, come out, Absol."

Although Absol is an evil Pokémon, it has White's hair.

Parts without thick hair are blue in color.

On the right side of the head is a sickle-like horn, which Absol would use to foretell disaster.

This Absol is very handsome, with thick white hair and shiny skin, you can see the meticulous Breeder of its Trainer.

"Absol, use Dark Pulse."

Absol opened his mouth, and spit up a large amount of Dark Pulse from his mouth, bombarding a place on the Ground.

I saw the mud churning and the dust flying.

"Strange, this is not an illusion, what exactly is this?"

Seeing that nothing has changed around them, everyone is in a daze.

At this time, the group of uninvited guests suddenly found that the surrounding fog was rising, and a footstep came from a distance.

When the man got closer, they realized that the man was wearing a black cloak and a smiley mask.

"Welcome, guests from afar, and welcome to visit my Breeder House."

Electronically synthesized voices came from under the mask of the smiling face.

"Sensationalist, Dustox, use Silver Wind.

The poisonous insect snorted coldly, and ordered to Pokémon.

Dustox flapped its (good) wings, and blew a burst of Silver Wind, blowing towards Feng Che.

Feng Che gestured to Salazzle.

Salazzle's throat swelled.

I saw a Tongtian fire pillar instantly burned the Silver Wind to death.

"Damn it, Dustox, use Poison Powder."

As Dustox flaps his wings and uses Poison Powder, Octillery strikes.

A freezing ray Spit Up.

There was only a plop.

Everyone found that this Dustox had been frozen into a lump of ice.

Octillery spits out a large amount of Haze from its trumpet-shaped mouth.

Immediately, the surroundings could not see their fingers, and the intruders panicked.

"No, we have stepped into a trap, everyone took out their Pokémon, we have to work together to rush out.

The poisonous insect shouted loudly.

He threw another Poké Ball, from which the cat was released for days.

"Come out, Mightyena."

"Come out, Shiftry Joe.

"Come out, Sharpedo."

One by one Pokémon were released by the cloaked men.

But the next moment, everyone was shocked to find that their Pokémon were frozen in place.

Huge red tentacles are protruding from Haze, and the Pokémon that has been frozen into icicles are drawn into Haze.

"My lord, we do not intend to offend."

The leader, Poison Bug, saw their Pokémon being swept away by Red's tentacles, and the ghosts frightened. .

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