"Hey, hey, I won't say it, I won't say it." Bai Xiaofei scratched his head to explain.

"This boy always likes to make fun of me!" Chen Ge shakes his head and tells the ghost operator that he knows Bai Xiaofei has this character for a long time, so he doesn't care about it. He often jokes like him.

The slap I just took was just a fight between friends. I didn't make any effort at all.

"You don't know, during your absence, I was often teased by him!" Ghost operator ha ha a smile, this nearly ten days time, he is also very Bai Xiaofei gradually get to know, and even become a friend who has nothing to say.

While they were talking, several people dressed in the clothes of the Japanese army came to Chen Ge quickly.

One of them had a document in his hand, and the other had a video device.

"Are you Chen Ge?" The leader took the lead and said, "I'm Ichiro Noda, an investigator of the War Department of Japan. I'm here to investigate the case of Lin aping, a special soldier who disappeared in South Vietnam eight days ago. I hope you can cooperate."

"Yes." Chen GE's eyes narrowed slightly, but she nodded in agreement.

"What's the matter with you? The disappearance of the special forces in South Vietnam has nothing to do with us. Why did the Japanese War Department hold on to us? Do you think that China is a bully?"

As soon as Chen GE's voice fell, Bai Xiaofei came over angrily. In his words, he didn't give these war department investigators any face.

"Sir, you misunderstand us. We don't think you are bullying us, but everyone says that before Lin aping disappeared, he had a conflict with you. Now we can't find him. Of course, we need to ask you something."

"If we find out the fact that it has nothing to do with you, we will not disturb you any more, and we will apologize to you!"

Investigators know that these Chinese special forces are not easy to cause trouble, but after all, the special forces of other countries are missing in the territory of Japan. The war department can't ignore it. As if nothing happened, it must investigate the matter forcibly.

Even if we can't find out anything, we should at least make an appearance and give an account to the South Vietnamese side.

"Xiaofei, don't be so excited, just cooperate with them. We didn't do anything. I don't think the brothers of the Japanese War Department will label me, will they?" Chen Ge pats Bai Xiaofei on the shoulder.

Although this boy is a bit reckless, and he can't speak in his head most of the time, he can see that he is really worried about himself. He is a very rare and very good friend.

"This gentleman is right. It's just a routine inquiry." Seeing Chen Ge give them steps, Ichiro nods and agrees, "Sir, have a cigarette and go to the interrogation room with us for a while."

"No problem." Chen Ge takes the cigarette and lights it.

Follow them to leave, Bai Xiaofei has been looking at Chen GE's back, until after walking away, just stick to the ghost operator and ask, "you say, brother Chen won't have anything?"

"You really look down on him, not to mention the investigators, even the whole Japanese War Department will not be afraid when they come here. If you have time to worry about him, you might as well consider whether you can get a good place for us Huaxia."

Ghost operator said with a smile, he knows that Chen Ge can easily deal with these people.

"I'm not sure. Although this competition is not so formal, it's all the top special forces from all countries. I'm not sure. It's very good to get the top position."

Bai Xiaofei's mood is a little low. His strength in the army is not very strong. Although he has the title of king of soldiers, his reputation has been accumulated in many actual battles. However, he is really less sure than these limited projects.

In the interrogation room.

Chen geqiao was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed, cigarette in her hand, and just made tea in front of her. She said she was asking questions. If she didn't know, she thought she was a guest.

"Mr. Chen Ge, what's the conflict between you and Lin aping? Can you tell us?" Ichiro Noda looks at Chen Ge and asks.

"In fact, there is no contradiction." Chen Ge took a puff of smoke, exhaled smoke, and said slowly, "it was when I was in Nanyue some time ago that I got into a bit of trouble. This special soldier may have come to me for revenge."

"Did you see him before he disappeared?" Yoshiro Noda wrote down Chen GE's words, but he didn't go deep into it. After all, Chen GE's actions in Nanyue before were too much, even in Japan, he knew something more or less.

"Of course I have. So many special forces are watching him come to trouble." Chen Ge nodded, showing a very natural.

"I'm talking about the night he disappeared, not the day when he was looking for trouble." Ichiro Noda interrupted Chen Ge.

"That's not true. I just vaguely heard him yelling outside and kicking our door, but I didn't care when I was sleeping. Later I heard that he was missing. You came to investigate." Chen Ge shakes his head and gives a very simple answer.

"Didn't you really go out?" Yoshiro Noda stares at Chen Ge. He is an investigator who has studied human micro expressions. He can guess a person's heart activities and words from his eyes and behavior.But Chen GE's performance is very normal. He doesn't even find anything wrong.

"Of course, if I go out, I'll fight with him. I'll know the sound." Chen Ge shrugged and said. "To tell you the truth, I'm curious about his disappearance, but I'm grateful. At least I won't be bothered again."

"We can't say that. We still have to investigate carefully. After all, it's the special forces from South Vietnam who came to our Japanese country to compete. We have to bear the main responsibility for their disappearance, otherwise we can't explain it to the War Department of South Vietnam."

"And now the head of the South Vietnam War Department has just changed. It's said that it's Lu Chengkun. There's an old saying in the Japanese state that the new official takes office three times. I'm afraid it won't be easy to let it go!"

Yoshiro Noda held his head and said with some pain. Normally speaking, he has encountered a lot of missing persons during his working years, but at least he will leave some clues or traces.

But this time, Lin aping seems to have disappeared out of thin air, let alone trace clues. If it wasn't for the sudden discovery of a missing special soldier, they wouldn't have known such a thing.

What's more, it has been so many days since the incident happened. Even though they have been investigating, nothing has been found. This makes him very angry. He has not even had a good meal or sleep for three or four consecutive days.

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