The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 397 Explosion Is Art

Suddenly, a picture appeared in Feng Che's eyes.

In a valley, a group of Nidoqueen are guarding Pokémon eggs.

Outside the valley there are teams in Team Rocket uniforms trying to capture Nidorino and Nidorina by force.

Team Rocket is flying drones to attack Nidoqueen.

Numerous small bombs were launched from the drone.

These small bombs fell in the valley.

Just heard a bang, and the small bomb exploded.

The valley is littered with blazing fires and craters left by small bombs.

Many Nidoqueens were seriously injured, their bodies had extensive burns, and their bodies were covered with dense gravel.

But Nidoqueen still sacrificed to protect the Pokémon eggs.

At this time, the Nidoking leader and Nidoqueen rushed to the valley.

When they saw their clansman being subjected to such suffering, they were immediately angry.

"There are two big guys again, there's no end to it."

Quark frowned.

"I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Nidoking army traveling far away to attack the Nidoking Valley and capture the young Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀."

"I actually met the desperate resistance of Nidoqueen."

"Although Nidoqueen is not as powerful as Nidoking, under the desperate protection of Nidoqueen, we haven't broken through the Nidoking Valley until now."

"If we wait until Nidoking's large force returns, we will completely miss this opportunity."

"Everyone, increase the intensity of the attack, keep firing bombs, don't stop!!!"

Quark said through gritted teeth.

The leader of Nidoking watched the drone flying in his direction.

The drone launched a small bomb under the control of Quark and others.

643 The Nidoking chief uttered the Snarl straight from his mouth.

The Snarl formed a sonic shock, and small bombs exploded in the air.

Suddenly, smoke billowed in the valley.

"Damn it, why is this Nidoking so obedient?"

"Could it be the Totem of the Nidoking Valley, the mighty leader of the Nidoking?"

Quark murmured.

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, a white beam of light rushed out.

The beam of light bombarded the drones, directly destroying several drones in an instant.

The drone crashed to the ground, billowing smoke, followed by a huge Explosion.

The wreckage of the drone was scattered all over the place.

"Damn it, that's a drone that cost several million Alliance coins."

Quark said heartbroken.

"Come out, Lord Carr's Pokémon, and attack Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

Quark throws two Poké Balls.

An Amoonguss and a Shiinotic appear in the Nidoking Valley.

Amoonguss are mushroom-shaped Pokémon with Poké Ball-shaped caps.

It has a huge gray stalk body, fierce eyes and a big pink mouth.

Amoonguss wields two shields shaped like Poké Balls.

When Amoonguss came out of the Poké Ball, Nidoqueen's destructive death beam blasted Amoonguss.

Amoonguss raised a shield like a Poké Ball, trying to block Nidoqueen's attack that destroyed the death ray.

Amoonguss resisted the power of destroying the death light, his body kept retreating, and a long scratch appeared on the ground.

It took a while for Amoonguss to block Nidoqueen's destructive death beam.

Amoonguss' shield was damaged by the power of the destructive death light, and bursts of black smoke came out.

There was a smell of burnt protein in the air.

Amoonguss let out a miserable howl, and it quickly used the Morning Sun skill to restore its physical strength.

Amoonguss was bathed under the Morning Sun, and the shields on its hands were recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shiinotic is a giant White Pokémon that resembles a mushroom.

It has a slender body similar to the stem and a Purple Big Mushroom cap on its head.

Its eyes are large and black with light green semicircular markings on the outside.

The mushroom cap on its head has light green oval markings and a light green underside for lighting.

Shiinotic usually uses its own "feet" - that is, roots, to absorb nutrients from nature and store energy in the body. Correspondingly, it can also output its own nourishment to nourish the flowers and trees around it.

After this Shiinotic came out of the Poké Ball, it raised its hands and released a large number of White spores from the lampshade Normal's mushroom cap.

These White spores landed on Nidoking and Nidoqueen, causing a violent explosion.

Nidoking backed away, leaving a burn mark.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen fell into a nameless rage.

The sharp claws of Nidoking and Nidoqueen slapped the Ground, shaking the ground immediately.

Numerous cracks opened on the ground.

Quark's team members couldn't stand steadily, and fell into the crack and suffered heavy damage.

Amoonguss and Shiinotic were in the Earthquake, shaking their bodies at a strange frequency to avoid the Earthquake attack.

From time to time, they have Saffron-colored light spots pouring into their bodies.

"Amoonguss, Shiinotic, well done, you really deserve to be Master Carr's Pokémon."

Quark scrambles out of the crack in the ground (bddd), and he sees that Amoonguss and Shiinotic are still intact.

At this moment, Nidoking jumped high.

It uses Fire Punch on the iron cage that holds Nidorino and Nidorina.

There was only a bang, and the iron cage was torn apart.

The strong Nidorino and Nidorina both burst out of the shattered iron cage.

They glared at Quark with bared teeth, a hint of Purple's venom oozing from the horns of their heads.

"Hmph, I originally wanted you to suffer less torture, but it seems that I have no choice but to use violence to make you submit.

Quark throws his Poké Ball, unleashing a Koffing.

Feng Che used Teleport to lurk in the valley of Nidoking early on.

When Feng Che saw the Koffing released by Quark, he immediately frowned.

"Facing Pokémon like Nidoking and Nidoqueen, send an unevolved Koffing."

"Is there something special about this Koffing?"

"Is this Koffing high grade?"

Feng Che thought secretly while rubbing his chin.

Koffing is a spherical Pokémon with a purple body.

There are raised small holes distributed all over the body, and poisonous gas will be emitted from the small holes.

It has two downward-pointing fangs in its mouth, an evil smile, and a skull-shaped pattern on its belly.

Koffing can detonate the gas in the body to produce a powerful Explosion.

{ Koffing, level 58, Green qualification}

"This Koffing is a heterochromatic Pokémon."

Feng Che saw that the color of this Koffing was Brown.

"But it only has gym-level strength."

"It seems that this Koffing has some special skills."

"Otherwise the Rockets wouldn't have put Koffing in front of Nidoking and Nidoqueen."

Seeing that Nidoking and Nidoqueen seemed to be able to do their job with ease, Feng Che planned to watch the battle from the sidelines first.

"Koffing, explosions are art, combine that art with Poison Gas."

Koffing took a deep breath, and Spit Up Purple's Revas through the hole in his body.

Poison Gas permeated the air, sending out bursts of pungent smell.

"Koffing, use Ember."

I saw Koffing spit out a string of Ember from his mouth.

Immediately there was an Explosion in the valley.

"So that's it. This Koffing has fire skills."

Feng Che suddenly realized.

There is no way for Koffing to learn fire skills under normal conditions, and only through special teaching can he master them with a certain probability.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen folded their hands on their chests to resist the impact of the explosion.

The wounds on Nidoking and Nidoqueen became more and more, and their physical strength was constantly being consumed.

"Explosions are art."

"Koffing, use fire blast."

Koffing smirked and spit up Ember from his mouth.

Ember instantly ignited Koffing, forming a huge fireball.

Koffing landed beside Nidoking and Nidoqueen with great speed.

Koffing's body is glowing and hot, and it is preparing to use Explosion.

Just when Nidoking and Nidoqueen were desperately thinking that they could not avoid the Explosion, a Light Screen suddenly appeared in front of them.

Koffing's explosion hit the Light Screen.

The Light Screen burst instantly to block the impact of the explosion. .

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