"Patriarch, do you really want to see him?" Chen Wu was stunned for a moment.

"I just want to kill him. I have told you many times that you are the only member of the Chen family in my heart. If you still don't believe what I said, leave now." Chen DIANCANG frowned, and the expression on his face became serious.

"I believe, I believe!" Chen Wu was a little afraid and quickly said yes.

"If you believe me, why do you disobey my orders and secretly send your two men to Gong island to assassinate Chen Ge?" Chen DIANCANG pinched out the cigarette in his hand, hit the ground with his crutch, and asked in a low voice.

"I..." Chen Wu didn't know how to explain it.

He always thought that his plan was seamless and would not be discovered at all. He didn't expect that although he had concealed it as much as possible, he was still known by Chen DIANCANG.

"You almost broke my plan!" Chen DIANCANG snorted coldly.

"Patriarch, I know it's wrong." Chen Wu bowed his head and apologized. Although he had been with Chen DIANCANG since he was a child, he was only an adopted child. He didn't dare disobey Chen DIANCANG's orders at all. He was afraid that Chen DIANCANG would give him up suddenly.

You know, once he loses Chen DIANCANG's care, he will no longer have his current identity on Youlong Island, and may even be driven out.

"I hope this is the last time. If I find you disobeying my orders again, you can pack up and leave Youlong island!" Chen DIANCANG left a cold word and left the room directly.

Looking at Chen DIANCANG's back, Chen Wu stood in place for nearly ten minutes.

It wasn't until the cold wind came into the room that I gradually woke up.

With a sigh, Chen Wu sits on the chair limply. Chen DIANCANG's words are like an ultimatum. Although he is afraid, he is more confident to solve Chen Ge.

Although Chen DIANCANG has just said that he wants to kill Chen Ge, Chen Wu doesn't believe it. Only after he kills Chen Ge himself can he solve all the threats and be the heir of the patriarch.

"Chen Ge, no matter where you go, I'll take your life!" Sitting on the chair, Chen Wu held the water cup. After gritting his teeth and saying this, he pressed his hand hard, and the glass cup burst open, splashing debris on the ground.



After a night's rest, Chen GE's state has returned to its peak.

After breakfast, three people sat in the room.

"I inquired about it last night and didn't get any information about the Hai Dong nationality. I can guess that this family has been completely hidden in the real society of the Japanese nation and will not be discovered by outsiders." Ghosts are the first to speak.

"I can guess that it's definitely not possible to find the Hai Dong people in one or two days. Only by looking slowly can we have a chance and be eager for success. Even if we can find them, it will scare them away." Chen Ge, not disappointed, nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Xiaofei's eyes were black. He couldn't understand.

"The Hai Dong people are a race thousands of years ago. They hold the way to find and enter Youlong island. As long as we can find them, the initiative is in our hands." Thinking that Bai Xiaofei no longer needs to protect Liang Lu, Chen Ge tells him the actual situation.

"To find them is not to look for a needle in the sea of Japan." After hearing Chen GE's words, Bai Xiaofei's expression suddenly became stiff.

"That's right. It's just looking for a needle in a haystack." Chen Ge sighed.

"So don't worry. We'll find Haidong sooner or later." The ghost operator also agrees.

"What's the matter with your special forces competition? If we can, we can investigate from this aspect. It's better than staying in the hotel all the time." Chen Ge turns to Bai Xiaofei.

"The leader of our War Department said that it was an ordinary competition, that it was to select the strongest special forces of each country's War Department to Japan's small competition. It was not a competition to face up to, nor was it a great honor. But after all, it was a competition between countries, which still needed to be paid attention to."

Bai Xiaofei thought about it and said what the leader said.

"To see what's going on?" Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, we don't have a clue now. This competition is held in Japan. There will certainly be powerful people who will take part in it. Maybe we can find clues about the Hai Dong people from them." The ghost operator agreed.

"I'll contact the organizers." Bai Xiaofei did not hesitate and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

When a phone call came out, it was surprisingly fast. The other party said that they would send a car to the hotel to pick it up immediately. Bai Xiaofei showed that there were people with the same company, and the other party didn't refuse.

In about half an hour, the Japanese military sent someone to pick it up.

Return the hotel room, Chen Ge three people get on the car, toward the competition place.

The competition is not in the Japanese military headquarters, but in a training ground, where a lot of composite board rooms have been built temporarily for the special forces to live. As soon as they arrive, they can see that there are many people here. Although there is still nearly half a month to go before the competition, most of the special forces will arrive ahead of time for training and adaptation in order to compete Get a good place in the competition and win honor for their respective countries."This is it. You are Chinese special forces. You can live here for the time being." After getting out of the car, the person in charge pointed to the house next to him, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Bai Xiaofei.

After taking the key, looking at the situation here, Bai Xiaofei was a little stunned.

If this is not a training ground for Japanese soldiers, he will surely think that this is a construction site, and these temporary houses look as shabby as they are, as if they would be blown over in a strong wind.

"Brother Chen, if we had known that, we might as well have stayed in the hotel directly." When the person in charge leaves, Bai Xiaofei gives Chen Ge the key in his hand. He says reluctantly.

"When you come here, you can be at ease. It's only half a month or so. It's OK to live here." Chen Ge opens the door and takes them in.

It's said that it's a temporary house. In fact, the space inside is not small. It has a living room and three rooms, as well as a toilet and dining room. After putting down the luggage, Chen Ge stands in front of the window and looks at the situation outside.

"Chen Ge, are you hungry or not? I'll go and order food with them." Looking at the time is approaching noon, Bai Xiaofei goes to Chen Ge and asks.

"Go ahead." Chen Ge smiles.

After Bai Xiaofei goes out, Chen Ge takes out the Haixin map in her pocket. On the map, the location of Youlong island has disappeared, and the island where the Hai Dong people worshiped has disappeared.

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