The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 7 Observe The PokéMon You Want To Capture

"Dagger? Where did you get the dagger?" The captain scratched his head.

He doubted himself a little.

During the trial and assessment of the reserve members of the Rockets, he remembered that he did not place a dagger.

"Don't think about it, I put this dagger on the bus."

"This observant guy found something I was hiding under the bus seat."

"Investigate this guy's profile and see who recommended it."

"This kind of good seedling should be received first."

Tyrone said decisively.

He is quite satisfied with Feng Che.

"Let me see."

As one of the main examiners, the team leader naturally has the authority to watch all the examiners.

"I found it. This guy is Caesar's captain as a recommender."

"And it was Sabrina Executive who wrote a personal letter to introduce him. It seems that Mr. Tai Long has no fate with him."

Whoever serves as a recommender in the Rockets will belong to which faction.

This is an unwritten rule.

Feng Che was recommended by Caesar, who was subordinate to Sabrina.

After Feng Che passed the assessment, he would naturally obey Sabrina's deployment.

"It's a pity, such a good seedling."

Talon shrugged helplessly.

Tyrone is a powerful general under Lord Archer's command.

And Sabrina's three executive group and Archer's four general group have always been at odds.

However, the captain did not see the regretful expression on Tai Long's face.

Feng Che didn't find the camera, he was observing the animal path.

Bestiality is the road that Pokémon often haunt.

Pokémon will leave their footprints in places they frequent.

Experienced hunters can judge which Pokémon often pass by through the animal path.

Feng Che looked at the footprints of a small bunch of plum blossoms in this passage, and judged the identity of the owner of the footprints.

"Hehe, there's still Eevee here."

Feng Che was overjoyed.

Eevee is a rare Pokémon.

There are also eight evolutionary types of Eevee.

Eevee's Species Strength is also relatively average and is a pokémon that can be cultivated.

"It's a pity, judging from the dryness of this footprint."

"Eevee passed by here three days ago."

Feng Che bent down and grabbed a handful of dirt.

From the dryness of the soil, Feng Che could tell that Eevee didn't take this route very often.

"Forget it, let's find Pidgey first, it's easier to find the housebird."

Feng Che patted the dust off his hands.

He cut off the thorns blocking the road with a dagger, and walked into the forest with the dagger in his hand.

"It just happens that some of these thorns are collected and lit with a lighter, which is a natural torch."

Feng Che knew that these thorns were oily plants, rich in natural oils.

As long as you light it lightly with a lighter, it will be on fire, and a lot of thick smoke will come out.

This is if you encounter a Pokémon that is difficult to deal with.

Feng Che can directly ignite the thorns and take the opportunity to slip away.

"This is?"

Feng Che pushed aside the bushes and heard the sound of gurgling water.

He pricked up his ears to judge the direction of the water source.

"It's quite close to the water source, it shouldn't be more than 100 meters."

Feng Che smelled the damp smell of water vapor evaporating.

The surrounding bushes were also wet.

This is a sign of a nearby water source.

"There are a lot of Pokémon near the water source, so I'll go there and wait for the 'Pokémon'."

Feng Che moved carefully to the water source.

He pushed aside one of the bushes and looked.

There is a stream in front of you.

The sun shines on the creek like wisps of golden sand.

The water sparkled.

It seems that the ribbon is inlaid with bright gems.

The stream is sometimes urgent and sometimes slow.

Splashes of water mist in turbulent places.

The stream is clear and transparent, and you can clearly see all kinds of pebbles washed by the stream at the bottom.

There are quite a few Pokémon drinking and playing on the banks of the creek.

A group of Pidgey flapped down from the tree and landed by the creek.

They use stream water to groom while drinking.

Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀ made love to each other by the stream.

Feng Che saw at least three pairs of Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀.

Rattata and Oddish drank water by the stream in twos and threes.

Golden was bubbling in the babbling stream.

Magikarp was in a daze in the stream, and from time to time, Magikarp jumped out of the water and flopped by the stream.

There are three or two Poliwags playing in the creek.

"There just happens to be a bunch of Pidgeys here, and I'll just pick the best Pokémon and take it in."

"Then what should I tame the remaining three Pokémon?"

Feng Che thought about it, and stared at Nidoran♂, Nidoran♀, and Poliwag.

All three Pokémon can evolve in two stages.

A Pokémon with two stages of evolution also means that the value of the Pokémon is higher, and the Rockets will have more points.

Nidoran♂ is a quadruped Pokémon with big ears, tiny teeth, and tiny red eyes, resembling a little mouse with thorns.

Their backs are covered with venomous spines.

If Nidoran♂ is threatened, it releases a potent poison.

Nidoran♀ is a small four-legged rodent Pokémon that looks a bit like a rabbit.

Most of Nidoran♀'s body is Blue.

Its triangular eyes are red. There is a White front tooth in the mouth.

Poliwag is a Pokémon with the appearance of a tadpole.

Its body is a round ball, mostly Blue's skin, which is elastic.

The belly is White with a clockwise spiral pattern, which is its transparent and visible internal organs.

The tail is rounded and feathery.

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