"Ditto, stop dawdling, look at the juvenile tits can't wait to train."

Feng Che directly picked up Ditto, opened the door of the tree house and jumped down.

The juvenile chickadee flapped its wings lightly and flew out of the treehouse without a sound.

And use the wings to blow a breeze to close the tree house again.

"Chicken tit, we're going to the beach for training today."

"This time we're fighting coconut crabs."

Feng Che said to the juvenile tit.

Feng Che has been eyeing that group of cute coconut crabs for a long time.

Because the crab meat of coconut crab is often eaten with coconut, it has a faint coconut aroma, which is delicious in the world.

The road from the beach to the forest has long been opened by Ditto.

From time to time, Ditto cleans up Pokémon wandering the forest paths.

Over time, the Pokémon near the forest path will not dare to wander around the forest path.

Feng Che walked towards the beach along the path in the forest.

Feng Che felt that according to the Rockets' training, there must be treasure chests on the beach.

"I just don't know if there will be such a thing as a sunken ship."

Feng Che rubbed his chin and thought secretly.

Shipwrecks can be described as overnight riches.

Even an underground organization like Team Rocket would be interested in the gold and silver treasures carried on the sunken ship.

Because gold and silver treasures can be exchanged for various resources on the black market, as well as Pokémon with excellent qualifications.

"Ditto, help me find the way ahead, and clear the Pokémon if you see it."

Feng Che confessed to Ditto.

Although Ditto reluctantly Transformed to become Golbat's pathfinder, it felt a little bit of a grind.

But Ditto has an advantage, that is, as long as it is promised, it will be done.

And it will be done very well.

Ditto flapped his wings and flew away.

Feng Che only felt a gust of wind in front of him, and the gust of wind made the Leafage rustle.

Feng Che found several Bellsprouts fainted in front of the forest path.

These Bellsprouts are all incapacitated.

Feng Che learned from the fallen weeds that Ditto, in Golbat form, used the Hurricane skill to defeat these Bellsprouts.

"Bellsprout's saliva can produce Sweet Scent, which is their most powerful means of attracting prey."

Feng Che quickly took out some small bottles to catch Bellsprout's saliva.

Feng Che judged from Bellsprout's body size that these Bellsprouts were already adults.

They secrete a lot of saliva.

Feng Che took a full bottle.

Just add some berries and herbs to Bellsprout's saliva, and it can be made into a weapon that lures Pokémon in the wild, Sweet Scent.

After Feng Che collects Bellsprout's saliva, he will cross Bellsprout to the beach.

These Bellsprout Smelling Salts will then escape the Forest Path on their own and spread the horrors of the Forest Path, Legendary, to other Pokémon.

Feng Che pushed aside the branches of the block at the exit of the forest path.

Feng Che thought that there would be many coconut crabs walking on the beach looking for food.

But Beach has changed drastically.

Gone are the coconut crabs, replaced by countless Krabby's foraging on the beach.

Krabby pawed the beach with his sharp claws, and after digging out the shells, he used the Slash to split the shells in two.

"It's a pity. I'm afraid crab meat with coconut flavor will no longer be available."

Feng Che scanned all around, but did not find a coconut crab.

"Looks like Coconut Crab and Krabby came out separately."

"As long as Krabby is around, coconut crabs won't be around."

"After all, Krabby is a Pokémon, and he also masters Pokémon moves. The coconut crab just has a harder body."

"If the coconut crab provokes Krabby, maybe the coconut crab will be directly dismembered by Krabby and become a Chinese meal."

Krabby is a bit like a fiddler crab. Krabby's body color is composed of red and white meat.

The top half of Krabby's head and two crab claws are Red, and the rest are White.

There are two protrusions on the top of the head, and teeth-like protrusions on the lower jaw.

It has six limbs (including pincers).

Out of the corner of Feng Che's eyes, he suddenly saw a corner of a silver White box exposed on the beach.

"This silver White box is supposed to be a treasure chest, buried deep on the beach by Team Rocket."

"But because of the Hurricane rain yesterday, a lot of the white sand on the beach was swept away."

"In addition, the Krabbys foraging for food and digging on the beach revealed a corner of this treasure chest."

The location where the treasure chest is located is the place with the most Krabby.

There are also quite a few curious Krabby poking the treasure chest with their paws, making dang-dang sounds.

Feng Che looked up into the distance.

In the distance, there is a huge Kingler patrolling near the box.

This Kingler is domineering with strides that no one knows.

This should be the leader of Krabby.

Kingler's body changed to Red compared to Krabby's.

Kingler's head is full of bumps, the pincer on the left side has grown a lot, and the mouth has many teeth.

Only the head and pincers of Kingler's body are red, and the rest are white.

It has very large pincers and uses a Crabhammer. But because the pliers weigh about the same as itself, they sometimes get out of balance.

Feng Che saw a bright silver key on this Kingler's slightly Arnold pliers.

"At this time, we can only use the system to identify the level of this Kingler."

"Then think about how to beat Kingler."

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