"I'll tell you anything else you want to know." When Chen aman looks at Chen Ge, he suddenly feels that the man in front of him looks different from his impression.

When he heard the name of Chen Ge, he thought that he was a very sinister and ruthless man who would do anything to achieve his goal. He had a strong ambition to break the peace of the Chen family and become the owner of the Chen family. From then on, he oppressed their family.

But from the current contact, he feels that Chen Ge is a very gentle young man, not a bit fierce and irritable at all. Although he just started to kill a master, it was the other party's sneak attack first.

But for myself, because of the same surname Chen, I choose to let myself live.

This made him a little moved. At least, his impression of Chen Ge changed.

"That's all." Chen Ge said lightly.

"Let's scrap my accomplishments. I'll go home now." Chen aman relaxed and said that he knew what would happen if his cultivation was abandoned, and he would soon become an ordinary person from the top of his family.

Even by those who have offended before.

But these are not important compared with life. If you lose your accomplishments, you can practice again. If you lose your life, everything will be finished.

"You go."

Chen Ge stretched out two fingers and touched the acupoints on his chest twice. He said faintly.

"Ah?" Feeling relaxed and able to control his limbs, Chen aman stood up on the ground and asked curiously.

From his point of view, if he wanted to assassinate himself, it would be a dead end if he failed. Chen Ge only abandoned his cultivation, which was very kind. But now he said that he would let himself go directly, which made Chen aman a little confused.

"Are you still masochistic?" Chen Ge laughs.

"No Seeing that Chen Ge didn't mean to kill him, Chen aman relaxed, walked up to Chen Ge and said, "I just don't understand. It's clear that I and that man are here to kill you. How can you kill him instead of me?"

"It's very simple, because you are from the Chen family." Chen Ge took a deep breath of the cigarette, exhaled the smoke and said in a deep voice.

"Although I didn't live in your Xiuzhen Chen family since I was a child, I was Chen DIANCANG's grandson after all. I had a happy time with him when I was a child. Although I don't know what his purpose was to capture my family, now I have to force me to meet him on Youlong Island, but you are Chen's family after all. I just want to save people and don't want to kill each other."

"I..." Chen aman was stunned.

He only knew that Chen Ge wanted to attack them on Youlong Island, but he didn't expect that there was such a story hidden behind. The patriarch captured his family, and the patriarch was Chen GE's grandfather. The people who captured them were the patriarch's son and daughter-in-law.

"Have you seen them?" Chen Ge takes out a cigarette, hands it to Chen aman and asks.

"Once a long time ago, just once." Chen aman took the cigarette and lit it with Chen GE's lighter. Then he said.

"How are they?" Hearing Chen aman's words, Chen Ge trembled, and even her eyes became moist.

"It's not bad. The patriarch doesn't seem to treat them badly. He just keeps them in the backyard where no one can enter except the patriarch and his confidants. It should be easy to eat and wear." Chen aman tried to think about it, and then he said.

"Can Chen Wu go in, too?" Chen GE's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"No, although Chen Wu is adopted by the patriarch and has a high status in the family, the patriarch has always been guarding against him. In some important parts of the family, Chen Wu has no right to go in."

"Including the backyard where the patriarch lives, I have never seen Chen Wu go in."

Chen aman frowned again and thought about it. Then he came back.

"It seems that their life in the Chen family is not bad, there is no danger, then I can rest assured." Chen Ge breathed out a mouthful of turbid air, and the stone that had been raised in his chest finally fell to the ground.

For a moment, Chen Ge waved to Chen aman and said“ Go back. If you want to save your life, remember not to say anything after you go back. Do you understand? "

"I know that if Chen Wu asked, I would have talked about Japan, but I didn't find you at all." Chen aman nodded hard.

"Go ahead." Chen Ge waved again.

Chen aman throws away his cigarette end, bows to Chen Ge, and then bends heavily.

He is thanking Chen Ge for not killing him. At the same time, he has made a decision in his heart that if Chen Ge goes to Youlong island one day, he will not fight against Chen Ge, even if he will be punished by his family.Soon, Chen aman disappeared into the night.

Chen Ge stands smoking a cigarette, feeling the cold wind blowing from the front. A moment later, the cigarette burns out, and Chen Ge turns to walk in front of the vulture.

"Jinchuan family, it seems that you are still a thief, so there is no need for your family to stay in Japan." Chen Ge goes to the body and touches his clothes.

It was found that there was nothing to identify except a pack of folded cigarettes and a few bullets.

Chen Ge didn't pay attention to these. He put his hand on him again. With the nine turns of the power of Yuan Shen in his body, a blazing temperature burst out from his palm.

In a few seconds, the body of the vulture was burned completely. Because of the volatilization of the true Qi, it didn't even taste like Lin aping. It mysteriously disappeared in the world.

Do this well, Chen Ge turns around and leaves here.

Inside the guest room, ghost operator and Bai Xiaofei didn't sleep. They sat on the sofa waiting.

As soon as the door opened, Bai Xiaofei rushed up.

"Brother Chen, are you not hurt?" Bai Xiaofei took Chen GE's arm and examined it carefully. He asked anxiously.

"Not injured. Don't you know my strength?" Chen Ge laughs and closes the door.

"All settled?" The ghost operator came forward and asked.

"It's solved. The special forces sent from South Vietnam were indeed killed by Chen family practitioners. I've also dealt with this man, and the strength is OK, but it's not as strong as I thought. I've let him go." Chen Ge takes off her coat, goes to the water dispenser, pours a cup of cold water and drinks it.

"How can we let it go?" Ghost operator and Bai Xiaofei don't understand.

"I don't want to kill the Chen family. It was Chen DIANCANG who kidnapped my parents, not other members of the Chen family." Chen Ge put down her paper cup and said, "besides, if I let him go now, it means that he owes a favor."

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