"Well, well, there's no way. They are better than you. If you win, you win. If you lose, you lose."

Zhang Tianshan also quickly comforted his daughter to preach.

This is what happens in martial arts competitions. Not everyone has always been a winner.

Zhang yingzi looked at Zhang Tianshan and wanted to say something. When she saw the wound on Zhang Tianshan's arm, she immediately asked, "father, are you hurt? What's the matter? "

"Ha ha, it's nothing. It's just a small injury. I met the bandits of tiger mountain on my way back!"

Zhang Tianshan's indifferent expression waved his hand and responded.

"Bandits of tiger mountain? The bandits in tiger mountain are really rampant recently. Father, you'd better not go in person in the future. I'm afraid you are in danger, or I can go with you! " Zhang yingzi was suspicious for a moment, and then immediately proposed to Zhang Tianshan.

"Well, I see. You're not going to a girl's house!" Zhang Tianshan fondly touched Zhang yingzi's head and preached.

"Chief escort, chief escort!"

At this time, a guard's voice sounded outside. It sounded very anxious.

"What's the matter?"

After hearing this, Zhang Tianshan went out of the room and asked suspiciously.

"There are two men coming from outside. They say they are looking for you, and they also say they are your life-saving benefactor. I don't know if it's true, so I'll report it to you!" The guard immediately told Zhang Tianshan the situation.

"What! Where are they now? Take me Zhang Tianshan a listen, immediately surprised, quickly toward the guard to respond.

With that, Zhang Tianshan couldn't wait to follow the guard to the door.

Zhang yingzi is also curious to follow Zhang Tianshan. She also wants to see who saved her father.

Soon, father and daughter came to the door.

Chen Ge and Zhang Yong stand at the door with their backs to each other.

"Young Xia Chen!"

Seeing that it was Chen Ge, Zhang Tianshan quickly opened his mouth and exclaimed excitedly.

He thought that Chen Ge would not come, which made him a little disappointed, but now that Chen Ge comes, he can rest assured.

Chen Ge and Zhang Yong immediately turn around when they hear the sound.

"It's you!"

As soon as he turned around, Zhang yingzi, who was standing behind Zhang Tianshan, immediately opened her eyes and exclaimed.

"It's you!" Chen Ge also points to Zhang yingzi, with an incredible face.

"Sakura, you.. Do you know Chen Shaoxia? " Zhang Tianshan asked his daughter in surprise.

"Father, he.. He.. He's the one who beat me

The next second, Zhang yingzi was so angry that he pointed to Chen Ge and called to Zhang Tianshan.

"Ha ha ha!"

In the next chapter, Tianshan immediately laughed.

It turns out that her daughter is Chen Ge. Zhang Tianshan is not surprised that Chen Ge can win over her daughter. After all, Chen Ge is really powerful.

"Yingzi, it's unreasonable. Chen Shaoxia is my life-saving benefactor. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid you wouldn't see your father and me!"

Zhang Tianshan immediately rebuked Zhang yingzi seriously.

Zhang yingzi pursed and snorted. Then she turned around and left angrily. She didn't want to stay at the door and see Chen Ge. Seeing Chen Ge made him angry.

"Well.. Don't mind, young Xia Chen. Yingzi is just like that! "

Zhang Tianshan is afraid that Chen Ge will be angry, so he quickly reminds Chen Ge.

"It's OK, chief escort Zhang. I'm sorry that I won your daughter!"

Chen Ge is also indifferent smile, some embarrassed sermon.

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