The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 528 Even Ground-Type PokéMon Cannot Completely Defend Against Electric Current Attacks

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time, if it's really not possible, my battleship can also lead Jackxi to break out of the heavy blockade of the Pokémon Alliance.

Jecale said with a long sigh.

At this time, Feng Che and Clemont came to the Valley of the Wind together.

There are countless huge white windmills with hundreds of heights spinning.

The windmill has four blades in total, and the thinnest nanomaterials are used. Just one blade is tens of meters long.

There is a platform the size of a basketball court at the top of the windmill.

At this time, a Hurricane is blowing from the valley, and a large number of windmills are rotating at high speed, and the rotation of the windmills generates a large amount of electric charge.

These electric charges are being continuously transported to distant places through pipes buried in the ground.

Feng Che could feel the free arc flickering between the windmills.

"This is the windmill, the largest power generating device in the Pokémon world."

"At the beginning, the city I was in imported a batch of them, but they were stolen by someone, and I didn't expect to park them here.

"Feng Che, I think there may be a lot of electric Pokémon ambushing around here."

Clemont said with a serious expression.

"I have come into contact with this kind of windmills with large sails. Their maximum load capacity reaches millions of Volts, but in the process of converting wind energy into electrical energy, free arcs will spread around the windmills."

"In order to ensure that the windmill will not be damaged, it is necessary to raise a group of electric Pokémon to absorb the free arc."

Clemont glanced around the windmill, and his mechanical hand took out a black sunglasses from the backpack.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of Electrodes in this underground."

"There are also many Ampharos grazing around."

Clemont was about to hand over the black sunglasses to Feng Che, but Feng Che directly stopped him.

"No, I used Psychic to detect that there are a lot of electric Pokémon lurking under the windmill.

"If we rush into the windmill recklessly, we may encounter a series of explosions."

"Clemont, you stay here to inform the other Gym Masters and Elite, lest they step into the minefield and suffer heavy losses.

Feng Che exhorted a few words to Clemont.

"Then I'll go first."

Feng Che sat on the steel armored crow and flew into the distance.

The wind from the windmill was blowing, at this moment, Feng Che suddenly saw the song Spark rushing towards him.

He looked in the direction of the Spark launch, and it was an Electivire standing on the top of the windmill that sent out the Spark.

The Electivire is more massive than the Electabuzz, and it is streaked with lightning.

It pinches Rival with two horns, attacking with a voltage of over 20,000 volts.

When the battery is fully charged, a blue Ember will come out from between the two horns violently.

On the shoulders of Electivire, there is a Trainer wearing a yellow and black rubber suit.

"Hi, owner Feng Che, I'm General Honglei Jiexi々~.

"I didn't expect you to dare to break into our place by yourself."

"Let my Electivire treat you well."

"Although you captured General Oreburgh Julian, he is only in the middle and lower ranks with us."

Jackie said proudly.

"Then you'll have fun with the Electivire, Zeraora."

Feng Che threw a Poké Ball and released Zeraora.

Zeraora's hands erupted with extremely strong current, and it transformed into the speed of light, ready to punch Electivire's face.

I saw Electivire slowly raised his arm.

Zeraora's Thunder Punch is blocked by the Electivire.

Electivire made a backhand grab and threw Zeraora far away.

Zeraora crashed into a big windmill immediately, only a few bangs and bangs were heard.

The big windmill was blown up in the middle, and its blades flew out in all directions.

"Electivire, use Thunder Shock."

An electric arc appeared in the Electivire's hand, and it sent a Thunder Shock towards the flying debris.

The huge blade exploded into countless small pieces and scattered away.

Feng Che used Psychic to intercept the debris.

"It's a pity that your Zeraora followed such a Trainer."

"If you had followed me, I would have trained Zeraora into a powerful Pokémon."

Jackie said very stinkingly.

"Zeraora, you are underestimated, Zeraora, show your strength."

Feng Che snapped his fingers, and Zeraora's body erupted with blazing white electricity.

At this time, Zeraora came into the world like Thor Normal, and the blazing electric current from its body bombarded several windmills.

The windmill was instantly vaporized, leaving only a deep pit.

"That's what got me interested."

West picked off the back of the Electivire, the top of the windmill.

"Electivire, use your strength."

Jackie patted Electivire's shoulder and said.

I saw Electivire yelled, and Black's electric current erupted from its body.

Electivire is like a normal demon descended into the world, it turned into a stream of black light and rushed towards Raola.

Two currents, one black and one white, kept colliding in the air.

"They should fight for a while, or let's start the second round."

Jaxie throws another Poké Ball, sending out Ampharos.

Ampharos has yellow skin, a Red orb on the tail and forehead, and White on the belly.

Its hands are flat, and there is only one toe, and its neck, ears and part of its tail have yellow and black patterns.

".々Since this is the case, it's up to you to play."

Feng Che sent Flygon.

"Flygon, have fun with Ampharos.

Feng Che clapped his hands, and Flygon kicked up a lot of quicksand.

The sandstorm roared, and the gravel of Yinhuang covered the top of the windmill.

"A ground-type Flygon was sent out."

"However, you may be mistaken, the Pokémon of the Ground type will also be hit by the electric current."

"According to my research, the reason why Ground-type Pokémon are not afraid of electric current damage is because their skin has an insulating structure.

"As long as the insulating mechanism is destroyed, the Pokémon of the Ground type will suffer from the impact of lightning. 27

Jackie sneered.

I saw Jacky clapping his hands, Ampharos rushed up, its tail turned silver gray, and it used the Oreburgh tail on Flygon.

Flygon flapped its wings to block Ampharos' attack, but Ampharos sneered, and it released the Power Gem directly from its mouth.

The Power Gem exploded immediately, and its (dead) fragments blasted in all directions like bullets Normal.

"Flygon, use sand shield."

Feng Che shouted at Flygon.

The endless quicksand roared and submerged Flygon, and the fragments of the Power Gem were swallowed by the quicksand, causing no substantial damage to Flygon.

"Flygon uses Stone Edge."

Suddenly sharp stone thorns shot out from the quicksand, and these stone thorns stabbed at Ampharos fiercely.

"Ampharos uses Oreburgh tails."

Ampharos deftly used the Oreburgh tail to smash the sharp stone thorns into countless small pieces.

"Ampharos, use the Electro Ball."

Ampharos shook his head, and dozens of Electro Balls rushed towards the grain of sand.

The Electro Ball fell on top of the Flygon and turned into a thunderstorm. Flygon was horrified to find that it could not control the quicksand.

{ Flygon: What is the situation, why the quicksand keeps calling. }

{ Ampharos: This stupid Flygon should have found out, its quicksand is controlled by my static charge. }.

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