If there is a third time, Chen Ge will not care about any other situation, and will directly solve the problem of the head of the Hanoi family and that Hanoi Liugu.

"Because of our family, it has brought you so much trouble." There are some debts in Feixu's words. She knows that Chen Ge had nothing to do with these things. If she had not saved herself at the back of the hotel, she would not have been in trouble at all.

"Don't say these words. I'm waiting for you to help me in the future." Chen Ge waved his hand and said with a faint smile, but this time he didn't say anything, but gradually instilled his own ideas into Feixu.

"As long as you open your mouth, I'll help you with anything!" Feixu doesn't care what Chen Ge needs from her. She nods and agrees.

"Ha ha, that's good!" Chen Ge laughs.

After returning to the manor, Chen Ge sends the catkins back to his room, and calls Bai Xiaofei and the ghost operator to his room.

Three people sit around the table, and Chen Ge closes the door and window.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Chen GE's serious expression, the ghost operator asked in a low voice.

"It's no big deal. I just want to tell you about the next step. Now I've warned the head of Hanoi family not to make trouble again. If they are obedient, they will deal with them later. If they are not obedient, they will disappear in the territory of Japan."

"Before that, of course, I need to get rid of one person."

Chen Ge sat in front of them and said slowly.

"Who?" Bai Xiaofei and the ghost operator asked at the same time.

"Jinchuan jiesan of Jinchuan family." Chen Ge slightly frowned, "I feel that the killer on the killer list should be hired by him to assassinate me. Keeping this person will only bring me endless trouble. He can hire the killer on the killer list this time, and he doesn't know what identity he will employ next time."

Chen GE's eyes narrowed, and Kanagawa jiesan was the one he had to kill. None of them, even the Hanoi family, was behind him.

For nothing else, just because this person will do everything in order to kill himself. Now, if he doesn't kill him, he may not face anything next. He may be a higher ranked killer or someone he can't think of.

"I'll go. I'll see his body tomorrow morning!" Bai Xiaofei volunteered.

"I'll go with you. You take him to those abandoned warehouses at the back of the manor. I'm going to interrogate him myself." Chen Ge takes out a cigarette from the cigarette box and throws it to Bai Xiaofei, nodding and saying.

"Let's go!" For this kind of thing, Bai Xiaofei has always been full of interest.

After leaving the manor again, Chen Ge watches Bai Xiaofei drive away, turns around and walks towards the back of the manor. He believes in Bai Xiaofei's strength. No matter what, he is the king of special forces of China. When he goes to Jinchuan family to hijack Jinchuan jiesan, there is no problem.

Behind the estate is a dilapidated warehouse.

Chen Ge occasionally heard tuoya mention that in the heyday of the family, these warehouses were full of goods. Every night there were dozens of trucks waiting for delivery. However, since the family was defeated, these warehouses gradually lost their use.

Now three or four years later, all the warehouses have been completely abandoned, surrounded by weeds, and even a few have collapsed.

Chen Ge goes to the front of a warehouse that looks good and pushes open the door. There is a lot of dust in it.

"Cough." Caught off guard, Chen Ge covered her nose and coughed a few times.

After entering the door, Chen Ge suddenly mobilizes the power of jiuzhuanyuanshen in her body. A strong wave spreads out from her body, and all the dust inside is washed out.

"Tut, if you do cleaning, it's also a good job." Seeing the clean warehouse without any dust, Chen Ge can't help shaking his head and smiling.

Sitting on a cardboard box, Chen Ge closed her eyes and quietly thought about things on Youlong island. Almost two hours passed unconsciously.

What wakes Chen Ge up is the sound of footsteps and clamour from outside.

"Do you know who I am? Let me go now. I won't pursue your fault. Otherwise, as long as you stay in Japan for one day, you will be killed by me!"

"There's so much nonsense. Go ahead and talk about it."

With these two familiar sounds, the door of the warehouse is pushed open. With the help of the moonlight outside, Chen Ge sees that Jinchuan jiesan is pushed into the warehouse by Bai Xiaofei.

Kanagawa jiesan was pushed to the ground, climbed two steps on the ground, and then stood up with a howl.

"I said, are you deliberately finding fault? I've never seen you before, and I don't have any grudges with you. You've got the wrong person!"Jinchuan Jie three pain of continuous wail, he got up and stretched out his hand pointing to Bai Xiaofei, yelled.

"You really have no grudge against him, but we seem to have some intersection, Mr. Kanagawa."

His voice fell, and Chen GE's voice rang from inside the warehouse.

"Chen Ge? What are you doing here? " Hearing this familiar voice, Kanagawa Suke shuddered. He looked back and saw a very familiar person. He was stunned on the spot, even his voice trembled.

"I asked him to bring you here. Why can't I be here?" Chen Ge smiles faintly.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Chen Ge, Kanagawa jiesan also understood, and he knew that he could not leave here easily today.

"I don't want to do anything. I just need to ask you something. Otherwise, I feel a little uncomfortable." Chen Ge shook his head, his face is still wearing a faint smile, "a few days ago, near the training ground, there was a killer who wanted to assassinate me, this should be your school?"

After that, Chen Ge stares at Jinchuan jiesan to see his facial expression change.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen GE's words, Kanagawa jiesan's expression changed. He hesitated for a while before he said, "what does it have to do with me that a killer assassinates you?"

"It's none of your business, but the killer has admitted that he was hired by you." Chen Ge continued.

"No way!"

Kanagawa immediately denied it.

He already has some low points in his mind. He knows that the vulture may fail to assassinate Chen Ge, but he doesn't believe that the vulture will tell him, not to mention the top ten killers, that is, other ordinary killers on the killer list have good professionalism and will never give him up.

"Oh? Is that right? " Chen Ge looks calm.

"Why should I send a killer to kill you?" Jinchuan jiesan pretends to be calm and swallows his saliva.

"Don't you want to kill me?" Chen Ge asked.

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