The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 444 Genesect: Who Am I? Where Am I?

"Next, Genesect."

Feng Che used Psychic, put the soul crystal and life gem on Genesect's body.

Genesect's body trembled uncontrollably, and the metal armor on its body cracked cracks.

However, under the action of the meteor iron, the cracks in the metal armor quickly repaired by themselves.

In this way, Genesect's metal armor has been repeating the process of repairing and cracking, cracking and repairing.

Lifestone is repairing Genesect's damaged neurons.

Soon, Feng Che saw that Genesect's sharp claws were slowly lifted up.

Genesect Red's pupils begin to flash Cal.

{ Genesect: Who am I? Where am I?}

Genesect looked at the Garden of Life, which was full of singing birds and flowers, in a daze.

Seeing the "Four Seven Seven" surrounded by beautiful flowers, Genesect suddenly became cautious, it was worried that it would step on the flowers under its feet.

{ Genesect: My memory is fragmented, I remember that our group was destroyed by the raging magma. }

{ Genesect: How did I come back to life again?}

A Volcano erupting hell appeared in Genesect's memory.

"Welcome, Genesect."

"I am the one who resurrected you, and I am also your Trainer."

Feng Che telepathized to Genesect.

"Are you my trainer?"

Genesect murmured.

"I remember, during my deep sleep, there was a voice calling me in my mind, it was you, human being."

Genesect Red's pupils stared at Feng Che.

"You are weak, human, but since you resurrected me, I will naturally serve you."

"Excuse me, do you know where my people are?"

"I was successfully resurrected, and my clansmen should be resurrected as well."

Genesect looked at Feng Che expectantly and asked.

"Indeed, your people have also been resurrected, but they are in another place."

"That place is the domain of another faction, I will try my best to reunite you with your clansmen.

Feng Che promised.

"Thank you then, I'm going to get used to my body, especially the heavy arms on my back."

"Although I don't have sharp claws, I have a metal armor with stronger defense."

"I can feel it. The Snipe Shot Cannon on my back, which fires a powerful laser at Rival.

"However, I want to familiarize myself with my current body."

Genesect looked excitedly at the somewhat different body, and was eager to try it.

I saw that it ejected sickle-like sharp claws from its claws.

"Genesect, stop, this is not a place where you are familiar with skills."

Feng Che shouted and held out Erkang's hand.

But it was too late, Genesect's sharp claws slashed across the air, and the towering tree was cut in half by the sharp claws.

"What, what did you just say?"

There was only a bang.

The attacked tree fell to the ground.

The sound of the tree falling startled Shaymin.

With a gloomy face and an angry look, Shaymin kicked Feng Che and Genesect out of the Garden of Life without saying a word.

"Hey, cutting trees in Shaymin's Garden of Life is Taunt Shaymin naked."

Feng Che looked at the innocent Genesect and sighed helplessly.

Battle towers.

This is the new Stadium in Sinnoh Region.

The Battle Tower is built on a small island called the Battle Isle.

Trainers from all over the world will gather in the Battle Tower to fight.

There is also a screen on the battle tower that is in Rollout, and what appears on the screen are the rankings of the Trainers participating in the battle.

Feng Che is rushing to fight the tower at this time.

Jirachi, the wishing star, is sleeping at the bottom of the battle tower.

This time, Feng Che wants to take Jirachi from the bottom of the battle tower before the temple.

However, it is not only the temple that is eyeing Jirachi, even the Steel General of the Poachers Guild is looking for Jirachi.

The General of Steel is a middle-aged uncle who is nearly forty years old.

He was wearing a digging suit and was holding a pickaxe in his hand.

General of Steel Julian is a veteran steel-type Pokémon collector, and he is also a digging expert.

His warships are filled with iron ore he digs from all over the world.

Many steel-type Pokémon are displayed on Julian's battleship just like exhibits...

Three of the exhibition stands were empty.

"Haven't you found any trace of Jirachi, the Eudemons of Steel?"

Julian on the battleship took a sip of red wine and asked his subordinates, with a hint of irritability and dissatisfaction in his tone.

Julian's men are all experienced excavators, and they have the same hobbies as Julian.

"Report to Lord Julian, we have initially locked on several locations."

"The first site is on the plains not far from Mt. Chimney in the Hoenn Region."

"The second location is the battle tower in the Sinnoh Region.

"The third location is in the Dragon's Cave in the Unova Region."

One of Julian's subordinates, an uncle Chongben with a Chinese face, said to Julian.

"We are not far from the battle tower in Sinnoh Region, let's go to the battle tower first."

"I'm still short of Iron Pillar, Jirachi, and Heatran in my collection."

"I heard that the Yuan family in the Sinnoh Region has tamed a Heatran. If Jirachi is not found in the battle tower, we will go to the Yuan family to take this Heatran away.

"Send a letter to the Yuan family stating our request. If the Yuan family does not hand over this Heatran, we will use force Snatch."

Julian said lightly, his tone was as relaxed as buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

"General Julian, we are making a big move in the Sinnoh Region, will it arouse the vigilance of the Sinnoh Alliance?"

"Now that the Pokémon Alliance 3.8 is more aggressive against poaching organizations, our actions will not be restrained by the Sinnoh Alliance?"

Chongben said with some worry.

After all, poachers are now normal as street rats.

"It's okay, Bordeaux, the current leader of the Sinnoh Alliance Alliance, is a bully. It's a good thing for him to take Heatran away."

"Not only will he not stop me, but he will secretly help us hide our whereabouts."

"After all, the current Yuan family is also a thorn in Alliance's side."

"At most, after we kill the Yuan family, the Alliance will send out a mild envy notice."

Julian glanced at Chong Ben disapprovingly, he knew the routine of Sinnoh Alliance very well.

Julian is also very clear about Bordeaux's careful thoughts on the Yuan family, so he will be unscrupulous. .

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