The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

Chapter 82 The Psychic Test

Although Jiade Tianchen has benefited a lot from the ruins of Death Island this time, Jiade Tianchen feels that his younger sister Cattleya has benefited even more.

Because of the special connection between their twins, if Jiade Tianchen's Psychic skyrocketed, Cattleya's Psychic would also skyrocket.

And he found that unconsciously, he lifted Cattleya's spiritual shield, and sent Cattleya a huge amount of Psychic past.

"It is estimated that Cattleya must be scolding her mother now, the Psychic on her body is extremely large and difficult to control.

"With my Psychic, Cattleya will probably go berserk all the time."

Jiade Tianchen thought secretly.

Jiade Tianchen did not expect Alice and Hefeng Che to successfully become psychic.

According to the records in ancient books, this kind of empowerment-like inheritance method is almost a narrow escape, and there may not even be Khoury, because it has never been recorded that anyone has succeeded, and I did not expect the success rate to be so high this time.

"It seems that there are huge secrets in these two people."

"However, I'm also thankful that I had these allies in the first place."

Jiade Tianchen knew that if he joined the Rockets, he would not be able to leave the Rockets easily. It is very important to find suitable allies at this time.

Jiade Tianchen can be considered to have explored with Feng Che and Alice, and has a certain understanding of both sides.

"Jade Tianchen, what is that in your hand?"

Feng Che asked curiously.

"This is the bead used to measure Psychic levels."

"A Primary Psychic can control up to fifty beads."

"Intermediate Psychic is probably fifty to two hundred beads.

"Advanced Psychic is probably two hundred to a thousand beads."

"A top psychic has at least a thousand beads, and I don't know the exact upper limit.

"See you, you can try."

Jiade Tianchen handed these beads to Feng Che.

Feng Che took the beads and immediately sank his hand.

These beads don't look big, but they are quite heavy.

"Use the Psychic movement I taught you, use the Psychic."

Feng Che drew his Psychic out of the body according to the starry sky Calm Mind method taught by Guardian Tianchen.

Subsequently, the wind attached these ultra-Zou calendars to these beads.

"These beads are so heavy, I feel like these beads have the power of a thousand pounds."

Feng Che13 felt his back was wet with sweat after a while.




Black's bead was immediately lifted by Feng Che Psychic and floated in the air.

"There are fifty-one in total."

Jiade Tianchen carefully counted the number of beads.

"Kong Jian, congratulations, you have become an Intermediate Psychic for the first time in your practice."

After Jiade Tianchen finished speaking, he couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

As a descendant of the Psychic family, he has been stuck in the Primary Psychic stage for an unknown amount of time. Assist was able to break through this opportunity. Unexpectedly, this kid has such wisdom and suddenly reached the Intermediate stage.

"You have just been able to use Psychic, so you are not very proficient. When you are proficient in using Psychic, your improvement will probably be even greater.

"Congratulations, see you."

Jiade Tianchen sincerely congratulated him, he understood that without Feng Che's help, he might have died on the island of death "let alone breaking through the Psychic Primary stage.

"Congratulations to you too, Psychic has made a breakthrough! Congratulations to all of us who successfully passed this life-and-death tribulation." Feng Che smiled and patted Jiade Tianchen on the shoulder.

Then, Alice also tested the current level of Psychic, and can lift 29 beads with Psychic.

Alice is already very satisfied, and she was fighting desperately. It is great luck to regain Psychic and survive.

Alice didn't know how she succeeded. Alice scratched her hair. As a single-celled creature, she thought it was right to be reckless.

Later, Jiade Tianchen told Feng and Alice in detail how to strengthen Psychic.

It was only then that Feng Che realized that practicing Psychic has so many particularities.

Primary Psychic can bend spoons at most and manipulate objects the size of water glasses to move.

Basically the same as ordinary people, but the senses are stronger than ordinary people.

Although Jiade Tianchen is a Primary Psychic, he has a lot of items that Cattleya poured into Confusion, so Jiade Tianchen can use the short-distance Teleport.

Psychic Intermediates can teleport short distances and teleport Pokémon.

Advanced Psychic users can teleport in the middle distance, and use Psychic to attack, communicate with Pokémon telepathically, and can open up a small storage space of their own

As for the top Psychic, it is even more powerful.

Not only can long-distance Teleport and field exchange be carried out, but also barrier-free communication with Pokémon.

It also has a huge space of its own, and has a strong attack power.

Jiade Tianchen reminded, if you encounter Intermediate and Advanced Psychic, there is no chance of escaping.

Once you've met a top psychic, don't run away.

This top psychic bursts out in a short period of time, and its strength is comparable to that of Eudemons.

But the top psychics, as far as he knows, are only Cattleya, Sabrina and a few others.

