"Tuoya, you can't drive so many people out of the family on your own. It will make the family lose money. Even if you receive such a big contract, you can't support it. In the end, it will make the family go down the road!"

Moderated for a while, Erye Zhengzhi pointed to tuoya and continued to blame.

"Second uncle, if you insist on keeping them in the family, I will doubt your real purpose. There is absolutely no black sheep in the family now!" Tuoya's tone is very firm. On the way back, he has made up his mind to clean up the family completely.

Otherwise, even if we get the cooperation of the Far East Consortium, it won't take long, and it will definitely return to the present situation. These vampires will never stop until they drain the family.

Tuoya has understood this truth.

"Tuo ya, you..." Er Ye Zhengzhi didn't expect that Tuo Ya would dare to disobey his words. He didn't come up in a breath. His face turned pale and he covered his chest and fell down slowly.

The sudden situation caught everyone by surprise.

"Second uncle, second uncle!" Anyway, Erye Zhengzhi is tuoya's second uncle. Seeing this sudden situation, tuoya immediately steps forward, kneels on one knee, and reaches out to lift Erye Zhengzhi up.

"Medicine, medicine..." Erye Zhengzhi's face became ugly with the naked eye. He held up his shaking hand.

Tuoya fumbled on him, took out a small white bottle from his chest pocket, poured out a black pill from it, put it in his mouth, and yelled, "come on, get the water!"

The Secretary nodded, did not dare to delay, hastily handed over a cup of warm water.

Feed Er Ye Zhengzhi, drink the medicine, and pat him on the back. Seeing that his face gradually eased, everyone was relieved. Tuoya also shook his numb arm and sat back in the first place.

"Tuoya, you're really going to piss me off!" Erye Zhengzhi heavily exhaled a few mouthfuls of turbid Qi, stretched out a shaking hand, pointed to tuoya and said.

"I've made up my mind about it. No one can change my mind." Although Erye Zhengzhi was just in danger, tuoya had already made up his mind. He waved to his confidants and said, "go and send the old man back to the guest room to have a rest. No one can disturb him without my order."

In fact, tuoya's order is equivalent to putting Erye Zhengzhi under house arrest.

Two confidants nodded, went up to help Erye Zhengzhi, and soon walked out of the reception hall.

Seeing him carried out, the others were afraid to speak.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Tuoya frowned and glanced, and asked faintly.

They knew that tuoya had made up his mind to drive them out of the family. If he spoke at this time, he would not get any benefits, but would leave a worse impression in tuoya's heart.

"Five minutes, disappear in front of me, and cut off all your ties with the Erye family in seven days. Otherwise, I will not worry about what kind of kindness I have for you as a member of the same clan." See they don't talk, tuoya said to himself, got the Far East Consortium's order, he already had full confidence.

Soon, under tuoya's order, the people left the reception hall one after another.

No one dares to touch tuoya's brow at this time, but they don't give up the idea of squeezing the family. Everyone knows what kind of person tuoya is. Maybe after a while, they will take back these words and let them return to the family.

At that time, by virtue of the relationship between the family and the Far East Consortium, we can also get a lot of benefits. It's just a matter of time.

"Close the door." When they all left, tuoya's upright body gradually became weak. He raised some feeble hands and waved them.

Bai Xiaofei gets up and closes the door of the living room.

"You say, am I right?" Looking at the few people who were still in the reception hall, they were all people who didn't leave even if the family was in decline, and didn't even show their full intention.

"Of course, if we continue to stay with them, let alone cooperate with the Far East Consortium, or even with the Rothschild family, they will gradually eat up. Now it's just a little more difficult for us. We must have the Far East Consortium there, and it won't be long before we can turn over."

"That's right. These people should have driven out the family long ago. Without them, our Erye family would not have been like this."

With all the people's comments, we can see that they are filled with righteous indignation at these scum in the family. Now tuoya has done what they want to see for a long time, which makes them feel very happy, even better than getting the contract.

"You two are responsible for docking with the Far East financial group. Remember to be more thoughtful. We can have this opportunity of cooperation. Thanks to Chen GE's introduction, if you mess it up in your hands, you don't have to go home."

Tuoya ordered two people standing in front of him and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, patriarch. We won't let you and Mr. Chen Ge down." Two people first saw Chen Ge one eye, this just respectfully says to tuoya.

"OK, you all go out first. I'll contact you if you have anything. I'll send you the phone number of the Secretary of the Far East Consortium later. You can contact yourself." Tuoya clapped his hands again and drove so many people out of the family in one breath, which made him feel uncomfortable.

When these people left, there were only five people left in the hall.

"I don't know why eryezhu didn't come. He was the first to enter the family meetings in recent years. Today, he didn't arrive. It's really strange." In front of Chen Ge and his daughter, tuoya has no formality and begins to say his heart and questions.

"He may have something to do with the Hanoi family." Think of before and two leaves help to see of that a few sides, Chen Ge then opens mouth to say.

"Is there any evidence?" Smell speech, tuoya immediately came spirit.

"Not for the time being. I just feel like that. His every move, including what he said to me, makes me very suspicious." Chen Ge shook his head.

"To tell you the truth, I also feel that there is something wrong in the family. The changes in the family over the years are too strange and too fast. Sometimes, there is no omen at all. They suddenly collapse and even have no chance to remedy."

"And some time ago, Feixu was assassinated. How could they know that Feixu was the king of Japanese soldiers if there was no one inside the family to inform the Hanoi family."

Tuoya frowned and analyzed.

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