In the evening, Chen Ge and Zhang yingzi return to the dart house.

"This bastard Gongsun Quan really pissed me off. He was so brazen in public that he didn't admit it. There were four other people who didn't admit it temporarily!" As soon as he got home, Zhang yingzi got angry and scolded.

"Sakura, forget it. We can't think of a lot of things. I can only say that we are too careless this time. We should pay attention next time!" Zhang Tianzheng also took his daughter and sat down to comfort him.

"Chief Zhang is right. Don't be angry. Gongsun Quan will be killed by me sooner or later. Anyway, there are two days. I will make Gongsun Quan pay the price in these two days!"

Chen Ge narrowed his eyes and said something gloomy. He had already made a plan in his heart.

Anyway, in a word, Gongsun Quan is dead.

"Brother Chen Ge, do you have any idea?"

After hearing Chen GE's words, Zhang Tianzheng asks Chen Ge.

"Chief escort Zhang, could you please ask someone to monitor Gongsun Quan for me? I want to know Gongsun Quan's movement and position at any time!" Chen Ge didn't answer Zhang Tianzheng's words. Instead, he ordered Zhang Tianzheng.

"OK, that's OK!" Zhang Tianzheng a listen, decisive a promise way.

He believes that Chen GE has already figured out how to deal with Gongsun Quan. He just helps Chen Ge.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Zhang yingzi asked curiously.

"Since general long Kai said that as long as he goes out of the city, what happens outside the city will not be his responsibility, then we will use this point to give Gongsun Quan the truth of treating him in his own way."

Chen Ge looks at Zhang yingzi and Li Yong with an interesting radian at the corner of her mouth.

Hearing this, Zhang yingzi's three talents suddenly understood.

Soon, Zhang Tianzheng asked people to monitor Gongsun Quan and report Gongsun Quan's trend at any time.

In the evening, the person in charge of supervising the movement of Gongsun Quan came back and immediately reported the situation to Zhang Tianzheng, who told Chen Ge.

When Chen GE learned about it, he left the dart house and went to the place where Gongsun Quan was.

At night, Chen Ge flies across the roofs of various houses.

After a while, Chen Ge came to a brothel. Gongsun Quan is here today.

Chen Ge finds Gongsun Quan's room. Through the window, Chen Ge hears all kinds of happy sounds coming from the room. It sounds like Gongsun Quan is in a very cool rhythm.

"It's really enjoyable!"

Chen Ge thought with a sneer.

Then, Chen Ge put on the veil and black clothes, which he had prepared for Gongsun Quan.

After finishing all the preparations, Chen Ge jumps directly down and rushes into the room along the window.

Gongsun Quan, who was working, was startled and fell from bed to the ground.

Looking at the assassin in black in front of him, Gongsun Quan opened his eyes and roared angrily: "who are you? I'm the young master of Gongsun family. You dare to disturb my young master. You don't want to live! "


As soon as Gongsun Quan's voice fell, he saw a bloodstain on his throat.

The blood continuously gushed from Gongsun Quan's mouth.

His pupil, vitality is constantly dissipating.

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