Sitting in the office, Lu Chengkun's mind is full of Chen Ge.

After a comfortable life, I didn't realize the convenience brought by the leader's position. In a flash, the nightmare came back.

During this period, Li Guojun's whereabouts have also been found.

It was in the woods. Nearly a month had passed since they found him. When they saw Li Guojun, they thought it was a savage who suddenly appeared. If the people of the search team hadn't noticed his clothes, they would have shot him on the spot when they met him.

In order not to cause trouble or affect the position of his leader, Lu Chengkun hides the matter. Li Guojun is also hidden in a small mountain village in a remote area by his subordinates.

Therefore, this is the reason why Lu Chengkun is worried.

He is afraid that this time Chen Ge comes back, he will have the same consequences as Li Guojun.

Having learned from the past, Lu Chengkun certainly does not want to make the same mistake.

If you listen to the person in charge of the sea area and directly send troops and fleets to kill Chen Ge, this is a very good way, but the consequences are very serious.

This time, Chen Ge didn't show any unusual behavior, and if he did, he might be caught by Huaxia. When the time comes, Chen GE's trouble will be solved, and even more trouble will arise.

But if it's not solved, once Chen Ge is allowed to enter the territory of South Vietnam, it's not easy to deal with it again. We can't wait for Chen Ge to make trouble before we go to remedy it.

Thinking about it, Lu Chengkun came up with a fairly good way.

He immediately picked up the phone on his desk, contacted the person in charge of the sea area who had just gone out, and asked him to come back immediately. He had something important to tell him.

After receiving the call, the person in charge immediately turned back.

"Chief, do you want to make Chen Ge disappear in the sea directly?" As soon as the person in charge pushed the door in, he asked in a deep voice.

As the general director of the South Vietnam sea area, he certainly does not allow similar situations to happen again. As early as the last time Chen Ge left, he had applied to pursue Chen Ge in the sea area, but because of Lu Chengkun's opposition, he finally gave up the idea.

"Do you want to kill Chen Ge directly?" Lu Chengkun's eyes shrunk.

"Let him enter our South Vietnam?" The person in charge is a little reluctant. When Li Guojun was the leader before, he would never make trouble in this kind of thing. Now Lu Chengkun is in charge and hesitates. He has no leader's demeanor. "Leader, last time Chen Ge came in, it brought us a lot of trouble. Even Li Guojun, the leader of the previous term, died in his hands."

"But he is a Chinese. If he goes to war openly against a Chinese, I'm afraid that he will make use of it. The relationship between our two countries has not been very good these years." Lu Chengkun was a little worried. When he worked under Li Guojun, he knew these things very well.

"What do you mean by calling me over?" The person in charge asked with some incomprehension.

"In this way, you go to stare at Chen Ge and report his every move to me. As soon as he gets close to the wharf, you will be informed immediately, and I will go to meet him in person." Lu Chengkun thought about it carefully, but he was still ready to communicate with Chen Ge face to face.

"Chieftain, Chen Ge is very fierce. He killed all three of our families. He killed Li Guojun's former chieftain and made our South Vietnam turn upside down. If you go, it's very dangerous!" The person in charge was shocked by Lu Chengkun's words.

"It doesn't matter. As a leader, if you don't have the courage, can you still sit in this position?" Lu Chengkun pointed to the soft chair sitting under his buttocks and said faintly.

In fact, he was also very flustered, but he knew that he had never offended Chen Ge. Even when Chen Ge left Nanyue, he secretly agreed, and he knew that Chen Ge would remember it.

The reason why he went was that he wanted to ask Chen Ge what he wanted to do when he went to Nanyue. If he wanted to find something, he would give it to him directly. If he wanted to find someone, he would take the initiative to hand them over. Only in this way can he get peace and stay in the leader position for a longer time.

"Chief, I..." the person in charge of the sea area didn't know what Lu Chengkun was thinking. He just thought that his previous view of Lu Chengkun was too hasty and one-sided. It turned out that the chief had always been thinking about South Vietnam, so he didn't hesitate to risk his life.

"Don't say any more. Do as I say!" Lu Chengkun waved his hand and didn't let the other party go on.

"I understand. I'll send someone to follow the leader. If Chen GE has a dangerous idea, it will definitely guarantee your safety!" The person in charge of the sea nodded, and then went back out.

After he left, Lu Chengkun sat on the soft chair paralyzed.

At the thought of meeting Chen Ge, his hands trembled uncontrollably, but he did not dare not to meet him. If Chen Ge took the initiative to find him, maybe it would be more serious.

As Lu Chengkun's orders spread one after another, the sea forces of South Vietnam immediately sent out. More than a dozen ships were launched. The captain and crew all looked at the distant sea with binoculars and reported the location of Chen GE's cargo ship in detail.

For a long time, Chen GE's freighter didn't stop at the dock of South Vietnam until dark. Except for the old man, the other four were all dressed in clean clothes. But as soon as they got off the freighter, they were immediately stopped by the South Vietnamese customs, surrounded by dozens of soldiers holding guns“ Such a big welcome battle? " The old man, after all, has seen the world. Instead of being frightened by these guns, he asks Chen Ge with a smile“ I've met some things in South Vietnam before, which may have scared them. " Chen Ge scratched his head and said“ Mr. Chen Ge, our leader Lu Chengkun wants to meet you. " Soon, a middle-aged man came out from behind. He was the person in charge of the sea area who had just talked with Lu Chengkun in the office“ "Lu Chengkun?" Chen Ge frowned. Looking back, he realized that Lu Chengkun was the high-ranking man who was caught drunk in Nanyue. Later, because Li Guojun was disposed of by himself, he became the acting leader. Now, I'm afraid he has replaced Li Guojun and become the real leader of the war department“ That's right. I hope Mr. Chen Ge can show his appreciation. " The person in charge nodded“ No problem. Can you arrange these friends for me? " Chen Ge did not refuse“ Gentlemen, I've arranged a room rest for you. Please follow me The person in charge turned to the old man and Bai Xiaofei and said to them.

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