When Chen Ge and ER ye Feixu were drinking tea, all the Hanoi family members returned to the family. After a night's investigation, they even checked the hotel, but they didn't find any clues.

The one who was defeated and injured by Chen Ge was called sanro Hanoi. The one who took the lead in the investigation was the core disciple of the Hanoi family, called Liugu Hanoi.

The two of them were standing in the hall with their heads down.

"Tell me, what's going on?" The head of the Hanoi family, Hanoi Kawa, is sitting in the first chair watching them. Although he hasn't listened to the report, there has been no news from last night until now. He knows what's going on in his heart.

"Master, I rushed to the hotel as soon as I received the news from Saburo, but I investigated the hotel and its vicinity, and found no trace of them. They may have left long ago." Hanoi Liugu was frightened by the owner's words, but he still endured the fear in his heart.

"What a bunch of crap." Hanoi Kawabata slapped on the chair and said angrily.

"Home owner, that Chinese is very powerful. I was injured as soon as I met him. We found two registered Chinese in the hotel during our investigation, but we didn't find the one who hurt me." He followed.

"Did you see what he looked like?" Asked Hanoi.

"It's too dark to see him clearly, but I remember his voice. If I were in front of me, I would recognize him!" Said Hanoi, shaking his head.

"There's no difference between what you said and what you didn't say!"

"It took us three years from planning to starting. As long as we could grasp Er ye Feixu, we could make Er Ye family our subsidiary family. Unexpectedly, we failed when we were about to succeed!"

"This failure not only means that we have missed the best opportunity, but it will be more difficult to do it later. The Erye family will certainly be on guard, and even they will make use of this event to make trouble for us!"

Hanoi Chuan holds the armrest of the chair in both hands. As he talks, he gets more and more angry and directly pinches the armrest off.

Looking at the two people in front of him, he wanted to slap them.

Both Hanoi sanro and Hanoi Liugu did not speak. Although it is true that the sudden intervention of the Chinese led to the failure of the operation, in the final analysis, it is still the problems in their hands. After the owners trace them down, the responsibility still lies with them.

"Master, let's give an order to investigate the whereabouts of this man in Japan. I think there should be a chance. He is so powerful and a Chinese." Hanoi Liugu didn't want to involve himself because of Saburo, so he said after thinking for a while.

"Before you come back, I have already ordered you to go on like this!"

"OK, you go back and have a rest first. I'll inform you if you have any news before you act. Remember to keep an eye on the Erye family during this period and see what special actions they have. It's better to send some confidants to put them in and inquire about the relationship between the Chinese and their family!"

Hanoi waved weakly.

At his command, after nodding, they had to turn and leave.

Two days passed.

In the Erye family, Chen Ge still lives here. Every day, Erye tuoya will tell him the latest information, but Chen Ge is not interested in these situations at all. He is full of thoughts about how to talk about the Hai Dong people.

At noon this day, Chen Ge takes advantage of the time to have a meal with the ER ye tuoya woman, and stares at the pendant in front of Fei Xu's chest.

He knew that if he didn't take the initiative to ask again, I'm afraid that he would not know whether he was a descendant of the Hai Dong people or the secret of Youlong island for a long time.

"Miss Feixu, the pendant on your chest seems to have something special." Having eaten two mouthfuls of rice, Chen Ge seems to ask casually.

"You mean this pendant?" Two leaves fly catkins Leng for a while, pointed to point to own chest.

"That's right. I think this design is like a totem or something. It doesn't look like our ordinary pendants. It's from your Erye family, right?" Chen Ge smile, tone relaxed and natural, feel nothing wrong.

"You have a good eye. This is..." Two leaf catkins smile.

"It's a family pendant, but nothing unusual." Er Ye Fei Xu's words haven't finished, tuoya interrupts her words.

"So it is." Chen Ge chuckles.

Although there is no definite answer, it is obvious that Er ye tuoya does not want to talk more about this topic. Combined with what he has seen in recent days, Chen Ge can almost be sure that the ER Ye family should be the Hai Dong people thousands of years ago.

"By the way, Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I have to ask you a favor today." See Chen Ge no longer ask, two leaf tuoya is relieved.

"Just say it." Chen Ge smiles.

"This afternoon, I want you to go out with Feixu. Although it's a bit dangerous now, it hasn't been solved completely with Hanoi family, but this matter is more important. I don't trust other experts in the family. I'm going to trouble you." Er ye tuoya's face is a little difficult."No problem, I'll go." Chen Ge agreed without any hesitation.

"It's hard for you." See Chen Ge agree, two leaf tuoya also showed a smile.

After dinner, Chen Ge and ER ye Feixu leave together.

"To do what?" Sitting on the co pilot's seat, Chen Ge asked curiously, her eyes still sweeping her chest.

"Well, I went on a blind date." Er ye Feixu is a little embarrassed, but he tells Chen Ge the truth.

"Blind date?" Chen Ge nearly lost her chin.

"I can't help it. Our Erye family is too weak now. My father has to let me get married with others and protect our Erye family with the help of other people's family, so that we can live safely in the future. What's more, there's something wrong with Hanoi family now." Er ye Feixu shakes her head helplessly. From the beginning, when her father told her, she just refused.

But she is the eldest lady in the family, and she must put the family first.

"Will you?" Seeing her expression, Chen Ge asked.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it. I'd better meet them. Otherwise, if we offend this family, we Erye won't have a foothold in Japan."

The expression of Er Ye Fei Xu is somewhat helpless.

Since she became the eldest lady of the Erye family, her fate has been out of her control. She has been thinking about it for a long time, and it's a good thing that she can make some contributions to the family.

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