The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 500 Join Mega Greninja! ! !

"Haha, I'm also a little worried about Slaking's Contest Condition at this time, otherwise, I'll change to a Pokémon.

"Come out, Audino."

Norman released Audino after obtaining Feng Che's consent.

Audino has a pink and beige body.

Pink Red's skin is distributed on the upper side of the head and on both sides of the back, arms and waist.

Audino's eyes are sea blue, and there are wavy ears on both sides of his head.

At the end of its ears, there are powerful beige tentacles hanging down.

Audino is an upright humanoid Contest Condition, with three fingers, two toes, and a white fluffy tail behind him.

Feng Che saw that this Audino was actually wearing an earring made of Mega Evolution stone.

Only then did Feng Che notice that Norman was actually wearing a wrist guard made of an evolved Key Stone.

"It seems that this one is about the same-the doll is not weak."

"However, there are really not many Mega Evolution stones in the Pokémon world."

"I only have the Mega Evolution stones of Lucario and Ninja Bhagavan so far."

"I only collected Venusaur's Mega Evolution stone through the Yuan family's channel."

Feng Che looked at the evolution Key Stone and Mega Evolution stone, and he fell into deep thinking.

"Then I'll send it.

"Come out, Greninja."

Feng Che released Greninja.

After Greninja rushed out of the Poké Ball, his gaze stayed on Audino.

{ Greninja: This Audino is far worse than Regigigas and Primal Dialga. }

{ Greninja: But I still have to be careful not to capsize in the gutter. }

As soon as it clenched its hands, two flying water shurikens appeared in its hands.

Audino smiled shyly.

Greninja throws Water Shuriken.

When Water Shuriken was about to touch Audino, it fell suddenly from mid-air and collapsed into countless drops of water.

After Feng Che used Psychic to scan back and forth, he found clues.

"So, this Audino uses the Gravity skill."

"It can actually use hundreds of times the Gravity."

"This Audino is so talented."

Feng Che said secretly.

"Greninja, use Water Pulse.

Greninja raised his hands above his head, and a huge water ball condensed out.

Greninja then threw the giant screwball at Audino.

"Audino, use Slash."

After it heard Norman's order, its hands emitted a white light, which was like a sharp blade Normal.

Audino moved his short legs.

It danced towards the spiral ball.

Little did they know that the spiral ball suddenly exploded in the air and turned into a rolling torrent.

Audino was taken aback.

Greninja's hands slapped the ground so hard that the water turned into icicles.

Audino was frozen in the icicle and could not move.

"Audino, use Recover, while expanding the Gravity field to the entire playing field.

This command from Norman increased the Gravity of the entire arena a hundredfold.

Greninja only felt that his body had become abnormally heavy.

{ Greninja: The body has become very heavy, the movements have become inflexible, and even the use of skills is much slower than before. }

{ Greninja: When I go back, I will also find a Pokémon who is good at the Gravity field, and let it assist me in practice. }

{ Greninja: Otherwise, next time, if I meet a Pokémon that can use a thousand times the Gravity, then I will be crushed into a pulp by Gravity. }

Saffron-colored spots of light appeared on Audino's body.

These points of light poured into Audino's body.

Immediately afterwards, a crack appeared in the ice that was freezing the Audino.

Audino burst through the cracks.

It has regained its strength.

"Audino, use Teeter Dance."

With its short legs, it did a Teeter Dance.

Greninja is hindered by Gravity.

"Greninja, use Lick."

Greninja's tongue is extremely flexible, even with a hundred times the Gravity, under Greninja's efforts, the tongue flies out like a sharp arrow Normal.

Audino, who was dancing, felt a chill on his neck, and something slippery licked his face.

Audino's hair stood on end, and it felt his whole body froze.

Saffron-colored arcs emerged from Audino's body.

‥...seeking flowers 00

It was hit by Greninja's Lick, entered Paralyzed Contest Condition, Teeter Dance was interrupted.

"Feng Che, let me show you the true strength of my Audino."

"Answer my heart, Audino."

Norman's left hand was placed on the evolution Key Stone, and a Seven Colored light burst out from the evolution Key Stone.

The evolved Key Stone of the Audino earrings also burst into Seven Colored light.

These two Seven Colored rays of light gathered in the air and gathered together.

A large cocoon appeared on the Ground.

A mega symbol quietly rises from the cocoon.

Then Audino entered the Mega Evolution Contest Condition.

The whole body of Mega Audino is covered with snow-white skin, and the skin below the abdomen is beige.


Mega Audino's eyes are garnet red.

It has white to pink gradation on both ears and the end of its white fur.

It grows a mass of White Whipped Dream-like fluff on its chest, and hides an extended White strip underneath, all curled at the ends.

The Audino of the Mega Evolution Contest Condition is at its peak.

"This is Audino's Mega Evolution Contest Condition, it's so beautiful."

"Wow, Mega Audino is so cute, like a rag doll."

"This Audino is very strong. Just now it was a high-level Elite, and after Mega Evolution it reached the peak of Elite."

The onlookers and Elites were talking about it.

"Greninja, don't hold back, release your Nenghuang."

I saw the alpha rune appearing on Greninja's body, and a lot of water flowed on Greninja's body immediately.

A Greninja with Water Shuriken on its back appears.

"Greninja still has a brand new form, this is impossible."

Wallace, as a water system expert, has never seen Greninja have such a Contest Condition.

"And, if I'm not mistaken, it was Kyogre's Alpha Tei that just emerged from Greninja. 17

"This Greninja has Kyogre heritage."

"It's an extremely interesting thing."

Steven saw the thoughtful zero in Wallace's eyes. .

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