The Pokemon Era: I Can Overhear Pokemon

925. Silvally: I Want The Sky To Hide My Eyes No Longer

"Silvally, use Dragon Shout.

"Then use the dragon's claw."

shouted suddenly.

After hearing J's instruction, Silvally's expression changed.

It opened its mouth with a serious expression, and let out a deafening dragon roar.

Silvally's aura froze, and its attack power increased a lot.

It swooped forward and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, it appeared beside Greninja "057", and it slashed heavily at Greninja with the Dragon Claw.

The Dragon Claw staggered and blasted at Greninja.

But all of this was blocked by the water blade in Greninja's hand.

Its tiger's mouth numb, and the water knife almost collapsed into spray.

Greninja felt a burst of astonishment, and gave Silvally a hard look.

{ Greninja: This Silvally is so powerful, I almost couldn't resist it just now. }

{ Greninja: Fortunately, I relied on my rich experience to block this wave of attacks, otherwise I would be ashamed. }

Silvally opened his mouth wide, and it bit Greninja hard.

The water blade condensed by Greninja suddenly broke into several pieces.

Silvally opened his mouth, and a large amount of electric arcs came out of his mouth.

It wants to use the Thunder Fang skill.

"Greninja, duck back."

Feng Che hastily shouted.

Greninja jumped back several times, dodging Silvally's thunderfang attack.

Silvally bit the air again, and Silvally was suddenly annoyed and went crazy.

Its volume has expanded several times.

A large number of Dragon Scale grows from Silvally's body.

It is covered with a golden light, which is really beautiful.

"Very well, Silvally has entered the frantic Contest Condition."

"The value this time is estimated to be 10%, which liberates about 10% of the combat power."

"If Silvally can unleash 100% of his combat power, then this Greninja is not a Rival at all."

Crazed Silvally is extremely violent.

{ Silvally: I really want to tear up the whole world to make up for my broken heart. }

Silvally's words made Feng Che completely speechless.

"Is this a patient with advanced Zhong Er disease?"

Silvally: I want the sky to never hide my eyes again. }

After hearing this, Feng Che secretly raised his forehead

"Are you playing the role of the Great Emperor in Shrouding the Sky?"

But one yard for one yard Silvally's attack power has really increased a lot after going berserk.

It growled Roar of Rage.

Ground couldn't bear the pressure caused by Silvally's madness, and cracked into several pieces.

At this time, Silvally is really like a crazy dragon, Normal.

It opened its mouth, and a large number of dragon stars came directly from the sky.

These bolides with a lot of flames are firmly Lock On where Greninja is at this time.

{ Greninja: A random blow can cause such a powerful force. }

Greninja looked at the surging fireball with a solemn expression.

The bolide directly bombarded the Ground, and the sound of 3.7 explosions continued, but Greninja's figure disappeared.

The entire Ground was bombarded by artillery fire, and the Ground was directly smashed to pieces.

Dragon Rage fire fell on the whole land.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered.

A lot of nectar fell from the sky.

Huge vapors fell directly onto the Ground, extinguishing the Dragon Rage fire.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Said very puzzled. .

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