Soon, they returned to the Erye family.

Before they came back, the experts arranged by the old man had already come.

"Chen Ge, who are they? I just asked no one to tell me, but they said they were ordered to come here. Did you ask for help?" At this time, tuoya was standing at the gate of the manor. When he saw Chen Ge coming back, he quickly stepped forward and pointed to a dozen people on both sides of the manor.

"I'd better go in and talk to you."

"You've been working hard. Please let me know if you need anything."

Chen Ge is not ready to make it clear in front of these family members at the foot of the mountain. Instead, he turns around and waves to them, and then goes back with tuoya and Feixu.

In the living room.

Just came in.

Tuoya asked repeatedly.

Now the situation in the family is very complicated. Not only the Jinchuan family and the Hanoi family, but even the people in the family are coveting his position. If you are not careful, you may go into the land of doom.

"Tuoya clan leader, you don't have to worry. Those people outside are from the Shanxia family. They were ordered by the old man to come and protect us." Chen Ge saw two leaf tuoya's uneasiness, just sat down, quickly explained.

"How can the Yamashita family help us?" Tuoya's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

"Please rest assured that the old man is familiar with my father's generation, so he is willing to lend a helping hand." Chen Ge said with a smile.

"So..." hearing Chen GE's words, tuoya was relieved.

"By the way, Chen Ge, there will be a meeting in the family the day after tomorrow, and you must be present." Two leaf tuoya put down the heart, but turn to see to Chen Ge to continue to say.

"Was it the idea of the old man with white hair?" Chen Ge squinted and said with a smile.

Last time when he arrived at the Erye family, Chen Ge took part in a so-called family meeting. At that meeting, those who almost never went back to the family forced tuoya to abdicate. Chen Ge clearly remembers this.

"I can't say that."

"Now the family is not as prosperous as before. It's OK for them to find a new patriarch, but I can't let them drain the last bit of nutrition of the family."

"You are our distinguished guest, and now you are our boyfriend on feixuming's face, so no matter from that point of view, you have to participate."

Talking about family affairs, tuoya couldn't help sighing.

"No problem, I can go." Chen Ge nods and agrees. He won't make tuoya embarrassed at all.

"Thank you very much. If it wasn't for your help, I'm afraid we wouldn't be safe here." See Chen Ge agreed, tuoya face immediately showed a relaxed smile, look at Chen GE's eyes, also more and more kind.

"It's my job." Chen Ge waves his hand. What he usually can't accept most is thanks from others, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"But there's one thing I haven't figured out." After laughing, tuoya obviously relaxed a lot.

"What's the matter?" Chen Ge asked, "as long as I know, I will tell the patriarch tuoya."

"It's still the problem before. Chen Ge, you put yourself in danger by helping us. You offended the Jinchuan and Hanoi families. Although you are strong, you don't need to cause yourself unnecessary trouble."

"I just want to know why you do it, what's your purpose, or for catkins?"

Tuoya rubbed his hands and asked awkwardly. This question has always been in his heart. He didn't know how many times he had thought about it, but he couldn't get the answer, so he couldn't help asking.

Feixu also looks at Chen Ge.

"There is a purpose." Chen Ge looked at them, hesitated for a while, or to tell the truth.

"That's no problem. As long as you say it, we will meet your requirements." When he heard Chen Ge say that, tuoya felt normal. A person with such strong strength could not offend others because of their small family.

"It's better to solve the immediate problems." After thinking about it, Chen Ge still didn't say anything about Youlong island.

"Well, since you don't want to say it now, I won't ask, but still, no matter what your purpose is, I will try my best to satisfy you. Even if you want my position as clan leader, I will let you down."

Tuoya slapped on the table and said in a deep voice."It doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to be." Chen Ge shakes his hand and laughs. He doesn't want to be the head of any family. Not only can he not make any money, he will also bring countless troubles to himself.

"You just came back from the family at the foot of the mountain. You'd better have a rest first. I'll tell those people in the family that they will come here this evening. If you want to make it clear face to face, if you want to take advantage of the decline of the family, you should give up the idea as soon as possible!" With Chen Ge here, tuoya has a strong voice.

"Yes." Chen Ge nods.

And catkins in the living room door separate, then back to the guest room rest.

The afternoon passed quietly. When it was almost dark, Chen Ge woke up.

I have to say that although there are a lot of troubles to face now, I can sleep soundly in the Erye family, almost every night.

After lying in bed for a while, Chen Ge rolled out of bed and opened the door.

"Brother Chen, are you awake?" As soon as he opened the door, Bai Xiaofei rushed up.

"Why are you here?" Chen Ge was startled and stepped back two steps. When he saw Bai Xiaofei standing in front of him, he asked.

"Haha, I'm not used to it here, and I've had a rest all day. I'm not tired and I don't know where to go. I just wait for you here. In the afternoon, someone told me what kind of dinner to attend." Bai Xiaofei scratched his head.

"Where's the ghost operator?" Chen Ge looks out.

"He has been called away by the patriarch of tuoya." Bai Xiaofei came back quickly.

"It's not early. Let's go too." Chen Ge looked down at the time and said, "all the people here today are from the Erye family. I'm afraid they are not so calm."

Thinking of the last time I saw it, Chen Ge knew what would happen tonight.

"Are there differences in the family?" Bai Xiaofei is not a fool, Chen Ge a word, he can read what it means.

"If there were no differences, maybe the Erye family would not be reduced to the present situation." Chen Ge shakes his head and smiles. He doesn't care about the family affairs. He just needs to ensure the safety of tuoya and Feixu to know the secret of Youlong island.

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