On the dock.

A small freighter with the Yamashita family logo is stopping here.

After the five got off, they walked towards the Wharf under the guidance of the old man. As soon as they arrived, someone immediately welcomed them. "Three elders, everything is ready according to your requirements. The oil on the cargo ship is enough for you to go back and forth from Japan to South Vietnam for three times!"

"Well done." The old man patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Just follow the orders of the elder." Being praised by the old man obviously made the man a little flattered. He bent down and nodded repeatedly.

"I remember there are a lot of shops in this dock. You can take whatever you need. If you don't need, we'll get on the boat and get ready to go." When the man retired, the old man said to them with a smile.

"Brother Chen won't let us spend money indiscriminately!" Bai Xiaofei wanted to buy some snacks, but he knew that Chen Ge didn't like them, so he began to complain.

"Money? Who said you should spend money? " Old people smile more.

"What do you mean?" Bai Xiaofei touched his head.

"This dock in Japan is one of the industries of our family at the foot of the mountain. I already said hello last night. All shops can pick it up and take it as long as it can be loaded on the ship." The old man pointed to the shops open around him and whispered.

"I don't need to eat and drink. I think we should be prepared on board. We should go to get some clothes. This time, we should not only go to South Vietnam, but also directly find Youlong island. It's not a problem that can be solved in one or two days. Don't stink on clothes at that time."

Chen Ge pondered for a while and said.

This time, I'm going to rescue my parents and sister. Maybe I'll find out about the sun League. When I see my family, I have to be clean. I can't wear such clothes. Otherwise, when I see my sister, I'll get a lecture and say that I'm slovenly.

Chen Ge remembers that when she was a child, when she went to the mud pond to play, she would be dragged by her sister's ears and thrown into the bathroom every time she came home. Thinking of these past events, Chen Ge could not help but smile.

"There is plenty of food and water on board. Go and get your clothes. It's said that the three elders of the family asked you to go." The old man waved his hand and then jumped to the deck.


Seeing the old man's skill, Bai Xiaofei and Feixu were surprised.

The height of five meters, even their king of soldiers are not necessarily able to do, but look at the old man jump up, obviously very relaxed, just like jumping on the bench.

Chen Ge didn't follow them. She went to the nearest clothing store and picked up some clothes. Then she went back to the boat.

Inside the cabin, the old man was sitting on the deck drinking tea when he saw Chen Ge come in and brush a new cup to make hot tea.

"I don't know your name, old man." Chen Ge threw the clothes aside, sat down in front of the old man and asked.

"It's just a name. Just call me Zhou Lao." The old man waved his hand, as if he didn't care about the name. In fact, he hasn't used a real name for decades. For him, the name is just a code, which has no meaning at all.

"Mr. Zhou." Chen Ge nodded and wrote down his surname.

"What's your plan this time?" The old man also nodded.

"No plan." Chen Ge sighed, shook his head and said, "I know very little about Youlong island now. I just know that the secret of Hai Dong people is put in the ancient Dharma trail of Nanyue. If I'm not lucky, there's no record about Youlong island in the secret, then I can't help it."

"What else?" The old man frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Chen Ge knew so little about his old friends.

"No more." Chen Ge shakes his head again.

However, he suddenly raised his eyes and took out a piece of kraft paper from the inner pocket of his coat. "And this is the chart of Haixin."

"This is the legendary sea heart map." The old man took it from Chen Ge and examined it carefully.

"Do you know the old man?" Chen Ge is a little curious.

"Of course, how can I say that I used to be a Chinese cultivator? I've heard of Haixin map. It's said that this map records a secret treasure in the sea. If I get it, I can have great wealth. It should be the place marked in the map, right?"

The old man stretched out his finger on the island in the middle of haixintu.

"What? The secret of the sea Chen Ge was stunned by the old man's words.

"I don't think I'm wrong. Is there any other function of this chart?" The old people are also curious.

"This is a special map recording the location of Youlong island. I happened to see the island on it, but it only lasted more than ten seconds and disappeared. As for the secret treasure in the sea, I have never heard of it." Chen Ge shook his head and said all he knew.

"In this case, the chart should have more than one function." The old man touched the goatee and said, "but the secret treasure in the sea should be true. If you have a chance, you should go and have a look."

"I've been to that place." Chen Ge pointed to an island in the center of Haixin map and said, "I thought this was Youlong Island, so I went there. It's where Chen Jiazong lives."“ It's interesting to live in the family. " The old man smiles helplessly“ When I was on that island, Chen DIANCANG sent his subordinates to test my strength. Later, Chen Wu sent someone to assassinate me. It should have been three times. " Chen Ge recalled it“ Who is Chen Wu? " Asked the old man“ Chen DIANCANG adopted him. He should be about the same age as me. According to the information I know, he was worried that my presence would take away the identity of the heir of Chen's family. That's why he disobeyed Chen DIANCANG's idea At the thought of this, Chen Ge was a bit embarrassed“ That's interesting. " The old man touched the goatee and said with a smile, "Chen DIANCANG just wants to test your strength, but he doesn't want to kill you, and his people want to kill you. It seems that his Chen family is not very peaceful."“ These things have nothing to do with me. I just want to save my parents and sister. " Chen Ge shakes his head. Chen Ge is not interested in the position of the head of the Chen family, even if Chen DIANCANG wants to give it himself“ How long have your parents been arrested? " The old man continued“ For a long time Chen Ge took a deep breath“ Did Chen Dian Cang hurt them? " The old man filled Chen Ge with tea“ It seems that he was locked up in the back room of Chenjiazhuang garden. A few days ago, Chen Wu sent people to Japan to assassinate me. I learned something from that man. "

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