"The storm has arrived, and we can't run away. "

Hurry, hurry, hide in the cabin, don't come out. "

No, in this case, you can't run to the cabin, prepare the lifeboat, prepare the lifeboat!"


A bolt of lightning struck in the sky, reflecting the frightened faces of everyone on the cruise ship.

Yunjie watched all this in a daze, clutching his phone in his hand, not knowing what to do.

'Is this the power of nature? Am I going to die here? Unfortunately, I haven't spent all my money yet, and I'm going to kill by cheapening that grandson and giving me a ticket.

At this time, Yunjie recalled that before, his girlfriend who had been talking in college for four years broke up with him, to be precise, he dumped himself and got into someone else's luxury car, and since then Yunjie has been depressed and drunk all day long.

I couldn't stand it anymore and gave myself a vacation ticket for a luxury cruise ship, so that I could go out for a walk, but unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it for two days before I encountered this terrible storm.

Alas, it's okay, it's all over, my life, it's a big deal to start all over again, I hope I will have a good baby in the next life.

The sea rolled, and the raging waves rose higher and higher, obscuring the black and oppressive sky, and the surrounding situation could only be seen when lightning and thunder roared.

The sirens on the cruise ship are constantly screeching, mixed with the screams of women, the curses of sailors, the roar of the captain....

Finally, the luxury cruise ship, which had long been overwhelmed, could not withstand the lapping of the waves, as if it had exhausted its strength, let out a wail, stopped struggling, and gradually sank towards the bottom of the sea.

"Quick, get into the lifeboat!" shouted the


A group of people seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and they all squeezed towards the lifeboat, pushing each other, regardless of etiquette, a pair of hands grabbed randomly, and some people didn't care about being touched around on their bodies.

The clouds also squeezed towards the crowd, constantly approaching the lifeboats.


that he was getting closer and closer to the lifeboat, Yunjie subconsciously stretched out a hand, and his heart was excited, and his heart was pounding, as if he was going to jump out in the next moment.


a burst of ecstasy in the cloud realm's heart, and he was just a little bit safe.


At this moment, Yun Jie felt a huge force on his shoulder, and the next second, he felt as if he had flown out, and he could only watch himself get farther and farther away from the lifeboat.

Then he saw a middle-aged man with a big belly rushing out from behind him and running towards the lifeboat, and the clouds finally realized what was happening.

[What a brute, throw me out.] Yunjie

fell heavily on the deck, but he didn't care about the pain and immediately got up and ran towards the lifeboat.

However, the hemp rope was broken in detail, and unfortunate things happened one after another, and the cloud world only saw a wave dozens of meters high hitting him.

Then it went dark.


before the cloud realm lost consciousness, he subconsciously grabbed his hands wildly. I thought about the middle-aged man just now.


the darkness and chaos, he seemed to have grasped something and held it tightly in his arms.



The waves washed boredom, and one after another, a man suddenly rushed out.

After a long time, another wave rushed in and hit the man in the face, which seemed to wake him up.


Yunjie spat out a few mouthfuls of water and opened his eyes.

"I'm not dead, here it is...

Cloudworld looked around, what appeared to be the shore of an island, and struggled to his feet, staggering toward the forest.

[If you don't die in a catastrophe, there will be a blessing in the future]

The cloud realm walked towards the forest with a strong breath, I don't know how long it took to walk, and the body finally reached the limit, and I couldn't hold it anymore.

[Didn't drown, but want to die in the forest and become food for wild beasts?]

Yunjie's heart gradually despaired, and suddenly, when he saw a wooden house in front of him, he was overjoyed, but he still couldn't hold on and fell down.

Just as Yunjie fainted to the ground, his left hand moved, and a green daffodil head popped up, and it moved strangely.

She looked at the clouds that had fallen to the ground, ran up and nudged his head worriedly.


did not move, and after a few more attempts, she stopped, looked around, and suddenly saw a house not far away, and ran towards it.


"Meller Meller"


"Sister, someone here has fainted. "


"Hey, it hurts.

Yunjie opened his eyes and found himself lying on a bed, with a faint scent of flowers, trying to sit up, at this moment.

"Meller Meller"

turned his head to look at the cloud realm, and there was a green one in front of him... Looking

closer, the more familiar it becomes, it seems... The elf in a classic of the same year is called... Lily root doll. He was impressed, because the Lily Root Doll evolved into Miss Skirt, an elf based on daffodils.

If you look closely, you can see that the round head and stripes resemble the bulbs of an onion plant, with three oval leaves growing on the head.

The white little face looked like there was no nose or mouth, and the elongated, vertical ovoid brown should be her eyes, which were full of surprise at this time.

The cloud interface looked at her expressionlessly, but in fact, her heart turned upside down.

[This is a living Pokémon! Oh my God, strange things happen every year, especially this year.] The waves swept me into this Pokémon world, and it was really... It's incredible!]

Just as he was thinking, a gentle voice came.

"Great, you're awake.

Yunjie turned his head to look, and in front of him was a big sister wearing an apron, with short black hair just hanging down to her shoulders, and her beautiful big eyes were full of joy, staring at Yunjie with a gentle smile on her face.

[This is... Isn't this the eldest sister of the three sisters in the flower shop in Pokémon?]

Yunjie was surprised in his heart, he remembered that they seemed to have appeared in the second season, so it seems that this should be the Fangyuan area.

"Hello, did you save me? Thank you very much. The

cloud world pretended not to know, and expressed his gratitude first.

"It's your elf who saved you, she came to me for help, and it would have been very bad if I had been a little late. As

he spoke, he looked at the lily doll on the side.

Yunjie also looked at her

, "Thank you, oh, for saving me."

The lily doll shook her head shyly.

"But she's not my elf, I don't have an elf. "

Is that so?" The

eldest sister looked at a lily root doll with some surprise, but quickly realized that after all, elven trainers are actually rare, only a small part of the world's population. A lot of people don't have elves.

However, when the lily root doll on the side heard this, she lowered her little head a little and seemed to be very low. But the cloud world at this time did not notice this.

"Hello, my name is Noriko, have you been shipwrecked, where is your home?".

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