The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 562 The Crystal Of Heart


Clemont looked at Feng Che with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He wanted to entertain Feng Che, as a landlord.

"It's okay, Clemont, I just want to see what's in the underground black market, I'll look around first, we'll meet up at the auction house later."

After Feng Che finished speaking, he got into the crowd.

Now is not the busiest time for Lumiose City's underground black market, there are quite a few people setting up stalls on the road, but they call it Yawn.

This underground black market will only gather a large number of people when the sun goes down.

Feng Che took a closer look at the underground black market. The underground black market is divided into three parts: the Pokémon selling area, the Pokémon resource selling area, and the Pokémon item selling area.

A large auction house is standing in the middle of the underground black market.

This underground black market is quite large, twice the size of the underground black market in the Gold City, and the ground is covered with green bricks, so it can be seen that it is carefully managed by someone.

Even the sold Pokémon are locked in a special cage, and there is a sand basin for the Pokémon to vent.

However, the Pokémon sold here are all unique Pokémon from the Unova Region. After Feng Che used Team Rocket’s detection glasses, the detected aptitudes were only 13 Red and Orange aptitudes.

He suddenly lost interest.

He headed towards the Pokémon item area.

The Pokémon props area is very large, and it is divided into the Pokémon equipment props area, the Mega Evolution stone area, and the Pokémon restoration props area.

Feng Che is interested in Mega Evolution stones, so he entered the dedicated area for Pokémon evolution stones.

There are mountains of normal stones piled up here.

Many people gathered around a stall, their faces flushed red, their eyes wide open like a gambler watching the stall owner explaining stones.

"Excadrill, use steel claws on this Rock."

I saw Excadrill raised its sharp claws, and it hit Rock hard.

Suddenly the Rock fell apart, revealing a dusty stone.


Everyone's emotions were mobilized.

I saw a Panpour next to the stall owner spit up a jet of water towards the stone, and immediately washed away the dust on the stone.

On top of Panpour's head is a tassel of water Blue, similar to the spray of the fountain Spit Up.

Panpour also has a pair of huge scalloped ears.

Panpour's body is separated by a small part of the upper body that is water Blue and the lower body that is khaki below is separated by a wavy pattern.

At the end of Panpour's tail is a cloud-like fluff of water Blue.

A fire red flame stone is revealed.

"This is a medium-grade flame stone. You bought my ore for 10,000 yuan, and you have made a lot of money when you find such a stone."

The stall owner was an old man, and the person who bought the stone was a middle-aged bald fat man.

I saw this Mediterranean took the flame stone with burning eyes, his hands were trembling uncontrollably.

The old man quietly took out a bong, stuffed a handful of tobacco into it, and then a Pansear Spit Up fired a spark to ignite the tobacco.

I saw him put the bong into his mouth and take a few puffs.

"I only sell ten ores a day, and there are nine more. Is there anyone who wants to buy them?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the onlookers let out a deafening roar.

"I want it, it's mine."

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, it's mine."

"Fuck you, this is mine."

The crowd scrambled for each other, their faces were red from arguing, only Feng Che noticed the faintly sly smile on the old man's face.

"There must be fraud in this. The fat man and the old man should be trusting each other."

When Feng Che was about to turn around and leave, Mewtwo suddenly stopped Feng Che.

"Feng Che, wait, there's a good thing in here."

Mewtwo hurriedly said to Feng Che.

"What a good thing."

Feng Che was unusually curious.

"Looks like Soul Dew, although the ores are coated with a coating that resists Psychic Pokémon visitation.

"But I'm not Normal's Psychic Pokémon."

Mewtwo said arrogantly.

Feng Che seemed to see Mewtwo's big tail standing up behind him.

"Mewtwo, you are indeed the most powerful Psychic Pokémon, so tell me that there is a Soul Dew under that stone."

Soul Dew's abnormal Precious is an important prop to conquer Psychic+Dragon Pokémon Latias and Latios.

Latias and Latios are even capable of autonomous Mega Evolution after possessing Soul Dew.

"The rock was sitting under the old man's ass."

Feng Che's eyes fell directly on the ground of the old man's buttocks, there was indeed a big black Rock.

It's about the size of a millstone, and it's almost covered in pulp by people sitting on it.

"This stone seems to be an ownerless thing. When the old man is not paying attention, we will leave after stuffing the money."

Everyone rushed towards the old man with 10,000 Alliance coins.

"Don't squeeze everyone, don't squeeze everyone."

The old man, who was originally a fairy, was squeezed so that his beard was crooked. The old man only felt that 10,000 yuan was forcibly stuffed into his hand.

Just when he was wondering, after someone saw this showy operation, he directly stuffed 10,000 yuan into the old man's hand, then picked up a stone and forcibly slipped away.

"Hey, hey, that's my ore."

When the other people saw it, they immediately felt that there was something interesting. They stuffed the Alliance coins on the old man's body, picked up the ore and left.

Of course, there were also some guys who didn't give any money and wanted to fish in troubled waters to take away the ore, but they were all cleaned up by the old man's Pansear Spit Up Ember.

On the top of Pansear's head, there are 367 clusters of Red fluff like normal soft fluff.

Pansear has a pair of large fan-shaped ears like an elephant, a flat round face in the middle and a pair of clear and bright eyes.

A pair of thick and long arms grow out of the yellow and thin body, and a pair of thick hands end at the end.

The lower body of Pansear's free and flexible feet are separated by a zigzag pattern, and the lower body is a gorgeous fiery red.

Extending from Pansear's buttocks is a slender fiery red tail, and at the end of the tail is a mass of leaf or raindrop-shaped red fluff.

After all the ores on his stall were sold out, he discovered that the big Rock he used to sit on had also been taken away by someone.

This made the old man really dumbfounded.

"Those idiots, wouldn't they realize that the ores they bought were all counterfeit?"

"Who told them to be so enthusiastic, even the big Rock sitting under my butt will not let go.

"This big Rock has been used as a chair for a while after I picked it up, and I miss it when it was taken away suddenly."

However, after the old man saw the countless stacks of banknotes, he immediately felt better.

At this moment, Mediterranean Sea, who bought the flame stone just now, gave him a wink, and he quickly tore off the goatee that was attached to his body, revealing a young face.

Then the two disappeared into the crowd. .

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