Chen Ge also has to keep up, when passing by Er ye tuoya, he smiles awkwardly.

In the room, er ye tuoya sits in the first place.

Chen Ge and Feixu sat down, still holding hands.

"When did you two have such a relationship?" Tuo ya, however, has come from this age. Seeing her daughter and Chen GE's fingers linked, she can understand what happened.

It just happened so quickly that he didn't have any preparation at all, which made him feel at a loss.

"Dad, I don't want to be with him, and I don't want to sacrifice my own happiness. You should know what kind of person he is. If you really marry him, my life will be ruined." Two leaves fly catkins release Chen GE's hand, stand up a little excited to say.

"I know." Tuoya looks up at his daughter.

"So I'm with Chen Ge now. I hope you can help us." Er Ye Fei Xu sits down and continues to hold Chen GE's hand.

"When are you..." Er ye tuoya looks at his daughter and Chen Ge.

"It started when we met." Feixu said first.

"Well, as a father, of course I hope you can have a good home. But if the Jinchuan family doesn't provide help, our Erye family won't be able to support for half a year, and other people in the family won't agree." Two leaf tuoya sighed a breath, some helplessly said.

"But it's your daughter. You can't sacrifice my happiness!" Hearing his father's words, Erye Feixu was a little emotional, "what kind of person is that Kanagawa jiesan? You should know that if Chen Ge didn't arrive in time yesterday, I'm afraid I would be insulted by him!"

"What are you talking about?" Er ye tuoya stands up abruptly.

"I didn't say anything." Er ye Feixu realizes that he has said something wrong and sits down.

"Chen Ge, what happened in the past two days when you came to Jinchuan's house? Does Jinchuan jiesan want to use catkins?" See the daughter refused to say, two leaf tuoya quickly asked to Chen Ge.

"That's right." Chen Ge nodded, "jinchuanjie three want to embarrass miss Feixu, when I go, miss's clothes have been torn and thrown to the ground by him."

"This son of a bitch!"

"I didn't take the rumors of the outside world as one thing before. I think the young master of Jinchuan family won't do that kind of thing. Now it seems that he is a walking corpse!"

Er ye tuoya slapped the table hard, even his lips were trembling with anger.

He can accept his daughter's sacrifice of love because of family development, but he can't accept his daughter's marriage to such a scum.

"So I want to stay with Chen Ge and push off my engagement with the Jinchuan family." Feixu clenched his fist and looked at Er ye tuoya's eyes full of expectation.

"It's still very difficult. Although I want to cancel it now, after all, the family is not up to me. Everyone else in the family should oppose it, and the Jinchuan family will hold on to it." Two leaf tuoya deeply sighed a breath, sat on the chair smoked a cigarette.

"Do you smoke?" After two puffs, er ye tuoya throws his cigarette box in front of him.

Chen Ge catches it and takes one out of it to light it.

"So, are you also playing a play, forcing me to cancel my engagement with the Jinchuan family as a couple?" After two puffs of smoke, er ye tuoya squints at Chen Ge. His ability to become the head of the family is enough to prove his ability to observe words and colors.

"No, we really love each other!" Feixu said first.

"I don't care if you really love each other or want to play for me, but I won't let you have any more contact with the youngest son of Jinchuan family. I will try my best to say that in the family. As for Jinchuan family, I will try my best to deal with them."

"Anyway, I will not use the happiness and reputation of my daughter for the rest of her life in exchange for the future of the family."

Er ye tuoya clenched his fist. It was hard for him to imagine what kind of life he would lead once his daughter married him. If he didn't know this time, he would push his daughter into the fire pit himself.

"Chief tuoya, I don't know if I should ask you something." Chen Ge grinds out the cigarette end and says.

"Just ask, you are the benefactor of our Erye family, and now you are Feixu's boyfriend. As long as you want to know, I will tell you." Tuoya waved his hand.

"What kind of grudges have you had with Hanoi family? As far as I know, this family can hardly attack people in Japan. How can they even send killers to assassinate Feixu this time?" Chen Ge asked.

This is a problem buried in his heart. Only by understanding the enmity between the Erye family and the Hanoi family can he help Feixu better. Moreover, Chen Ge doesn't want to be involved in the struggle between the two Japanese families.

Although everything is for Youlong Island, it's better not to cause trouble if it's unnecessary.

"The hatred between us and Hanoi family can be related to hundreds of years ago, but this is only the news handed down from our ancestors. Since I can remember, we have never had any intersection or conflict with Hanoi family.""This time the Hanoi family suddenly attacked Feixu. I was also a little unprepared. Maybe they knew that the situation of our family was not very good, so they wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate us."

Er ye tuoya shakes his head helplessly.

Before the family was defeated, the Hanoi family was so honest that he doubted whether there were any grudges between the two families. But now the family has just been defeated, and the Hanoi family can no longer sit still.

This made him feel disgusted. At the same time, he made up his mind that if the family could recover, he would be the first to get rid of the Hanoi family. At least they would not dare to focus on their own family any more.

"If they dare to fight against Feixu, it means that they have been planning for a long time. It will not be just this once. We should be more careful in the future." Chen Ge didn't hear any value from Er ye tuoya's words.

"It's true. Feixu is a special soldier of our country, and also has the title of female soldier king. Her strength is very strong, and she is not the opponent of the killer. You can guess that the Hanoi family must have sent the family's top killer, either to kill Feixu, or to hurt and kidnap her, so as to threaten me."

Er ye tuoya agreed with Chen GE's words very much, so before Chen GE's voice fell, he quickly expressed his thoughts.

"That killer is really powerful." Chen Ge nodded and echoed.

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