Chen Ge can hear that what she said about the photo should be just an excuse for herself.

In fact, Chen Ge really does not want to see Yang Xue.

He was heartbroken for the girl he had loved.

But it must be a lie to say that you don't feel anything about her.

After listening to Yang Xue's voice, Chen Ge was soft hearted and agreed to come down.

He got up and found a picture from his cupboard. It was Yang Xue and Chen Ge who took the photos by the lake on campus.

At that time, Yang Xue took his arm, and Chen Ge also laughed sweetly.

But now it has developed into this way, Chen GE's heart is in pain.

At this time, Chen Ge saw that he got 100000 yuan from the bank early this morning.

In fact, originally took the money today, Chen Ge is to take the money, ruthlessly revenge consumption.

But now it seems that I am a little too naive.

He didn't need any cash at all, just his sister's cards!

It's not a way to put so much money in the dormitory. In case the housekeeper sees it, how should he explain it?

These years, because of their own poverty, they have this group of true friends.

Now, tell the truth, Chen Ge thinks that he will lose something because of this!

"Go down to meet Yang Xue and save the money back! Alas

Chen Ge couldn't find the bag for a while, so he took a black garbage bag from the dormitory, packed the money and went downstairs with a picture of Yang Xue!

Campus lake.

"Little song, this way!"

As soon as Chen Ge came, Yang Xue was standing on her heels and waving.

Just like when I was in love.

In fact, today, the most unpleasant taste is Yang Xue.

You know, this morning, Chen Ge a hand, directly bought a 360000 bag ah!


How long do ordinary people have to earn?

Especially when he just dumped Chen Ge, he became so rich! It's not a taste to let Yang Xue think.

That's why she thought of taking photos with Chen Ge.

"What's the matter?" Although Chen Ge was sad, she was still cruel when she saw Yang Xue.

Yang Xue looks at the black garbage bag Chen Ge is holding.

"I thought you had to get something else when you came to see me," he said

Yang Xue is a little disappointed.

She was still dreaming just now. Chen Ge stood in front of her with the 360000 brand-name bag and asked her for a composite scene.

I didn't expect him to drop a piece of garbage when he came down.

Chen Ge took out the photo: "Yang Xue, the photo is back to you, from today on, we two have no contact at all!"

Chen Ge originally wanted to take photos as memories, now it seems, no need!

Yang Xue is a little impatient. She stomped her feet and hammered Chen GE's chest.

"You, fool, you are such a fool! Well, do you think I asked you to come down to ask for photos? "

Chen Ge made a surprised look: "what is that for?"

"Oh, how can you understand, Xiaoge, you don't think I really have something with that Luyang?"

In fact, Yang Xue is a fool

"Test?" Chen Ge smiles bitterly in his heart.

Run to the woods, touch you panting, the results of the final test of their own?

Chen Ge doesn't want to say anything.

"No matter how you test it, I'll return the photo to you, and we'll never owe each other. Goodbye!"

Chen Ge shook his head, turned and left.

"You, you, Chen Ge, you stop for me. If you don't stop, I'll jump into the lake from here!"

Yang Xue didn't expect that Chen Ge, who used to be obedient to his own words and always considered his feelings, has become so indifferent now.

She was ruthless and stood towards the lake.

Chen Ge knows that she wants to cheat herself again.

I wanted to go straight.

However, seeing Yang Xue's figure slanting, he fell towards the lake as expected.

Chen GE's eyelids jumped violently.

Hurry to come over and embrace Yang Xue.

Yang Xue's tears in her eyes crossed: "don't stop me. If you don't believe me, just let me die. Let me die!"

Chen Ge took a breath and to be honest, he really didn't believe Yang Xue.

Especially today, I learned the truth from Naning fan's mouth.

But now Yang Xue jumps into the lake again to seek his death. He still plays a real game.

Chen Ge is also not easy to say anything, at the same time, the heart is also some moved, is busy way: "OK, OK, I believe you!"

Yang Xue broke her tears to smile: "I know that you are a love song for me! I jump Lake Mingzhi, not because you buy Bags today, nor because you have money or no money, but to prove that my love for you is true! ""I, Yang Xue, are not a money loving person from the beginning to the end, otherwise we would not talk for so long!"

Chen Ge didn't say anything.

At this time, Yang Xuehu looked at Chen Ge suspiciously: "by the way, Xiaoge, I'm really curious. Why are you suddenly so rich? How could you spend 360000 on a bag? "

Yang Xue couldn't help asking.

Chen Ge knew she would ask.

But now, Chen Ge is not the Chen song that everything says to Yang Xue.

Similarly, Chen Ge also wants to test Yang Xue.

"Oh, well, I rescued a little girl who was hit by a car in the street a few days ago. I didn't expect that the little girl's family was very rich, but because she was in a hurry, they gave me a one-time shopping card! They said it was very valuable and expressed their thanks! "

Yang Xue's beautiful eyes turned and said:

"that is to say, the supreme shopping card is disposable, and it will be discarded when it is used up?"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Well, that What about that bag. If you sell that bag, it will certainly cost a lot of money! "

Yang Xue was disappointed.

She really thought Chen Ge got rich overnight.

But when you think about it, there are 360000 bags.

Chen Ge said: "package me as a birthday gift for Ma Xiaonan!"

"What?!!" Yang Xue was shocked: "did you give away 360000 bags? That is to say, you have nothing now? "

Chen Ge nodded:

"Xiaoxue, I didn't expect that you were not interested in money, and you were true love to me. Xiaoxue, let's..."

Chen Ge said he wanted to pull Yang Xue's hand.


"Fuck you, who is the true love to you poor man!"

And all understand Yang Xue, go up to give Chen Ge a mouth son.

"Shit, I wasted so much time that I almost jumped into the lake! Fool, you fool

Yang Xue shouts at Chen Ge.

Ha ha

Chen Ge looks at Yang Xue like this, is completely dead hearted.

So, is this what Yang Xue is?

"Xiaoxue, I'm totally disappointed with you..." There are tears in Chen GE's eyes.

How nice they used to be.

"You're a poor man. You're not disappointed. You waste my time. Get out of here. You people like you should pick up rubbish."

In order to vent her anger, Yang Xue grabs Chen singer's garbage bag.

I want to throw it on Chen GE's face.

As a result, one hundred thousand yuan was thrown away by such a force.

All red bills!

"Ah? This... "

Yang Xue's eyes widened and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief

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