A certain crew.

A dining car full of girly hues.

On a pink dining table were five or six meals served in glass boxes.

On the left side of the dining table, sat a delicate girl, she has a pair of dark and clear big eyes, soft and full lips, delicate little Yao nose is delicately born on the girl’s beautiful and pure, quiet and elegant stunning delicate, coupled with her beautiful and smooth cheeks, blown delicate face, people feel more beautiful than the food on the table.

The food on the table emitted a tempting aroma, but the girl held the chopsticks in her hand.

Her gaze looked out the window and her thoughts drifted into the distance.

Opposite her, sat a woman a few years older than her.

While eating, she noticed the abnormality of the girl.

“Mai Mai, are you thinking about him again?”

The girl who heard the voice suddenly screamed and was forcibly pulled out of her thoughts.

Her handsome and touching face was full of sadness and worry.

“I don’t know how he is now.”

The assistant looked at Mai Mai’s sad appearance, and there was also a pity in his heart.

These days, she often sees Mai Mai, who was originally happy and lovely, have such an expression.

Except on the set, the rest of the time is basically in this state.

However, the crew has recently implemented a fully closed shooting, and no news can be transmitted, and no news can be delivered.

She really couldn’t bear to see Mai Mai like this, so she simply wanted to completely cut off this matter from the source.

“Mai Mai, you don’t have to worry about him anymore, presumably by this time, he has already run away.”

Mai Mai bit her lips lightly, with a firm look in her eyes: “No, he won’t run away, I trust him.” ”

The assistant shook his head and sighed in his heart: “The little girl is still too young. ”

She continued: “Mai Mai, if he had been before, he would definitely not have run away. ”

“But now, his factory has closed, and his men have run away with everything.”

“He has nothing now, nothing left, and he still owes the bank ten million!”

“I know men too well.”

Mai Mai shook his head and denied: “No! He didn’t have nothing, he still had me! ”

The assistant sneered and shook his head: “What about you, can you help him pay back that 10 million?” Can you bring his business back to life? ”

In Mai Mai’s eyes, sadness appeared again.

“I can’t help bring his business back to life, but I can help him pay back the 10 million he owes!”

“I can work hard in the crew and give him a chance to come back to life, and I believe he will succeed.”

The assistant’s face showed an incurable look.

She persuaded with good words: “Mai Mai, don’t be stupid, based on your current situation, what kind of good man can’t be found, why do you have to hang yourself on a tree.” ”

“Help him pay him back? The total amount of money you can call up yourself is only 10 million, right? ”

“Don’t be silly Mai Mai, give up on him early, now your career is the most important, I really don’t want you to be so sad anymore.”

She really didn’t want to see Mai Mai go on like this, and in her opinion, more cruel facts awaited Mai Mai later.

Now that the news from outside does not come in, it is a good thing for Mai Mai.

She was afraid that Mai Mai’s weak mind would not be able to withstand such a blow.

Next second.

Mai Mai’s words completely shattered her three views.

“I’ve already given him ten million, he’ll be fine!”

Lose your marbles!

Lose your marbles!

The assistant only felt that Mai Mai had gone crazy and fell into the quagmire of love and could not extricate himself completely!

Enchanted by love!

She couldn’t imagine that Mai Mai had actually given Yang Jian all the money that could be called on herself!

She asked in disbelief, “Mai Mai, aren’t you kidding me anymore.” ”

Mai Mai said flatly: “No kidding. ”

When the assistant heard this, he exploded like a frightened orange cat.

He jumped up from his chair.

“Mai Mai, are you crazy? That’s all your money! ”

“What if you gave him your own life!”

Mai Mai is still as calm as autumn water: “Didn’t the crew have food and housing?” I eat well here, live well, and don’t worry about money at all. ”

The assistant seemed to have seen the most outrageous thing in his life!

She exclaimed: “Mai Mai, it’s not that I want to break your heart, as a person who has come over tells you that this may be the most regrettable decision you have ever made in your life.” ”

Mai Mai heard this and shook his head firmly: “No, this is the decision I will not regret the most in my life.” ”

The assistant was speechless for a while.

After she was quiet for a long time, she decided to let Mai Mai have a long pain rather than a short pain.

Spread everything out.

“Mai Mai, Yang Jian has failed, he can’t rise again, even if you help her pay off the debt!”

“He takes your 10 million, and at most he will only pay off the debt.”

“Think about it again, he may have taken this ten million and flew away!”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if he can regain his confidence and get involved again, it will be difficult for him to rise.”

“For him, this ten million is just less than ten days of use.”

“What can you do in ten days?”

“Do you expect him to earn 100 million in ten days?”

(Yang Jian silently complained in the distance: “Ten days to earn 100 million? Who do you look down on? “)


PS: Beautiful boys who earn gold every day, vote for some flowers and evaluate the poor little author!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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