The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 410 Battle Ho-Oh And Lokia

"Ho-Oh and Lokia are real beasts, they are not the same as Mikey, the three-in-one three-sacred bird, they have extremely strong destructive power.

Xiaolan reminded Xiaochi and Gary.

At this moment, Soaring in the sky began to pour down rain.

Heavy rains doused the burning Ilex Forest.

"Ho-Oh asked me to wake up its double, but I really don't know how to wake up Ho-Oh.

Feng Che spread out his left hand, and the flame of Seven Colored Sootopolis appeared on his palm.

"Should I defeat this clone of Ho-Oh and put this Seven Colored Sootopolis fire on the feathers of this clone?"

Only then did Feng Che realize that this clone of Ho-Oh was bald on the top of its head, and its feathers had been picked off by Pryce to make space-time balls.

Ho-Oh Spit Up the Holy Flame from his mouth.

The holy flame rushed into the dark cloud, turning the dark cloud into a blazing sea of ​​fire.

The entire Soaring in the sky is surrounded by blazing flames.

Ho-Oh was bathed in the flames, and the light of countless pieces of gold emerged from Ho-Oh's body, looking very holy.

Countless fires rained down from the sky, and the Ilex Forest, which had been extinguished by the heavy rain, started to burn again, and it burned even more vigorously.

"It seems that all the tung trees near here can only be cut down, otherwise the fire will spread again and destroy the entire Ilex Forest."

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken, Scizor use Slash."

Greninja raised his hand high, and a huge Water Shuriken appeared on Greninja's hand.

Greninja threw the Water Shuriken in the direction of the Ilex Forest.

I saw that Water Shuriken crossed the Ilex Forest and cut down the burning tung trees one after another.

Scizor turned into a stream of light, and wherever the stream of light passed, the tung trees fell to the ground.

"Ho-Oh's holy flame combined with Lokia's air blast, this combo is really powerful."

"If Ho-Oh and Lokia continue to use the combination of holy flame and air blast, Ilex Forest will be completely destroyed.

"It is quite possible that the entire Johto Region Region will be completely destroyed by Ho-Oh and Lokia."

"Ho-Oh and Lokia have to be separated."

"Xiaochi, Gary, Xiaolan, you join forces to deal with Logia."

"Leave Ho-Oh to me."

"You can't have them combine their skillsets, or the entire Ilex Forest will be destroyed.

Feng Che shouted in the direction of the three of Xiaochi.

"Greninja, use Taunt on Ho-Oh."

"Incineroar, auxiliary Greninja, you absorb the holy fire of the Ho-Oh Spit Up."

"Three Holy Beasts, the three of you go to help Xiaochi, Gary and Xiaolan, and delay Logia's attack."

"As long as I can knock Ho-Oh's clone down, I should be able to bring Ho-Oh's clone back to consciousness."

Feng Che said to the three holy beasts.

The three holy beasts nodded in unison.

Afterwards, the three holy beasts turned into three beams of light and rushed towards Xiaochi and his group. They decided to obey Feng Che's order and lure Ho-Oh and Lokia away first.

"Very well, Mewtwo, now is your time to act."

Indigo Plateau.

Sabrina and Ma Zhishi looked at these people whose minds were controlled by masks.

"These people have been brainwashed by masks, so they attack us."

"We just need to destroy these masks and these people will return to normal.

Sabrina tossed her hair and brought out the Psychic, her massive Psychic gripping lightly forward.

These people's masks are destroyed by Sabrina's Psychic.

"What happened to me, why did I appear here?"

"What time is it?"

"Where the hell is this place?"

After the mask was destroyed, the people manipulated by the mask recovered their sanity one after another.

"You've been manipulated by masks, and now we're on an express train."

"If you want to get rid of the status quo as soon as possible, you must fight with us."

Sabrina said to these people.

"Command your Pokémon to destroy the masks on everyone else's heads."

Sabrina ordered.

At the same time, Sabrina told the gym masters about her discovery through telepathy.

"Masks are the key to controlling these Team Rocket guys, I get it."

The owner of Chuck directly picked up the two members of the Rockets and rammed them together.

With a bang, the masks on the faces of the two men were torn apart.

Soon, the two also regained their sanity.

"Very well, that's it."

Master Chuck walked in the direction of another group of people.

Alliance express train control room.

Agatha's Gengar restrains the two who sneak into the control room.

"Hmph, two little mice sneaked in, and they just wanted to sneak away without saying hello to me."

Agatha sneered.

"Hmph, Agatha Elite, don't be complacent, our leader is about to successfully return to the past.

"When he succeeds, it's time for us to rule the Pokémon world."

Mies said loudly.

"Your leader is Pryce, right? I feel the strong chill from that masked man."

"This is an ice clone technique that only Pryce, who has reached the pinnacle of ice knowledge, can use."

"But if your leader is Pryce, then you've been duped."

"Because Pryce's purpose in going back in time wasn't world domination at all.

"He just wanted to save his Pokémon."

"He was a sad and poor man."

Agatha said with a sigh.

Ilex Forest.

Ho-Oh flapped his wings and took to the air.

With a wave of its wings, countless flames shot down to the ground like rockets.

"Ho-Oh's doppelgänger is already so powerful, how powerful would the real Ho-Oh be.

"In contrast, the strength of that Soaring in the sky monster should be no less than that of the real Ho-Oh."

"No wonder Soaring in the sky monster is feared by so many people."

Feng Che thought secretly.

Incineroar has now entered the lava form.

Incineroar is constantly devouring the flames falling from the sky through the magma on the surface.

Greninja unleashes the Orgin Pulse, a massive jet of water that knocks Ho-Oh's rockets out of the way.

Countless waterspouts surround Greninja, becoming Greninja's protective barrier.

Seeing this, Ho-Oh spit up a huge fireball like a meteor from its mouth.

This fireball 737 covers the sky and blocks out the sun, just like a normal comet in the sky. If Tackle lands on the Ilex Forest, it is estimated that the Ilex Forest will be completely destroyed.

"Steel Armored Crow, use Brave Bird."

Feng Che gave the order.

The steel armored crow turned into a phoenix entwined by Hurricane, directly breaking through the shackles of the fireball.

There was only a bang.

The fireballs spread out, turning into countless fire rains and bombarding the Ground again. .

"Flygon, use the Quicksand Shield to protect the rest of the Ilex Forest."

Flygon set off a huge sandstorm.

The sandstorm formed a sand shield over the Ilex Forest.

Feng Che was constantly wearing down the strength of Ho-Oh's avatar.

The Ho-Oh clone must be in contact with the Ground before it can use the Roost skill to restore its physical strength.

Ho-Oh's avatar is not a real beast yet, so it cannot assist the rules of the beast to restore its own strength.

Mewtwo is constantly using mind control to suppress the strength of the Ho-Oh clone.

Feng Che kept Cong Youbing and Togekiss keeping an eye on Ground.

Once the Ho-Oh clones want to fall from the sky, they will launch the strongest attack, forcing the Ho-Oh clones to stay in the sky king only.

Gyarados and Aerodactyl entangled Ho-Oh's clone, and trapped Ho-Oh's clone firmly in this piece of Soaring in the sky.

Incineroar drew two flaming swords with magma from the ground.

It threw it at Ho-Oh's location, and the flaming sword pierced Ho-Oh's wing.

Ho-Oh suddenly let out a whine.

Ditto then Transforms into a sixteen-winged Crobat, using venom to drain Ho-Oh's power.

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