With the influx of many volunteers.

A large number of volunteers contacted the Secretary-General in various ways.

Their purposes are all surprisingly consistent.

To buy a panda phone!

The secretary general looked confused, but it was not easy to directly reject this group of enthusiastic young people.

After all, they came to help Hailin City.

He could only reply to them one by one, telling them that he would go back and contact the owner of the panda company.

He said so.

And it did.

Soon, he used his office phone to call back the familiar number.

The phone is connected.

“Hello, is it the owner of Panda Mobile?”

Yang Jian: “It’s me, it’s the one who spoke to me last time, is there anything I need help with?” ”

“If the phone is not enough, I can provide it here!”

The Secretary-General felt inexplicably comfortable.

First, Yang Jian could still remember his voice.

Second, the owner of this conscientious enterprise is still so conscientious.

“Since you say so, I won’t go around the corner with you.”

“Let me first introduce my identity to you, Li Mingde, the secret master of Hailin City.”

“I really want to get a batch of phones from your company this time.”

“Not in the form of donations, but in the form of purchases.”

When Yang Jian heard this, he already had a rough guess in his heart.

How good your phone is, you know in your heart.

Such a mobile phone, once used by people, will definitely love it.

Because the feeling of use is so smooth and too comfortable.

Users can even use the system’s built-in functions to freely configure the operation mode of the mobile phone.

As well as customizing some small features.

It is completely possible to achieve the way everyone is accustomed to using it.

Yang Jian then asked, “How many mobile phones do you need over there this time?” ”

Secretary-General, hesitated for a moment.


There are more than 800 volunteers in total, and I should only be able to digest more than 500 mobile phones at most.

After all, each of them has a panda mobile phone, and buying it should only be for their families.

The quality of the mobile phone is very good, the experience is very good, you can support it!

If it can’t be sold, it will be regarded as the return of Hailin City.

Secretary-General: “So be it, according to the same number as before, a thousand!” ”

“By the way, I don’t know the price of these phones?”

The Secretary-General was a little afraid that the price of mobile phones was too high and that he would not be able to make his own decisions.

After all, self-developed things are very expensive.

But he didn’t want to, and a voice came from the other side of the phone that shocked his three views.

Yang Jian: “1,000 yuan for one piece.” ”

The Secretary-General petrified in place on the spot, thinking that he had misheard.

This configuration, or all the mobile phones that they have invested a lot of effort in research and development, only sell for 1,000 yuan?

Isn’t this a bit of conscience that goes too far?

He really can’t figure it out, can the mobile phone factory make money by doing this?

He thought about it again and felt that this might be a special price specially given to him by the other party.

So he immediately said: “You don’t need to give me a discount, this is a mobile phone purchased by Hailin City, and the price is just at the market price.” ”

“It’s not a secret, we also want to sell this batch of mobile phones.”

“The little guys who volunteered couldn’t put it down after using your company’s mobile phone and clamored to buy it.”

Yang Jian: “Secretary General, this price is the normal market price. ”

This is the price he set after consideration.

Take the cost-effective routine.

Mobile phones have just entered the market, without the influence of brand effect, cost performance is extremely important!

It’s a great way to quickly open up the market!

What’s more, the production cost of his mobile phone is indeed very low, lower than any company!

With a cost of only 500 yuan, selling 1,000 yuan is already twice the profit!

He also wants to sell a little lower and pull up the cost performance.

But obviously it can’t go any lower.

Blue-green factory mobile phones of the same level, this configuration will be sold for about 3,000.

No matter how low he sells, there will be problems.

On the other side of the phone, the Secretary-General let out a long breath.

“Good! I took these 1000 first, and if necessary, I will find you again. ”

“By the way, I haven’t asked your honorable daimyo yet.”

Yang Jian: “You’re welcome.” ”

“My name is Yang Jian, and I can make some contributions to the country, which is what we should do.”

The Secretary-General once again sighed in his heart: “Conscientious enterprise, conscientious boss! Such a manufacturer is not popular, heaven is unreasonable! ”

Secretary-General: “Okay, Mr. Yang Jian, please send your bank card information to the exclusive mailbox in Hailin City later, and I will transfer money for you immediately!” ”

Li Mingde will not worry about Yang Jian’s non-delivery at all.

Because the other party has sent a thousand mobile phones over, even if this thousand units are not shipped, it can be counted as the purchase funds of the previous batch of goods.

Moreover, the price of 1000 yuan for a mobile phone is too cheap!

You know, the amount allocated to them above is 3,000 yuan for a mobile phone!

He is not a fool either.

This quality mobile phone, 1000 yuan a piece, does not worry about sales at all.

He could already imagine the scene of a thousand mobile phones being snatched by that group of children after arriving in Hailin City!


The Secretary-General’s mind moved.

1,000 yuan a piece, whatever you say you have to equip your family.

This batch of goods, forget it, leave a few less.

Next batch, be sure to take more!

No way, he who has experienced the panda mobile phone also loves it.

And the test report given by the institute, he also read.

Except for the fact that the processor is slightly worse than the flagship mobile phones on the market, the rest have reached the level of flagship mobile phones!

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