The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 430 Soul Crystal Of The Spirit World

"It seems that there is turmoil in the spiritual world, so there are more Ghost-type Pokémon entering the Pokémon world.

"These Ghost-type Pokémon obviously have the breath of the spirit world, so they must be Ghost-type Pokémon living in the spirit world."

"However, I feel the restraint of the Poké Ball on these Ghost Pokémon."

"These Ghost Pokémon should have been specially placed here by the psychics."

Mewtwo telepathized to Feng Che.

"There must be trouble in the spirit world"

"However, don't worry about this for now, let's hurry up and enter the spirit world.

"Gengar, use shadow lurker, and lead me into the spirit world passage."

Feng Che's Gengar burst out from the shadows.

It opened its huge mouth, and directly swallowed Feng Che into its different-dimensional stomach.

Afterwards, Gengar submerged into the shadow again, rushing towards the passage of the spirit world.

Gengar of the Ghost type successfully deceived the grandfather and grandmother of Volcano with the skill of shadow lurking.

It quietly submerged into the spirit world channel 13 of Sending God Volcano.

The spirit world is foggy.

There are fallen tombstones everywhere, and countless Will-O-Wisp are wandering among the tombstones.

From time to time, there was a strange cry from the tombstone.

This is a paradise for powerful Ghost-type Pokémon, and a hell for weak Ghost-type Pokémon.

This is a world of the jungle.

The Ghost origin of the newly born Ghost-type Pokémon will be swallowed by the powerful Ghost-type Pokémon at any time.

A Ghost Pokémon that has lost its Ghost origin is like a Normal candle in the wind, easily dissipating in the spirit world.

Therefore, whenever there is a passage to the spiritual world, a large number of Ghost-type Pokémon jump to the Pokémon world.

The more powerful the Ghost Pokémon born in the spirit world, the more bound they are by the rules of the spirit world.

Therefore, the powerful Ghost series Pokémon cannot enter the Pokémon world through the passage of the spirit world.

Feng Che's Gengar walks in the shadows of the spirit world.

After running all the way, Gengar released Feng Che in a seemingly safe place.

"This is the spirit world."

Feng Che looked up at Soaring in the sky.

Soaring in the sky is gray, without a trace of Cal.

The cold wind blows gently, making people feel a coolness that freezes the soul.

The wind in the spirit world carried a bone-chilling chill.

Feng Che turned his head and looked into the distance.

It was an incomparably desolate cemetery, exuding the terrifying aura of death.

Even the air in the spirit world has an earthy smell.

Faintly, the stench of rotting corpses came from a distance.

There is a withered forest in the distance, countless Will-O-Wisp jumping in the forest, and there are many Pokémon corpses scattered on the ground.

The bare branches swayed gently under the gusts of wind, like ghosts with claws and claws in the gray spirit world, making people creepy.

The moment he came to the spirit world, Feng Che used Psychic to cover up his aura.

Otherwise, the life force emanating from him is like the torch Normal in the forest, which will attract countless Ghost Pokémon like Hyena Normal to rush over.

"The spirit world is so big, where should we go to find soul crystals?"

To be honest, Feng Che has never seen what the soul crystal looks like.

He only knows that the soul crystal is the crystal left over from the powerful Ghost series Pokémon after its demise.

How the soul crystal is formed, Feng Che also has a half-knowledge.

Perhaps only the psychics who have dealt with Ghost for generations will have relevant records.

"Feng Che, I think you can inquire about a powerful Ghost Pokémon group."

Mewtwo looked at the group of withered 'trees' meaningfully and said.

These are not dead trees, but a group of sleeping Trevenants.

"Go, Gengar, use the shadow ball."

After Gengar heard Feng Che's order, he laughed fiercely.

It raised its hands high, and smashed the shadow ball in its hands towards these withered trees.

{ Trevenant: Who disturbed my slumber. }

The bodies of the trees twisted together [to form a Trevenant of great size.

Trevenant's one eye looked Rage at Gengar.

{ Trevenant: This Gengar right in front of me, I will devour your soul as an apology for disturbing my slumber. }

Trevenant stretched out his huge palm, a huge Shadow Claw emerged from his palm, and slapped it fiercely in the direction of Gengar.

Gengar looked calmly at the giant palm that covered the sky.

Afterwards, Gengar grinned ferociously, and it sank into the shadow bundle.

At this moment, Trevenant suddenly found himself unable to move.

{ Trevenant: How come, I can't move my body. }

Trevenant struggled desperately.

But Gengar's shadow bondage is getting tighter.

Gengar is consuming the Trevenant's very soul.

Trevenant's body became smaller and smaller, and finally became a Trevenant the size of a person.

After Mewtwo used Psychic to read all the memories of this Trevenant, it knew the location of the soul crystal.

Feng Che, we are lucky, a soul crystal just happens to appear soon.

"In a valley in the middle of the spirit world, there is a place called Soul Lake."

"In Soul Lake, there is a special spirit world plant named Youlian."

"When the Ghost-type Pokémon is about to die out, it will sink into the Lake of Souls."

"Soul Lake will decompose the body of the Ghost-type Pokémon and transform it into the power of the soul."

"Youlian will absorb the soul power in the soul lake and condense it into 980 soul crystals."

"This secluded lotus blooms for a thousand years and bears fruit for a thousand years. The lotus seeds it bears are soul crystals.

"These soul crystals are only eligible to be captured by Elite-level Ghost-type Pokémon.

"Ghost-type Pokémon need a fight on the lake."

"Only by defeating all the Elite-level Ghost-type Pokémon can we obtain the soul crystal.

Mewtwo tells what it found in Trevenant's memory.

"Now, You Lian is about to mature, and the soul crystal is about to appear."

"Because of the appearance of this soul crystal, these Elite-level Ghost-type Pokémon frantically hunted to strengthen their own soul origin.

"They want to take the crown in a fight."

"That's why there are so many Ghost-type Pokémon that will enter the Pokémon world.

Mewtwo explained to Feng Che.

"Interesting, this kind of competition is quite interesting."

"As long as we get the soul crystal, we will immediately return to the Pokémon world and avoid these powerful Ghost-type Pokémon to start Revenge.

"After all, the spirit world is Giratina's domain."

"It will be bad if we make too much noise in the spirit world and startle Giratina."

Feng Che said solemnly, it is not suitable to stay in a place like the spirit world for a long time. .

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