The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 5 Rocket Team Entry Assessment

"Hey, it's time to start working."

He narrowed his eyes and shouted to the outside of the car.

He seemed to have taken the antidote long ago, so he was not affected by the hypnotic gas.

Outside the car came a lot of Team Rocket in Black uniforms.

"Mr. Tai Long, why did you come here in person?"

One of the Rockets in the Black uniform squinted and complimented.

"I just came over to do some business, and then I heard that the Rockets lacked a driver who can drive a bus, so I came here pretending to be a driver."

"There is nothing wrong with this field training."

Tyrone took out a cigarette case from his pocket.

Skillfully pulled out a cigarette from it.

And lit a cigarette with a lighter snap.

Faint white smoke rose from the top of the cigarette.

But Tyrone smelled nothing but cigarettes.

He put the cigarette upright, just gently fanning the white smoke from the cigarette.

There was a faint smell of tobacco in the air.

"Sorry, but the members of our special operations team must not have any peculiar smell on them."

"Normal, we are addicted to smoking. We light a cigarette and smell it a little bit."

"Understood, understood." The members of the Rockets nodded and bowed.

This Rockets member differs from the Commons in that he has three stripes on his arms.

The Rockets are highly hierarchical.

A bar represents the team leader.

The two bars represent the squadron leader.

The three stripes represent the captain.

If the Rockets want to be promoted to the captain level, in addition to having enough credit.

Must also have strong combat power and Pokémon command ability.

The person talking to Tai Long in front of him is a captain.

Even the captain nodded and bowed to Tai Long, so one could imagine that Tai Long was a level higher than the captain.

"Officer Tai Long, everything has been arranged, you just need to pay attention to the performance of these people."

"After all, these people are not even reserve members of the Rockets."

"You must pass the assessment before you can become a reserve member of the Rockets. This is the rule set by Lord Giovanni."

The captain made a point.

Tai Long didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for the cigarette to burn out.

Meowth, who was dozing off next to him, was awakened by the faint smell of smoke.

Meowth sneezed and gave Tyrone a blank look, as if blaming Tyrone for smoking.

"Sorry Meowth, the long drive is exhausting and I'm just trying to pick myself up with a cigarette."

Tyrone hugged Meowth in his arms and stroked him a few times.

Then, Tyrone walked off the bus with Meowth.

Tyrone ripped off his jacket, revealing White's Elite Rockets uniform.


Surroundings of Viridian Forest.

The amount of hypnotic gas Feng Che inhaled was very small, so he quickly came over with Smelling Salts.

He suddenly found a letter and a palm-sized box in his hand.

{Hi rookies. }

{Please allow me to call you rookies among rookies, after all, you are not even a reserve member of the Rockets. }

{The Rockets don't recruit waste, even the reserve members are the elite among the elite. }

{The location you are in now is the outskirts of the Viridian Forest. }

{There are Pokémon like Rattata, Ekans, Koffing, Spearow, Bellsprout, Catterpie, Weedle, etc. }

{Don't underestimate these Pokémon, even the weakest Catterpie has a Tackle force of at least 10 kilograms. }

{Every year, many people are suffocated to death by Catterpie's String Shot in the wild. }

{In the box next to you, there is a Poké Ball. }

{Yes, as you guessed. }

{Team Rocket doesn't prepare Pokémon for those of you who aren't even considered reserve members. }

{So grab your Poké Ball and do whatever it takes to subdue the Pokémon in the forest. }

{Maybe you still have a chance to survive. }

{The higher the rarity and quality of Pokémon, the higher the probability of passing the test. }

{We only admit 100 reserve members. }

{The remaining people will become Team Rocket's handymen and cannot get out of Rocket Hideout for life. }

{How to pass the examination. }

{This has something to do with the Pokémon you tamed and finding Rocket Hideout. }

{Find the top 10 for Rocket Hideout. }

{Congratulations, you guys are really the kings of luck. }

{Even if you didn't tame any Pokémon. }

{You will all be one of the 100 potential members. }

{Of course, we still have a lot of good things hidden in the forest, and it depends on you being lucky to find them. }

{Good luck, the rocket team's smart and wise instructor will stay. }

After Feng Che put down the letter, he picked up the palm-sized cardboard box next to him.

Feng Che opened the carton, and inside was a half-old Poké Ball.

"This kind of second-hand Poké Ball has a very low probability of subduing Pokémon. This is forcing you to find the Poké Ball hidden in the forest."

Feng Che wants to know everything with his ass.

These props hidden in the forest must be in extremely dangerous positions.

Or in a place with steep terrain.

Or in a Pokémon lair.

The letter from the Rockets reveals three implications.

First, subdue Pokémon by any means. Of course, the rarer the Pokémon and the more you subdue, the more rewards you may get.

Second, find the base of the Rockets before you can join the Rockets.

The top ten who find Rocket Hideout don't have to tame Pokémon.

But Feng Che knew that if these ten people didn't subdue the Pokémon, even if they entered Team Rocket, it would be difficult.

It's hard to go anywhere without Pokémon defense.

But it does not rule out that joining the Rockets will make special arrangements for the distribution of Pokémon.

Thirdly, there are treasures in the forest, but if you want to find them, you have to live to get them.

"Survival in the wild is nothing to me who has a Poké Ball." Feng Che was very calm.

"Finally able to tame Pokémon, this period of time is suffocating me."

Breathing the incomparably fresh air in the forest, Feng Che breathed out the depression of this time.

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