The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 672: Entering The Team Plasma Lair

Sorry, I just found out that there was a missing chapter uploaded, Chapter 663, now it has been adjusted

"Be careful everyone, Team Plasma has placed a lot of cameras in the ocean."

"And also stocked a lot of Frillish."

Wei Ao pointed to Frillish floating in the sea, and said to Feng Che and his group.

Frillish has broad arms and no lower limbs, the male is Blue and the female is Pink.

Its gauzy hands and feet are filled with invisible Poison Barbs that paralyze enemies and cause them to drown.

Frillish wraps its gauze-like hands and feet around swimming prey and drags them into the depths of the sea.

"Everyone should pay attention, the toxicity of the Frillish here has been specially enhanced by Akromar."

"Don't get stalked by Frillish, it's very interested in living creatures."

"It wraps its hands and feet around living Pokémon or humans, drowns them, and devours the souls of humans or Pokémon to grow itself."

Wei Ao exhorted everyone.

The ruins where Team Plasma is located are very large. As soon as Feng Che entered the sea, he saw a huge ruins like the Leaning Tower of Babylon.

Countless water Pokémon are active around the ruins.

Feng Che even saw a Tirtouga playing near the ruins.

Tirtouga is a Water Type and Rock Type Pokémon similar to ancient turtles.

Its body is mainly composed of dark blue, its face is black blue, and each of its forelimbs has a black blue bone. It also has a shell to protect its body, just like a real sea turtle. There are six holes.

Its snout is sharp and hard.

"These Tirtouga are Pokémon cloned by Akroma from genes extracted from Cover Fossil."

"Akromar is very good at gene cloning. In Akroma's laboratory, there are also a large number of rare Eudemons created by Akroma."

"Akromar is even trying to clone divine beasts, but unfortunately, divine beasts require too much energy."

"Akromar has not been able to clone a real beast until now."

"He also mixed the genes of two Pokémon together to conduct research on new Pokémon.

"However, this technology has not been successful yet."

Vio muttered about Akromar's exploits.

What he didn't notice was that one of the cameras, disguised as coral, had already detected their tracks.

The monitoring member of Team Plasma had already passed this information back to Jie Luo, who was in charge of the peripheral patrol.

"Master Jie Luo, we have found the trace of Wei Ao, and we are heading towards the ruins, please give instructions to Master Jie Luo."

"Let's release our sea army."

Jello replied.

"This ocean is the burial place we carefully prepared for them."

Following Zero's order, Team Plasma members in the monitoring room pressed a button.

A huge hole appeared in the ruins.

A large number of Gyarados, Corsola, and magic coral are swimming out of the hole.

This is a Water Pokémon specially bred by Team Plasma.

Corsola is mainly pink, white on the abdomen and limbs, and has four horns on the back.

It has coral branches growing on top of its head. Although fairly easy to break, it will snap back in about 3 days.

Corsola and Starmie are Toxapex food.

"Oops, found out by the guys from Team Plasma."

Vio made an annoyed voice.

"It seems that they have changed their defenses, and my original concealed path has been discovered."

"Everyone, get ready for the battle."

Vio commanded Kingdra to use the vortex skill.

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken.

Feng Che ordered to Greninja.

Greninja raised his hand high, and the endless Aqua Ring was around Greninja's side.

A very large shuriken appeared.

It threw out a super-large hand blade that kept spinning.

The shuriken formed a huge vortex and blasted towards the Sea Legion.

The massive vortex sucks in a lot of Gyarados and Corsola.

Quite a few Corsolas were firmly on the ground, so they were not swept away by the maelstrom.

These armies of the sea were carried out to sea by a wave of Greninja.

The giant vortex caused the fine sand in the sea to be rolled up, making the seabed turbid.

Feng Che's group also completely lost track.

"Report Master Jie Luo, we have completely lost the trace of Wei Ao and his party."

The people of Team Plasma checked the surveillance video placed on the seabed, but they never found Wei Ao and his party.

He hurriedly reported to Jie Luohui.

Liao must have brought people into the ruins. Whoever discovered this, he knows the layout of the ruins better. "

"Damn it, if Akromar's experiment hadn't reached a critical point, we wouldn't be so passive and stick to the ruins."

Jie Luo clenched his fists and said uncomfortably.

At this time, in a passage in the ruins, Wei Ao was leading Feng Che and his group to shuttle between the passages.

Vio was right, Dialga's scales can indeed defend against time traps.

Iris, who had just entered the ruins, couldn't stand and fell into a time trap. It was Dialga's scales that prevented Iris from being engulfed by the time trap.

Feng Che saw that the passage was covered with a large number of murals, which looked very simple and unsophisticated.

It records the history of the division of the three dragons of the Tao in the Unova Region.

".~We found the feathery scales left by the three dragons of Tao in this ruin.

"But the murals of the ruins did not leave any information about why the three dragons of the Tao split.

Wei Ao saw that Feng Che was interested in murals, so he explained the origin of this relic to Feng Che.

"Then have you found any treasures in this ruins?"

"Almost every relic will have relic treasures."

Feng Che added a sentence.

"This relic does have relic treasures, but they are at the core of the relic."

(Zhao) "There is a super barrier in the core part, and we have spent a lot of energy, but there is no way to break through this super barrier.

"If you're interested, I can take you to the Psychic Barrier after defeating Team Plasma."

Wei Ao turned his head and said to Feng Che.

"I found it, it's this plant pong."

Wei Ao saw the fruit growing out of the mural, he picked a few and handed them to everyone.

"The smell of this berry will make the Pokémon who guard the ruins very disgusting, so just squeeze some and apply it on your hands.

"The Pokémon guarding this ruin is Swoobat."

"These Swoobats are specially captured by me to guard the ruins.

"However, Swoobat only listens to a special frequency, and this frequency will be changed every once in a while."

Vio said.

But Vio saw a large number of Swoobats lying on the ground in a passage. .

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