For a moment, vulture and Chen aman launched a crazy attack on Chen Ge.

Although the strength of vulture is far less than Chen aman's, it has very top fighting skills. Chen aman's moves are weaker, but every punch and foot is mixed with fierce Qi.

These two people, Chen Ge dare not take it lightly, a little careless may be injured.

Three minutes passed.

Five minutes later.

Until ten minutes.

In the face of them, Chen Ge still did not fall behind, and even had a faint advantage. Between fists and feet, he forced the vultures to retreat step by step.

Vulture does not have the blessing of true Qi. It can fight with each other with its own strength. Several rounds, or more than ten rounds, are OK. But once time goes on, his physical strength will drop sharply. Facing Chen GE's one handed attack, he is a little weak.


Catch a flaw in the vulture's move.

Chen Ge clenched his fist and waved it hard.

The fist hit the vulture's chest firmly, and his face turned pale. Then he stepped back, covered his chest and gasped.

This fist, if it were for ordinary people, would have been seriously injured or even killed. The vulture resisted because of its physical strength.

But a few ribs have been broken, and the broken bones are directly inserted into the internal organs.

With the severe pain coming from breathing and chest, the cold sweat on the vulture's forehead came down directly. He knew more than anyone what it meant. His body had been badly damaged.

If you keep moving, you may die here.

Looking at Chen Ge, who is fighting with another man, the vulture bites his teeth and continues to retreat to a safe place. He slowly leans on a pile of red bricks and sits down. He carefully raises his arm and tentatively presses it on his chest.

"Four." A moment later, the vulture hit the ground hard.

He could feel the condition of the ribs clearly, and when he pressed on the ribs, the intense pain made his face pale, and the big beads of sweat fell from his forehead.

Vultures understand that the best way now is to stay where they are. Once their internal organs are damaged more seriously due to their activities, they can't be saved.

"Chen ge..."

He grits his teeth and looks ahead. He regrets his arrogance. If he listens to Kanagawa jiesan's warning and believes that Chen Ge is very strong, he should be more careful when he starts. Even if he leaves immediately after the failure of that shot and looks for a new opportunity to assassinate him, he will not fall to the present situation.

During his break, Chen Ge and Chen aman also won.

As Chen GE's offensive speeds up, Chen aman, like him, gradually loses the ability to resist. Although he can catch every move and seize the opportunity to fight back, he can see that defeat is only a matter of time.

It's more than a dozen rounds.

Chen aman's defeat became more and more obvious. When he was slashed on the shoulder by Chen singer's knife and temporarily lost his ability to move his left arm, before he had time to fight back, he was seized by Chen Ge on the neck.

As long as a little force, you can break the neck, he will be a dead end.

"Tell me, if I'm interested in your news, for the sake of our surname Chen, I may consider letting you live." Chen Ge pinched his neck and asked with a smile.

"There's nothing to say. Your strength is better than mine. I've lost it!" Chen aman is biting his teeth. He knows that the initiative is in Chen GE's hands now. If Chen Ge wants him to die, he can only do it with a little effort.

"It's tough." Chen Ge laughs.

After a few clicks on Chen aman, the force of jiuzhuan Yuanshen enters his body along his fingers, seals his actions temporarily, and then throws them on the ground, regardless of him.

After landing, Chen aman struggled a few times, only to find that his limbs were not under his control. No matter how hard he tried, there was no movement, just like paralysis.

Walking in front of the vulture, Chen Ge squats down slowly and lights a cigarette.

"Do you smoke?"

Holding a cigarette case, shaking in front of him.

"What do you want to do?" The vulture covers her chest and stares at Chen Ge.

With such a remark, he bared his teeth in pain, as if his body was about to explode.

"It's nothing. I just want to know who hired you to assassinate me. Your strength is not weak. Maybe you are a famous killer. Is it Jinchuan family who hired you?"Chen Ge squints her eyes. Although she doesn't know the identity of this person, she can easily guess that no one else will hire a killer to assassinate her, except Kanagawa jiesan.

"I don't know anything."

Said the vulture, biting its teeth.

He is the seventh killer in the list of killers. He has absolute professional ethics. Once he is caught, even if he dies, he can't tell the news of his employer. This rule has been rooted in his mind since he started his career.

"It's all hard mouth." Instead of anger, Chen Ge smiles. She gets up and looks back at Chen aman, then at the vulture.

Their identities are clear to them. Even if they ask, they just ask about what they want to know.

But both of them are silent, which makes Chen Ge a little tired.

"No, right?" Suddenly, the smile on Chen GE's face stopped, and then he raised his foot and stepped on Chen aman's chest.

The huge strength directly depressed my chest. The ribs, which were originally stuck on the viscera, directly penetrated the viscera under such a great force.


Under the heavy blow, the vulture spat out blood.

Then the whole person's breath became very depressed, even breathing became difficult.

"Not yet?" Chen GE's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Kill me, I can't say it!" Vultures keep spilling blood in their mouths, but they still bite their teeth and refuse. Even if they know the words, they will die.

"There's no problem. Since you want it, I'll give it to you." Chen Ge didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense. Now that he knows it, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead.

As the voice fell, Chen GE's eyes suddenly became sharp, and immediately stepped down with one foot. With the sound of bone fracture, the vulture's chest was depressed.

He uttered an ugly scream. Before he closed his mouth, he had lost his breath. His arms fell down and his body became paralyzed. But his eyes were glaring at Chen Ge all the time. To his death, he was still thinking about how to kill him.

"To get rid of him, we need to get rid of you." Chen Ge doesn't care about the corpse. After all of them are killed, he can evaporate with real Qi, and then he can be silent.

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