"I don't mean anything to you. You are a famous King of war in China. Of course, our war department should know you well. But now the relationship between us and China is getting closer and closer. I think even if we meet on the battlefield, we won't fight, but we will fight side by side!"

Fly catkins at a glance to see the white Xiaofei is not right, then quickly explained.

"In brother Chen's face, I will let you go even if there will be opposition." Bai Xiaofei smiles faintly. He knows that the relationship between Japan and China is only superficial. In fact, it still depends on whether there is a conflict of interest.

After all, in the present era, there are no absolute friends, only permanent interests. It can even be said that as long as something goes wrong, China and Japan will go to war openly and secretly.

"I'm not involved in the affairs between you, but as far as the current situation is concerned, we still need a united front." Chen Ge interrupted them.

"I very much welcome you to live in the family manor. I think you, the king of Chinese soldiers, will be very helpful in dealing with the Jinchuan family and Hanoi family." Flying catkins follow Chen GE's words.

After dinner, Chen Ge sent the catkins back to the dormitory of Japanese special forces, and then went back to the guest room.

Just enter the door, Bai Xiaofei and ghost operator are packing things.

"How did the princess of Hai Dong become the king of Japanese women soldiers?" Seeing Chen Ge come in, Bai Xiaofei throws the bag with leftovers into the garbage can, some of them don't understand.

"The Hai Dong people were thousands of years ago. If they want to survive, they are bound to be fully integrated into modern life. It's nothing to be a king of women soldiers. It's no surprise to be a senior official of the Japanese state." The ghost operator explained to one side.

After this period of time with Bai Xiaofei, he feels that he is almost becoming an encyclopedia. Every day, he explains all kinds of problems to Bai Xiaofei except for Chen Gebu.

"It's true that thousands of years is enough to make the Hai Dong people become a brand new family, but as long as they have a way to enter Youlong Island, they can." Chen Ge nodded.

He had no interest in the Erye family. No matter it was the largest family in Japan or a common family in Japan, he had to investigate.


time goes by very quickly. In the blink of an eye, four or five days have passed.

There is only one day left from the special forces competition. All the special forces are ready. Bai Xiaofei also goes to the competition site, while Chen GE has been sitting in the room.

Since that night, Chen GE has never felt the presence of the practitioners around him, but it doesn't mean that he has completely relaxed his vigilance.

Since the ghost operator says it's the Chen family on Youlong Island, it must be true, but Chen Ge doesn't know whether Chen DIANCANG sent someone to test his own strength or Chen Wu sent someone to solve it.

"What's on your mind?" Ghost operator goes to the window and stands here to see the playground below. A dozen special forces are training for tomorrow's competition. Seeing Chen Ge leaning against the window and staring at the sky in a daze, he asks.

"I wonder where the Chen family's practitioner will hide." Chen Ge did not hide, to the ghost operator told his mind.

"I don't think you need to worry too much. Although I did predict that someone would be close to you, I didn't calculate that you would be in danger. Therefore, this person's strength is certainly not as good as you. Even if I meet you, I can't hurt you."

The ghost said in a deep voice.

"I know that. I'm afraid he will attack you. You don't have any strength and need my protection. Although Xiaofei is the king of our Chinese army, he may not be the opponent of the practitioners."

"I wonder if he will take advantage of tomorrow's game."

Chen Ge takes a deep breath. He is not afraid of this man's doing things by himself, not to mention the Chen family's practitioners. Even if Chen Wu comes here in person, he won't be afraid of them, but the people around him are different. Although Bai Xiaofei is very powerful and proficient in various modern weapons and fighting methods, he is still a little worried in the face of the practitioners.

"Can the Erye family provide us with shelter?" Ghost operators know that they have no strength, once they are close to the body, they will become a burden.

"There are bodyguards, but they are not very strong." Chen Ge shook his head and said, "however, the Erye family has a certain social status in the Japanese state. No matter who wants to do it, they have to weigh it up."

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back." The ghost operator took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"I'll keep you safe." Chen Ge didn't take what the ghost operator said as one thing, even if he would pay great attention, but once he was caught, he would die.

"Well." The ghost operator didn't insist any more.

"I'd better take a look at the specific situation. I hope I can solve these problems quickly. I can enter Youlong Island earlier and save my parents earlier. There's also Muhan. I don't have a clue yet." Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

He didn't know why he had become like this. His parents and sister were arrested, and his girlfriend fell into the hands of the sun League. Now for such a long time, he didn't even know if they were safe.Maybe they have already been killed. What they are doing now is useless.

But no matter what, Chen Ge should see that he needs to see people alive, even if he is dead. Considering the worst, if there is no one left, Chen Ge will choose to commit suicide after burying them.

Relatives and loved ones are no longer alive, so it doesn't mean much to be alive.

"Soon, as long as you can get to Youlong Island, the position of the sun League will be found out soon. I don't think they can do anything to your relatives, but they want to use them to attract you to the past." The ghost operator can feel how sad Chen Ge is now.

"I hope so." Chen Ge nodded, lit a cigarette and looked out.

On the training ground, the special forces of all countries gather here. They will conduct centralized training for tomorrow's competition. Although it is not a very formal competition, it must be a contest between countries. Each special force wants to win glory for his country and also make a contribution to himself.

However, after training for a while, a person in a special uniform came here, and all of them happened to see it.

"To introduce you, this is a special soldier from South Vietnam. He just arrived in Japan an hour ago."

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