As for resources for Psychic people to assist in their practice.

The best is Psychic Crystal, followed by Clamperl's Pearl.

Dragon teeth and scales dropped from Psychic Eudemons are also resources to improve Psychic.

"Fortunately, we have so many Psychic crystals this time... huh? Why are the Psychic crystals gone?"

As Jiade Tianchen said, he looked down, and was suddenly surprised that the densely packed purple psychic crystals had disappeared.

This Ground is as smooth as a mirror, as if it has been licked by Normal.

Jiade Tianchen's face suddenly collapsed.

"I didn't expect to use so much Psychic to open an altar!"

Jiade Tianchen's voice trembled a little, it was because his heart was bleeding.

"Now that we each have Psychic, let's move separately from each other, so that it will be easier to collect supplies.

Alice suddenly suggested.

At this time, Alice is already a Psychic player. After possessing Psychic, who is not weak at first, she is several times stronger than before whether it is exploring the jungle or finding treasure chests.

What's more, Alice also has Fletchling and Houndour, which are very mobile.

Jiade Tianchen has also broken through the bottleneck of the Primary Psychic now, and now he doesn't need Alice's protection.

With Drowzee and Baltoy, Guardian Tianchen can successfully escape through Psychic even if he encounters a powerful Rival, even if he cannot defeat it.

"Our goal now is to win the top 20 in this assessment. We gather together, and the speed of collecting materials is far from enough." Alice continued.

"How many gold treasure chests and silver treasure chests have you collected this time? I will be responsible for opening the treasure chests, and the materials in the treasure chests will be divided equally. "I will trade them to you according to the points of the waiting emperor. How?" Feng Che suggested.

"Yes. Alice and I collected a total of three golden treasure chests, six silver treasure chests, and two golden keys.

Jiade Tianchen took out the treasure chest and said to Feng Che.

"Three golden treasure chests contain 300 points, and six silver treasure chests contain 300 points.

"Let's share it directly, so I will trade you two hundred points for each of you."

"I have the Poké Ball in the treasure chest, so I will give each of you four silver and white Poké Balls.

"Black's Poké Ball, I don't have that much on hand, so I owe it first."

"I will keep the map in the golden treasure chest. I will come to you after I successfully collect the map."

"Do you think this arrangement is reasonable?"

Feng Che asked Alice and Jiade Tianchen.

"I have no opinion."

"I have no opinion either."

The two nodded one after another, agreeing to Feng Che's arrangement.

And it was agreed that if there is an emergency, whoever is close to the other party will rush to rescue the other party.

After discussing the matter, Feng Che took out his point card from his bracelet and traded it to Alice and Jiade Tianchen.

"The Pokémon that guards the keys is too powerful. Now that Kong Jian has a way to open the treasure chest, we will focus on collecting treasure chests with all our strength.

Jiade Tianchen suggested.

"The next thing is, how do we send out the ruins.

"There is a very powerful Scolipede at the exit of the ruins."

Feng Che suddenly raised this crucial question.

"It's not a big problem. We can teleport directly to Fang Yuan ten miles from the ruins, and we won't encounter that Scolipede.

Jiade Tianchen explained.

"When the Pokémon ancestors built the ruins, they had considered this kind of problem, so they specially set up a long-distance teleportation array in the gemstone, so that we can leave here conveniently."

Jiade Tianchen added.

"Okay, let's leave here now, we've been on the island of death for half a month now, we need to hurry up to collect resources and catch Pokémon.

"We will be embarrassed if we don't enter the top 20 when we get it."

Jiade Tianchen directly triggered the long-distance teleportation and disappeared into the ruins.

"See you, I'm leaving too, thank you, take care.

Alice then also touched the teleportation device and left this place.

Only Feng Che didn't leave in a hurry, he looked up at the statue of Jirachi.

Jirachi's statue is carved from a unique yellow crystal.

"This is the greatest treasure of the ruins."

Feng Che showed a meaningful smile.

This statue of Jirachi has three colored ribbons, and to Feng Che's surprise, these three colored ribbons seem to be Jirachi's wishing raft.

"What kind of a big deal is this? The wishing raft can only be removed if Jirachi volunteers."

"And this ancestor of the people of the stars actually had such great courage, and even won't make a wish after getting Jirachi's wishing raft."

Although Feng Che did not have much research on archaeology, Feng Che identified through the system that these three wishing rafts of Jirachi are all real.

{Jirachi's wishing raft: The wishing raft that operates in the millennium ruins has incredible power. Find the wishing star Jirachi, or it can fulfill your wish. }

{ Jirachi's Millennium Statue: Possesses incredible power, placed in the starry sky can pull the power of the stars, the specific effect needs to be explored. }

Dead Island Poison Swamp.

