The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 496 The Strength Of Sandstorm King Bangira

"The strength of this Gyarados has reached the level of an Elite intermediate.

"But Grimsley's Benjila has reached the top of the Elite, it's a tough fight."

Chuck, who was watching from the side, said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's a tough fight, but I think Feng Che looks very confident.

Norman stroked his chin and said, he had an inexplicable confidence in Feng Che.

Both Clemont and Lucian were watching the match between Feng Che and Grimsley intently.

Bangira glared at Red Gyarados threateningly.

Red Gyarados twisted and flew high into the air.

With a high-pitched dragon chant sounded.

The entire Pokémon Stadium Sky is filled with countless dark clouds.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew towards the Ground.

A gust of wind blew in with turbulent leaves.

The dark clouds darkened people's vision.

Red Gyarados is like the dragon king Normal who walks in the clouds and rains "Seven Eight Zero".

Its body is looming in the dark clouds.

bang bang bang.

At this moment, the lighting on the Stadium automatically sensed that the sky was getting dark.

The lights turned on one after another, casting a bright yellow light.

The other owners and Elite present also saw this weather change.

"Feng Che's Gyarados is amazing, it can control such bad weather."

Misty sighed from the side.

She noticed that the Sceptile of the vegetable had just released the ability Sunny Day.

As a result, the small sun in the daytime was overwhelmed by the torrent of dark clouds.

After losing the blessing of Sunny Day, Caizhong suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Vegetables are speechless jpg.

"Bangira, don't be afraid, just raise the dust."

Grimsley looked at the blustery weather without panicking.

Isn't it the Rain Dance skill?

His Bangira's water resistance has reached max, and no matter how heavy the rain is, it won't have any effect on Bangira.

Bangira opened his bloody mouth and let out a roar that shook the sky.

Yellow quicksand also flowed out of its body with Bangira's roar.

Dust covered the entire Stadium.

Caught off guard, the Gym Master and Elite both ate their mouths full of yellow sand.

Feng Che had already used Psychic to block the blow of the yellow sand.

Gyarados put on a layer of Aqua Ring to isolate the blowing of Kuangsha.

"Bangira, use Stone Edge."

Bangira's left foot stepped heavily on the ground, and countless sharp stone thorns rose from the ground.

These stone thorns are like the bullets of the Gatling machine gun Normal.

Whoosh to Gyarados.

"This is my Bangira's famous trick, even the normal Pokémon can't resist this high-intensity attack.

At this moment, the corner of Yuefeng Che's mouth let out a faint smile.

"Hehe, Gyarados, let others see how good you are.

Feng Che snapped his fingers.

Facing the dense Stone Edge, Gyarados twisted his body in the air.

Most of the Stone Edges were dodged by Gyarados, and a few stone thorns fell on the scales of Gyarados and made a rattling sound.

Looking carefully, the stone thorn hit Gyarados' scales, leaving only a shallow white mark.

But under the help of Gyarados liquid circle, the white seal disappeared quickly.

Bangira's attack didn't work, instead allowing Gyarados to perform the Dragon Dance in full.

Gyarados' attack became more powerful, and it opened its mouth and Spit Up Dragon Rage.

Dragon Rage fell from the sky like a meteor Normal.

Bangira manipulated the quicksand to form a sand shield.

Its figure was submerged in the quicksand.

Dragon Rage is with Sand Shield Tackle and there is a huge explosion.

The gravel spread out like normal bullets, but was blocked by a layer of transparent Light Screen.

Here comes Sabrina, who used Mr. Mime to create the Light Screen.

After the smoke cleared, Gyarados and Bangira were both unharmed.

The two Pokémon glared.

The heavy rain roared and fell from the sky, and the rain hit Bangira's body, which made him feel pain.

Bangira opened his mouth, and the energy of countless Rocks gathered in Bangira's mouth.

"Bangira, use the Rock Cannon."

A huge Rock condensed in front of Bangira, and it threw the Rock to Gyarados.

"Gyarados, don't panic, use the bind skill."

Facing the menacing Rock, Gyarados wrapped around Rock's body.

Gyarados let out a dragon cry.

The huge Rock was twisted by Gyarados' body, and it was instantly torn apart.

"This Gyarados moves extremely fast, Bangira's Rock Cannon actually has another attack form, that is Rock Explosion.

"I didn't expect to be crushed by Gyarados before Bangira detonated this hill-like Rock..."

Grimsley was a little afraid of Feng Che now.

"Is he really a Common Gym Master?"

"Why does it feel like he's stronger than me.

Grimsley clenched his fists tightly, he felt that Feng Che's combat level was higher than his, and he suddenly felt that he couldn't beat Feng Che.

"Bangira, use Falling Rock."

Grimsley made a gesture, and Bangira nodded.

It opened its mouth wide, and immediately dropped countless Rocks from the sky.

At the same time, Bangira's mouth is secretly brewing Dark Pulse.

Bangira intends to do two things at once, flanking Gyarados.

Countless one-person-sized Rocks fell from the sky.

Gyarados uses the ability Aqua Tail, which keeps hitting rocks with Aqua Tail Pound.

The falling rock that was photographed shattered into smaller stones.

At this moment, Bangira spat out Dark Pulse from his mouth.

A black beam of light rose towards the sky.

Just as he was about to hit Gyarados, Gyarados spit out Dragon Pulse.

The two waves collided in the air, producing a huge explosion.

The dark clouds Soaring in the sky were blown away by the shock wave from the explosion.

The shock wave from the explosion hits the Ground.

The entire playing field was bombarded by shock waves.

Under the powerful bombardment of the shock wave, a crack like a Spider Web appeared on the ground.

Bangira was hurt by the shock wave, and it involuntarily took a few steps back.

"Gyarados, now, fly high into the sky and use Aqua Tail on Benjira."

Gyarados flew towards 1.9 altitude.

Then Gyarados swooped down and slapped the wolf in the direction of Bangira at an extremely fast speed.

Aqua Tail made a piercing sound in the air.

Benjira only had time to cover his chest with his hands before he was Pounded on the Ground by an Aqua Tail from Gyarados.

Bangira only felt pain all over his body, and cracks appeared in its hard armor.

Gyarados' attack hadn't stopped yet, it raised its tail again and slapped Bangira sideways.

Bangira had just been hit hard, and before he could catch his breath, he was pumped by Gyarados.

Its body slid on the ground and stopped after hitting the Light Screen made by Mr. Mime.

"This is the second Pokémon, Grimsley Elite, if I defeat another Pokémon, you will be finished."

Feng Che smiled coldly. .

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