The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 683 Combined Magnezone

Politoed punched Ground, and a crack appeared in Ground.

Greninja jumps to the back of Politoed with an Aerial Ace, and Politoed hits the backhand.

There is a spark from its fist, this is Dynamic Punch.

Greninja can't dodge enough to get hit by Dynamic Punch.

All I heard was a series of bang bang bangs.

Greninja's body was twisted and huge sparks shot out continuously, and finally with a loud bang, Greninja's entire body was torn apart.

"Another Substitute hit, and these Substitutes are endless."

N was a little impatient at this time.

"Come on, Greninja.

Countless clones of Greninja emerged, and these Greninjas all had shadows, making it difficult to tell the real from the fake.

"Politoed, using Rain Dance at its maximum, recognizes Greninja by the feel of the rain.

N shouted at Politoed.

Politoed croaked, and the rain was getting heavier.

The Aqua Ring circles the Politoed, capturing Greninja's true body for it.

{ Politoed: How is it possible, in my perception, all Greninja are real. }

Politoed was shocked.

Seeing Politoed hesitate for a while, N also understands that Politoed can't distinguish Greninja's real body at this time.

The number of Greninja kept increasing, and countless cold sweats burst out from Politoed810's forehead and mixed into the raindrops.

"Politoed, use whirlpool."

Politoed yelled, and a huge eddy appeared.

The huge vortex involved Greninja's clones, and these clones Struggle for a while, just like Bubble Normal dissipated.

"This whirlpool has an effect."

N secretly wiped his cold sweat, he didn't want to lose so badly in the first game.

But before N was happy, several Greninjas appeared behind Politoed.

"There's no end to this Greninja doppelgänger."

"As long as Greninja's real body cannot be found, the Saga Ninja will recklessly create clones.

N thought very angrily.

"In that case, Politoed, use Blizzard."

Politoed opened his mouth and spit up Blizzard.

Feather-like snow fell slowly, and a large amount of ice and snow fell on Greninja's body.

The clones dissipated like Bubble Normal, but before dissipating, Greninja's clone threw out the Water Shuriken.

The Water Shuriken turns into an Ice Shuriken after being blown by Blizzard.

"Politoed, use Snarl."

Politoed spit up starfish sound waves from his mouth, and these sound waves blasted the ice shuriken into pieces.

These tricks are constantly draining Politoed's stamina.

At this time it was panting.

{ Politoed: I'm already looking tired, why hasn't Greninja appeared yet. }

{ Politoed: This Greninja, why is it such a dog. }

Politoed complained, Greninja, who was complained by Politoed, was hiding on the ground and using Rest.

It used to dig a hole to hide in the Ground as early as Politoed used Rain Dance, and it used Rest to continuously restore its physical strength.

Then they continuously created Substitutes and clones to interfere with Politoed's judgment.

At this moment, a Greninja emerged from the Ground, and it looked at Politoed triumphantly.

"Now, Politoed, use a Dynamic Punch at maximum power."

Pretending to be weak, Politoed stomped on his feet and jumped to the side of Greninja. It swung a Dynamic Punch and bombarded Greninja's body.

But this Greninja is still a Substitute.

Just as Politoed was slacking off, four Pink Red tongues popped out of the Ground.

The tongue wrapped Politoed tightly, and then the Ground suddenly split open, and five Greninja emerged.

"This Greninja is really good at making boosts and clones."

"However, making Substitutes requires a lot of strength. From now until now, Greninja has used at least five Substitutes.

"I see he's still full of stamina, which proves that your (befc) Greninja has been recovering."

"So your Greninja was buried here in the first place, and then used the Rest ability."

"And your Greninja used Sleep Talk during Rest, and used Sleep Talk to continuously create Substitutes and clones."

N guessed the method used by Feng Che.

"You are indeed the king of Team Plasma, you guessed so accurately.

Feng Che applauded N and said.

"Stop Politoed, Greninja."

Feng Che snapped his fingers, and immediately Greninja lashed at Politoed's body with his tongue sword.

Politoed suddenly fell to the ground.

"I won this game."

Feng Che took Greninja back.

"To show my respect for you, I decided to play 1v1 with you every ten rounds of the year.

Feng Che said to N.

"Very good, really confident."

N took back Politoed.

He then took out a Poké Ball and threw it out at the same time as Feng Che.

Feng Che sent the steel armored crow, and N released the Magneto.

But this Magnezone is slightly different.

On the left and right sides of this Magnezone, there is a Klinklang Rapid Spin in one forward and one reverse direction.

This Klinklang is constantly powering the Magnezone.

"When this Magnezone was discovered by me, it couldn't fly in the air, and there was a problem with its magnetism.

"It attracted two Klinks to charge it, and with mutual encouragement, Magnezone finally flew up.

"But Klink also became a companion Pokémon for Magnezone."

"The three of them can be included in a Poké Ball at the same time, so they are considered to be the same Pokémon, you can accept that."

N asked Feng Che.

"I can accept it, let's go Steel Armored Crow.

Steel Armored Crow has used force skills since he entered the field.

The surrounding Gravity suddenly became unbalanced, and Magnezone only felt that his body was getting heavier and lighter.

Klinklang broke contact with Magnezone because they couldn't bear the impact of Gravity.

"Klinklang, use gear shock."

Klinklang used the gear of Rapid Spin to blast at the steel armored crow respectively.

However, under the pull of Gravity, the steel armored crow, the gears fell to the ground one after another.

"After this Steel Armored Crow obtained Wan Magnet, its power became so powerful.

"To deal with Steel-type Pokémon is simply the Mega nemesis of Steel-type Pokémon."

Vio sighed from the side.

"Klinklang, use Autotomize."

N gave instructions to Klinklang.

"Steel Crow, unbind Gravity, use Autotomize."

The steel armored crow released the magnetic control, and then the steel armored crow flapped its wings and flew towards Soaring in the sky. .

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