The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 654 Waiting For Our Team Plasma To Unify The Unova Region, We Will Be The Seven Sages

The battleships of the six sages gathered together to form a cage, and a large number of Pokémon swarmed out of the battleships.

Members of Team Plasma are faithfully listening to Ghetsis' instructions.

"Many relatives and friends of Team Plasma, the time has come for us to occupy the Unova Region. Now, as long as we can defeat the Dragon Clan, we can gain the rule of the Unova Region

. "right

"Now, let's go, everyone~ for a better future."

Ghetsis bewitched.

A steady stream of Pokémon poured out of the battleship.

A large number of Pokémon such as Liepard, Scolipede, etc. ran in the direction of Feng Che, N, and Vio.

"Here we come, Feng Che, you have to be careful."

"Come out, Kommo-o, Haxorus, Hydreigon."

Vio threw three Poké Balls in a row.

"Hi Feng Che, I've heard about you, let's have a competition, who can knock down more Team Plasma members.

N pulls a Poké Ball from his pocket, freeing Liepard.

"Of course there is no problem. I have long wanted to have a duel with you, but unfortunately I have not been able to find this opportunity, Wang N of Team Plasma."

Feng Che released the Steel Armored Crow.

The moment the steel armored crow came out of the Poké Ball, the magnetic field of the entire playing field became different. Mikey.

Feng Che has given the Wan Magnet he got from the Second Elder to Steel Armored Crow.

It didn't take long for the clever steel armored crow to learn magnetic control.

Steel Crow controls a large amount of palm-sized iron ore and rushes towards Pokémon like a bullet.

Almost every Pokémon that was hit by the iron ore fell to the ground one after another.

There seems to be a strong current attached to the iron ore.

Some Pokémon with relatively strong physical fitness were hit by the electric current in the iron ore the moment they came into contact with the iron ore, and fell into paralysis Contest Condition.

All three have champion-level strength.

As Gengar aggressively used the Shadow Hand, a large number of Pokémon were held in place by the Shadow Claw emerging from their shadows.

The bound Pokémon were stripped of their life energy as a cloud of Haze emerged from the Shadow Claw.

The Pokémon seemed to be hollowed out and collapsed on the ground.

"Papa papa."

"As expected of Feng Che Elite, we all underestimated you."

After all the minions of Team Plasma were defeated, the remaining five sages of Team Plasma came out from the depths of the battleship.

The five sages are Rhodes, Asura, Yorgos, Bronius, and Zero.

"Vio, if you turn your back on the dark and turn to the bright now, we can still spare your life because you are the founder of Team Plasma."

"There is nothing worth staying in school for such an ancient ethnic group."

"We are the brothers who used to be, so we can't let you go astray."

"When our Team Plasma unifies the Unova Region, we will be the Seven Sages."

Rhodes said loudly to Vio, he seemed to be a little bit reluctant to take action against Vio.

Vio is generous in his shots and has a bold personality. His prestige among the Seven Sages is equal to that of Ghetsis.

It can be said that Vio is the second in command among the Seven Sages.

"No, it's you who went astray."

"You are all bewitched by Ghetsis."

Vio shook his head firmly.

"Very well, you are so stubborn, let me teach you a lesson."

"I will defeat you and intercede with Lord Ghetsis.

"Come on, Cryogonal."

Rhodes sent Cryogonal.

Cryogonal is shaped like a piece of Icirrus, the whole body is made of ice, and two Blue eyes are exposed through the cracks in the ice.

Due to the shape of the ice it looks as if it is smiling.

Between the mouth-like gaps are locks of crystallized ice that hang down from its sides.

Cryogonal binds its prey in chains formed by ice crystals, freezing them to minus 100 degrees.

"Cryogonal, use Freeze Beam."

Cryogonal spins to use Cryobeam.

Ice Blue's beam of light bombarded in the direction of Kommo-o.

However, this freezing light was interrupted by Kommo-o's knife test skill.

"Rods, I know how much your Cryogonal is, and I am the strongest dragon sage Vio."

"I can't be defeated by a single Cryogonal, you should go together.

Vio said confidently.

"Damn it, you successfully pretended to be there again.

"Come out, Lilligant.

Another Seven Sages, Zero, released Lilligant.

Lilligant's head wears a bright Red floral ornament with White spots on the petals.

The stamens consist of Gold filaments and Red anthers, shaped like a crown.

There are dark green long leaves below the flowers, and light green leaves below.

...asking for flowers......

One of them falls down like hair on the back, and two hang loosely from the head.

Its head and abdomen are white, and its eyes are bright red.

It has dark green long leaves as its arms and a gold calyx around its neck.

The lower body is wrapped in light green tulip-shaped leaves, like wearing a skirt.

Its feet are also made of Gold's calyx.

After the Pokémon appeared from the Poké Ball, the air was filled with a lot of petals.

"Lilligant, use Petal Dance."

As Lilligant jumped faster and faster, more and more flower petals appeared in the air, accompanied by countless fragrant winds.

"This is the combination of Quiver Dance and Petal Dance. The Seven Sages are really not simple."


Feng Che looked at the flowers floating in the sky, which contained a lot of Sleep Powder and Stun Spore.

If accidentally contaminated with these pollen, Pokémon will fall into a negative Contest Condition.

"Steel Armored Crow manipulated the strong wind to blow these petals down."

An endless gale rises from the Ground, and these pillars of wind that touch the sky are exerting their might.

A large number of Team Plasma members and Pokémon were involved in the wind column.

"I've got the irrelevant people out of here, and what awaits them is Alliance's trial.

Although Feng Che said so, he wanted the complete Team Plasma.

He wants to subdue Team Plasma so that he can perfectly unify the entire Unova Region.

Otherwise it would cause high suspicion of the Pokémon Federation.

Steelcrow manipulates Storm and Gravity to bring these petals together.

Lilligant's attack failed.

Seeing Feng Che's mocking face, Asura was very angry.

"Damn, don't underestimate us, come out, Carracosta."

Its body is mainly composed of dark blue, and his face has a black blue Rock, which also has pointy objects protruding from under the eyes.

Its toes are Black, and its pupils are White on the inside and light Blue on the outside.

Attached to its hands are three objects that are the same dark blue as his body, its belly is light blue, and it has two toes on its legs.

The strength of the jaws of Carracosta is astonishing, able to chew prey whole including shell and bone.

Its forelimbs are well developed, and it has the strength to penetrate the bottom of the tanker with one palm. .

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