However, at this time, Kanagawa jiesan could not say a word. He could feel the obvious sense of suffocation. Even though he was already struggling to breathe, he still could not breathe the air.

For a few minutes, Chen GE has been sitting on the opposite side watching, but the old man seems to have nothing to do. He has been making tea and drinking water, occasionally picking up a book from the side to look at it. As for the man, he has been too scared to move.

Kanagawa jiesan gradually lost his life in suffocation.

At the moment before he died, his hand holding his neck was still shaking. Until he died, he didn't know how he was killed, and even he didn't understand why he was so suffocated suddenly that he couldn't breathe any air into his lungs.

"The strength is really good." After Jinchuan jiesan died, the old man threw the book aside and said to Chen Ge with a smile.

"In front of you, it's not the same as carving insects." Chen Ge scratched his head with embarrassment. After all, he had seen the old man in front of him burn a flame out of thin air in his palm. This is the real master.

"What's the taste?" The old man was about to speak when he sniffed and frowned.

"How does it smell like urine?" Chen Ge is also gradually smelling, let alone the smell. For people of their strength, they can easily smell the smell of sweating.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it..." the man shivered and said. Seeing the tragic death of Kanagawa jiesan, he couldn't bear this kind of stimulation, even his physiology was out of control.

"Come on, I won't kill you." Chen Ge waved his hand.

"Really..." his subordinates seemed to see the dawn from the edge of death, and they didn't believe what Chen Ge said, so they could only ask repeatedly.

Chen Ge nods.

He immediately got up and limped to the outside. At the moment of going out, he decided to leave Japan and find someone he didn't know. Otherwise, he might be chased by Chen Ge at any time.

"Just let him go?" The old man was a little surprised. "If he leaves here, it's not very good for you to tell what happened here."

"Ha ha, I just said I wouldn't kill him, but I didn't say he could get out of here alive." Smell speech, Chen Ge ha ha a smile, say.

"Get rid of it." The old man raised his dry palm and waved to the clansman standing at the door.

When he got the order, the clansman immediately chased him out. After a while, he heard a terrible cry from outside. Ten seconds later, the man came back and knelt down on one knee to the old man, saying, "elder, it's solved."

"Well, get rid of their bodies." The old man nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the body of Kanagawa jiesan beside him, and gave the order again.

When the body of Kanagawa jiesan was dragged out, the old man asked the people to close the door of the living room.

"This man should be the young master of Jinchuan family?" The old man took a sip of tea and asked Chen Ge.

"Yes, that's him." Chen Ge nodded and told the truth.

"Well, you've done a good job. You can save a lot of trouble by doing it here." The old man nodded and whispered.

"It's just trouble for the old man." Chen Ge a little embarrassed smile.

Yamashita family is the best place for him to get rid of Kanagawa jiesan, so he brought them directly.

"What's the trouble? It's just a little thing. If someone comes here, I'll say you left in our family. I don't know where the two Jinchuan family went." The old man waved his hand with a smile.

"By the way, old man, I have something else to tell you this time." After talking about this, Chen GE's expression became more serious.

"You said The old man nodded.

"I've found a way to get to Youlong island." Chen Ge takes a deep breath. Whenever he thinks about it, he feels that his heart is hard to breathe because of the pain.

"Then why are you still sitting here? Hurry to save your parents and sister. Chen DIANCANG is a real beast. He can tie up his son and daughter-in-law to threaten your grandson!"

The old man's expression is one Lin, hastily urge a way.

"The Haidong people put everything about Youlong island in the ancient Dharma trail of South Vietnam. As long as I get there, I can get the news." Chen Ge smiles faintly. Although she has only met the old man a few times, she can feel the care of her elders from him, which Chen GE has not felt for a long time.

"The ancient Buddhist relics of South Vietnam."

The old man frowned and thought. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this place. If you want to find it and go in again, it will waste some things. Moreover, if you want to go in, it's not so easy."

"I've been there." Chen Ge said in a deep voice.

"How is it, easy?" The old man's expression became more relaxed.

"Well, it's probably because I have the power of jiuzhuanyuanshen in my body, so the man who guards Faji respects me very much. He also says that everything in it belongs to me, and I can take anything with me if I want to take it."

"But I went there a few months ago, and I don't know why." Chen Ge shrugs, which has always been his doubts“ Whatever you do, go and get the secret of Youlong Island first The old man's voice was a little hasty. He not only wanted to help his old friend's grandson, but also wanted to see why Chen DIANCANG had become what he is now“ I'm going to wait until I help the Erye family solve the situation in front of me. " Chen Ge shook his head again. "I came into contact with them because of the Haidong people and Youlong island. Now that I know the situation, I can't just leave."“ How are you going to help? " Asked the old man“ At least help them solve the situation in front of them. " Chen GE has always attached great importance to the Erye family. If it wasn't for tuoya and Feixu, he would never have known that the secret of the Hai Dong people was hidden in the ancient legal traces. Even if I know it by chance when I go there, by that time, everything will be over. Maybe my parents and sister have already been in the hands of the Chen family. They have suffered a lot of grievances and torture, and even whether they can survive is unknown“ I can ask the family to help The old man thought for a while and said“ Let's get rid of the Hanoi family first. I'm not sure about this family. " Chen Ge thought for a while and said“ You can get down to business first, let the family help you, and then come back to deal with the Hanoi family after you have solved the problems over there. " The old man also thought about it for a while. After nearly a minute, he said.

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