Suddenly, the poisonous swamp was shaken.

Even the sleeping Scolipede woke up again, it suddenly felt that the entire poison swamp was sunken.

On a big tree not far from the center of Poison Swamp.

Feng Che suddenly appeared there.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost got trapped in the ruins."

"I didn't expect that the ruins have gone through thousands of years of operation, and the mysterious power to maintain the ruins is running out."

Take the Jirachi in Feng Che

After the statue, the entire ruins completely collapsed.

Feng Che also spent a lot of effort to escape.

"However, the harvest this time is also huge. Although I don't know what the use of Jirachi's statue is, I have a vague hunch that this thing will be of great help to me."

Feng Che looked at the surrounding environment and found that he was still in the poison swamp.

So Feng Che quickly released Ditto, he transformed Ditto into Arbok, and left the Poison Swamp.

"However, after receiving the huge power of Jiuxing Lianzhu, I feel that my voice ability has become much stronger."

Originally, Feng Che could only eavesdrop on Fang Yuan's voice within five meters, but now Feng Che can eavesdrop on his voice within a range of about twenty meters.

"And I seem to be able to block out the voices I don't want to hear now."

Feng Che secretly thought, Feng Che felt that Ditto at this time seemed to be a little different.

He felt that Ditto's aura had become much calmer. When Transform became Arbok, there was still a fierceness that had not yet been tamed.

But now Feng Che looked at Ditto and became extremely peaceful.

Feng Che attributes this reason to the possibility that his own psychic is turned on, and he sees things differently.

Now Feng Che takes a look at the Pokémon, and Feng Che can clearly understand the Pokémon's body structure, whether it is injured, and where its weaknesses are.

It can be said that Psychic became Feng Che's second pair of eyes.

Feng Che can even use Psychic to formulate more perfect medicines. Previously, he could only roughly distinguish the active ingredients of medicines.

With the assistance of Psychic, Feng Che can even accurately determine the active ingredients of the drug to the unit of micrograms.

1 gram = 1000000 micrograms.

"Such a Legendary-level potion, I guess I can prepare it."

A Pokémon pharmacist who can concoct Legendary-level potions can be said to be a true Breeder master.

{Hey, how did this start Earthquake, I just fell to the ground and fainted}

{Half a day ago I was wounded by a mysterious person, I managed to escape here, and Earthquake happened again. }

{Really, disasters are coming one after another. }

Feng Che suddenly heard a voice in his heart, he looked up and found a huge bubbling not far from the Poison Swamp. It's as if there is a Pokémon hiding in the ground.

"Ditto, pay attention to the enemy attack." Feng Che said calmly.

At this moment, the swamp suddenly exploded, and a Drapion crawled out of the muddy swamp.

Drapion is in shades of Purple all over, with blue spots on the forelimbs and tail.

There are many ferocious teeth in its mouth, and a lot of venom is stuck on it.

Drapion is covered with hard armor, and Constitution is very strong.

The claws on both arms have the destructive power to tear cars into scrap iron, and they release toxins from the tips of the claws.

Drapion with Poison + Dark Type is definitely a Pokémon that Feng Che doesn't want to touch.

This Drapion looks a bit miserable, the armor of the whole body is cracked, and one of the claws is half-stretched.

【Pokémon Name: Drapion】

【Gender: Female】

[Qualification: Excellent (yellow)]

【Ability: Snipe Shot】

【Level: 35】

【Attribute: Poison + Evil】

【Skills: Poison Fang, Bite, Toxic Spikes, Bug Bite, Venoshock, Knock Off, Scary Face, Pin Missile, Fire Fang】

【Contest Condition: Serious Injury】

[Evaluation: This is a golden cat with a rotten appearance. Faced with a serious injury, it has to throw Poké Balls to enrich Pokédex!!!]

Feng Che looked at this Drapion with its fangs and claws, his heart was very calm, and his face was expressionless.

He wasn't frightened by the Drapion in front of him at all.

Heh, the system's evaluations are all fake. Who are you kidding by pretending to be vicious?

Ditto will not launch any attack without Feng Che's order.

{ Drapion: Oops, this human being is not frightened, I'm about to die. }

{ Drapion: Just now is the biggest move I can make. }

{ Drapion: Whoops, I'm going, why are you humans hitting me with a ball. }

Facing the seriously injured Drapion, Feng Che got it right with a Poké Ball.

"Ditto, Transform into Golbat."

Feng Che suddenly remembered that Linoone had been included in his Poké Ball, so why not let Ditto directly Transform into Golbat.

Feng Che patted his own head and said secretly.

After a long time, Feng Che escaped from the poisonous swamp.

Just after he stepped on the solid ground, Feng Che suddenly found an Alakazam appearing in front of his eyes. .

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