"Why are you still in a daze? Go and ask her about the situation of Hai Dong nationality. What if she runs away?" Bai Xiaofei is a little nervous.

"Don't worry." Chen Ge took him by the arm. When he explained the situation to him, he had already guessed that the boy would be very excited.

"How can we not be worried? If she runs away, we can't find another Hai Dong people. If the time is too long, we can't stay in Japan all the time."

Being dragged by Chen Ge, Bai Xiaofei sits on the sofa and smokes a cigarette that Chen Ge puts on the table.

"I can't say that. She's a special forces soldier. She should live here only when she participates in the special forces competition. Moreover, the hotel has her registration record. Now that she's gone so rashly, she'll be scared by us. Let alone Hai Dong, it's possible to call the police."

"We must gradually understand her situation, and then try to get close to her. When the other party is not disgusted, we can choose a suitable time to talk about the Dong people going to sea, so that we can get the situation of Youlong island."

The ghost operator opens his mouth and explains for Chen Ge.

"He's right. That's what I'm thinking." Chen Ge agreed to nod his head, and often he could go with the ghost operator.

"So wait?" Bai Xiaofei understood, but still felt that it was a little too tardy.

"Now it seems that there is no other way than to wait for opportunities." Chen Ge shrugged and continued, "if she has left before we find her, we have to find another way."

"It's too bad." Bai Xiaofei sighed.

"It's the way out of nowhere." Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

After that, Chen Ge goes downstairs alone. Since she has been living here recently, Chen Ge naturally wants to understand the situation around her. Although she has no enemies in Japan, she is not sure that any enemies will come here.

Here is not in China, everything can only rely on their own, and will not be as casual as in South Vietnam.

Ghost operator and Bai Xiaofei were ready to follow him, but they were rejected by him. Ghost operator has no strength and will protect him even in danger. Bai Xiaofei is here to participate in the competition. Chen Ge doesn't want to involve him in his own affairs.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Chen Ge comes down in the elevator.

It's completely dark outside. Looking at the bustling pedestrians outside, Chen GE's mood becomes a lot more relaxed and wants to be a little more open.

Since his parents and sister have been in Youlong island for such a long time, there should be no big problem. Besides, after all, he is related to Chen DIANCANG by blood. Chen Ge doesn't believe that he can really kill people. This can be vaguely guessed from some things that his father told him about his grandfather in the past.

Walking on the road, Chen Ge thinks about how to get in touch with that woman and how to ask about the Hai Dong nationality. After all, the three words of Hai Dong nationality should be taboo for today's Hai Dong people and should never be mentioned.

Think of here, Chen Ge felt some big head.

Seeing a supermarket nearby, Chen Ge is going to buy a pack of cigarettes. Suddenly, her eyes become sharp. With the blessing of jiuzhuan Yuanshen, Chen Ge can keenly feel all the dangerous situations around her.

Now, Chen Ge feels that something dangerous is happening in the alley behind the hotel.

Chen Ge Leng for a while, or toward the supermarket inside.

It's not in China, and I'm not a living Buddha. There's no need to meddle in my own business to cause me unnecessary trouble.

But just as he stepped into the supermarket, Chen Ge suddenly stopped.

Because Chen Ge suddenly realized that if it was just an ordinary danger, he would not have warning at all. It was not an ordinary fight at all. It was probably a contest between two practitioners.

"Take a pack of cigarettes."

Chen Ge stood at the door and handed a note to the counter.

After getting the cigarette and the change, Chen Ge immediately turns around and walks towards the back of the hotel. After all, there are people who are similar to practitioners in the place where he lives. He has to go and have a look.

Chen Ge doesn't go fast. She doesn't intend to expose herself before investigating the identity of the other party.

There is a dark alley between the supermarket and the hotel. From here, you can get to the back of the hotel. The back of the hotel is completely different from the busy street in front of it. It is a wasteland without building development, and construction waste can be seen everywhere.

Chen Ge is close to the wall. The more she goes back, the more she can feel the fluctuation behind. However, from her own perception, she doesn't seem to be a practitioner, but both sides are strong.

At the corner, Chen Ge looks up and sees the situation behind him. He sees a man and a woman fighting on the construction waste. It seems that the man takes up the upper part and the woman will lose in a few rounds.

Chen Ge lights a cigarette and is about to take two puffs. Since he is not a practitioner, it is the internal situation of the Japanese nation. Chen Ge doesn't want to take care of these things.Just as Chen Ge is about to turn around and go back, she suddenly finds that the woman not far in front of her looks familiar. From her clothes, she seems to have seen her somewhere.

All of a sudden, the woman's figure moved and was illuminated by the moonlight on her chest, but her chest suddenly sparkled.

Seeing this light, Chen Ge was stunned.

This woman is not someone else, or in the hotel hall, saw the woman with the special pendant of Hai Dong nationality.

Thinking of this, Chen Ge didn't hesitate. After throwing away his cigarette, he immediately jumped up. He was still thinking about how to contact this woman. Now he took the initiative to deliver the opportunity to himself. Of course, he wanted to seize it.

Chen GE's speed is very fast, more than ten meters distance, almost in a flash in the past, the man is just holding the dagger to stab the woman's chest.

The woman's physical strength is obviously exhausted, and she has no ability to stop. Just as she closed her eyes to meet, she suddenly felt a breeze blowing in front of her, followed by a slight sound.

As expected, the pain of being stabbed by the dagger did not come.

The woman opened her eyes, but found that she didn't know when, suddenly appeared in front of her back, looking at the situation, it was the man in front of her to resist the attack.

"Who are you and why do you meddle in our affairs?" The other side was also shocked by Chen GE's sudden attack and asked in a low voice with a frown.

"Hide behind me." Chen Ge doesn't pay attention to him, but protects the woman behind him with her arm.

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