It clearly shows that the driving direction of Chen Ge and Feixu has shifted, while the killers of their family are still closely following.

When they investigated the Erye family, they knew that Feixu was already the king of Japanese women soldiers, and they also found out that there would be a big competition in this period of time.

So they know that Chen Ge and Feixu must go to the competition when they leave, but now they have obviously deviated from the road to the competition field.

"Are we wrong?" Tianfang sat in the back, and could hear the phone call between his men and Liugu in Hanoi clearly.

"No matter where they go, they must keep up!" Hanoi Liugu gave a sneer.

No matter Chen Ge and Feixu lose the chance to participate in the special forces competition or go on an outing, even if they go to worship their ancestors, they can't miss this opportunity.

If Chen Ge is not solved this time, it will be more difficult for them to do it when they return to the ER Ye family's manor. Even by that time, yuanteng and quanzuo may have been saved for a long time.

"Did you hear the group leader's order? You guys stare at me. You must follow Chen Ge firmly. If you lose it, you won't want to go back to the family in the future!" When he heard the command from Liugu in Hanoi, Tianfang yelled at some of his subordinates and gave orders.

"I understand!"

When they got the order, they agreed.

On the other hand, after driving to the countryside, Chen GE's speed gradually slowed down to avoid the people behind him from following him. Now it's less than 10 kilometers away from the barren mountain. When he gets there, it's time to solve the group of people behind him.

"Have you had any conflicts with the Hanoi family in recent years?" Chen Ge asked while driving.

"I don't know. I've been in the army all these years. I seldom go home, and my father won't tell me anything about my family. But my father said that he had almost no contact with the Hanoi family since he became the patriarch. I think it's true."

Feixu shakes her head. She hasn't cared about her family for many years. She is full of thoughts about how to survive in the army and how to win honor for the war department.

"Maybe your father had some scruples, so he didn't speak." Chen GE's family, which she had contacted before, also encountered a similar situation, and even encountered greater trouble because the person concerned did not tell him all the information.

"I don't think so." Feixu shakes her head again. She thinks that she knows her father's character very well. On weekdays, she hardly has any grudges with any family. Even when there is a conflict, she will tolerate it for the sake of the overall situation.

"I'm not sure." Chen Ge said in a low voice.

Although he knows that the Erye family and the Hanoi family have a feud, Chen Ge doesn't believe that if there is no reason, the Hanoi family will send killers to fight against a little princess like Feixu, which is totally unreasonable.

There must be a reason for this, otherwise the Hanoi family would be so determined to find trouble for themselves and catkins.

"But my father should not have a conflict with the Hanoi family?" Feixu heard Chen GE's words and muttered in a low voice.

"But there is no guarantee that other members of your family will have any conflicts with the Hanoi family or have any interests." Chen Ge smiles coldly.

"You mean, Zhengzhi grandfather and Erye help them?" Chen GE's words make Feixu alert all of a sudden. Although she hasn't been at home for a long time, she also knows the changes at home. Especially that night, in front of her own face, Erye Zhengzhi was able to say the words that made her father abdicate.

"I'm just guessing, but I'm not guessing who it is." Chen Ge shakes his head and says that he doesn't want to judge the situation in the Erye family at will, but according to his past experience, it's really possible.

"I really can't imagine that this kind of thing would happen in the family." Feixu's eyes soon dim down. As a little princess of the family, she has been taken care of by the family since childhood.

She never thought that one day, when she was a child, the family who was so kind to her would stand on the opposite side of her father, and even do things unfavorable to her family.

Chen Ge didn't continue to talk, but focused on driving a good car. At the same time, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye also looked at the mirror, always paying attention to the movement of the two cars behind.

Ten kilometers away.

In less than 20 minutes, Chen Ge was already close. You can see that there are almost no villages around the barren mountain, and you can't even see a wild dog on the roadside. This is a strange phenomenon for the Japanese nation, which has more people and less land.

"Do you know why there are so few people here?" See Chen GE has been looking at the surrounding environment, catkins can not help but ask.

"I don't know." Chen Ge shrugged.

"This is within the range of the family at the foot of the mountain, so no one dares to live here except their family." Feixu said.

"What family is down the mountain?" Chen Ge is a little curious. Although he doesn't know much about the state of Japan, all the powerful families have heard of it. Since the Yamashita family can get such a large piece of land, it must have great strength in the territory of the state of Japan.But before Chen Ge, he had never heard of the name of the family.

"This is a very unknown family, the overall strength of the Japanese nation is not ranked on the list." Feixu sees the doubts in Chen GE's heart and explains.

"Do they have the strength to get such a large area?" Chen Ge asks curiously.

"In the eyes of outsiders, they are just an ordinary family, but in fact they have a unique occupation in Japan, ninja." When he said these words, Feixu couldn't help lowering his voice. After all, it's a secret, which needs everyone to keep secret.

Ninja, just like the Chinese practitioners, can't be known by the secular world. Once it is known, it will cause an instant uproar. No one can help but keep calm when they know that those legendary professions actually exist in real life.

"Ninja?" Chen Ge frowned and asked.

"Yes, haven't you heard of it?" Feixu nodded.

"Yes, I have, but I don't know it exists, and I haven't had any contact with these people." Chen Ge shook his head and said.

"Indeed, those who know about the existence of ninja in Japan will keep it secret, just like you Chinese practitioners." Feixu shakes his head and says, just like a teacher is popularizing knowledge to students.

"Do you know the practitioners?" Chen Ge looks at her.

"Of course, I know. I'm a miss of the Erye family. Besides, our family is..."

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