"Did he leave any clues when he left?" From Guo Lintian's expression, Chen Ge doesn't find anything wrong, which can almost prove that the other party has nothing to do with Liang Lu's disappearance.

"If there had been a clue, I'd have found it long ago." Guo Lintian shook his head, "I'm such an adopted son. Now I can't live and die. I don't know how hard I feel."

"The people under him may know some of the things with their knowledge of Guo fan." Chen Ge rubbed his chin and asked.

"I have asked many times, they said that one day at noon, Guo fan left and never contacted them again. I think that's when he disappeared." Guo Lintian shakes his head. He has already investigated everything Chen Ge said. He can say that he has used all the methods he can use.

"So." Chen Ge shrugged and said.

"I know that something has happened to this boy. I just hope that he can live in peace. It's just that he's buried in a foreign country. For us Chinese, there's something wrong." Guo Lintian sighed again.

"Cause and effect are rewarded." Chen Ge said lightly.

"What did you say, little brother?" Guo Lintian didn't hear what Chen Ge said, so he looked up and asked.

"I didn't say anything. I just felt sorry for Guo fan. If he hadn't disappeared, I'm afraid he would have become the successor of your Guo family?" Chen Ge changed her style in time.

"Well, although he is my adopted son, he is much better than my own sons in terms of his conduct and moral character. He has been running the family business for me all these years and has never made any mistakes. I intended to train him as a successor, but who would have thought that such a thing could happen." Guo Lintian said helplessly.

"That's a pity." Chen Ge said.

"Well, don't talk about him." Guo Lintian doesn't want to say these sad things in front of Chen Ge. Although Guo fan may have died, it's not that there is no good news during this period.

That is Chen GE's return to his family.

This means that what the housekeeper said at the beginning is right. It's a right choice to give the Bakai mirror to Chen Ge. Not only will he not leave with his family's treasure, but he will even tell himself what he has learned after studying it successfully.

At that time, as long as the strength of the family is improved, every cultivator in the family will get progress in cultivation, and there will be more outstanding young people like Guo fan who want to enter the family.

"By the way, we will have an auction in South Vietnam in a few days. If you are interested, I can show you." Looking at Chen Ge, Guo Lintian changed his mind and said.

"I'm not very interested in auctions." Chen Ge shook his head.

"It's extraordinary. It's the biggest auction in the whole cultivation world. It's held every five years. At that time, many treasures will come out. If you're lucky, maybe you can find them." Guo Lintian continued.

"The biggest auction?" Chen Ge picks her eyebrows.

"That's right, and I think brother Liang will also come. I haven't seen him for nearly 20 years. Seeing Liang Lu some time ago made me not only feel sad. Decades of time passed in the blink of an eye, and we were all old in our prime."

When it comes to the past, Guo Lintian can't help feeling a little sorry.

"Uncle Guo, let me ask you something. You should tell me the truth." When Guo Lintian talks about the Liang family, Chen Ge asks.

"Ask. I'll tell you what I know." Guo Lintian nodded.

"Did Miss Liang Lu come back to you?" Chen Ge micro frowned and asked, after these two contacts, he can feel Guo Lintian is not like an insider.

And the attitude he had towards Liang Lu the last time, it's hard to imagine that he would be the one who kidnapped Liang Lu.

"Back?" Guo Lintian was stunned. "It's you and Liang Lu, and the Chinese special forces named Bai Xiaofei."

"After this time?" Chen Ge shook his head.

"No, you left together at the beginning. Liang Lu never came back, and I didn't hear the news that brother Liang wanted to send his niece back." Guo Lintian didn't even think about it, so he shook his head and said.

"I believe you." Chen Ge nods.

"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?" Guo Lintian was a little curious, but he was the head of the family after all. After that, he immediately reacted, and his face became a little serious. "Little brother, what's wrong with Liang Lu's niece?"

"To tell you the truth, it is." Chen Ge did not hide.

"Where did the accident happen? Why haven't I heard of it?" Guo Lintian immediately clenched his fist and asked, "no, with your strength, you can easily get rid of the Taishang elders of our three major families in South Vietnam, and the special forces. How can there be an accident?"

"It was after Bai Xiaofei sent her back to Liang's home safely that she received the task from her family to return to your home in Nanyue, and then she disappeared." Chen Ge said lightly.

"No way!"

"I've never received a call from brother Liang, saying that Liang Lu will come back!"

"I'll call brother Liang and ask him what's going on. How could Liang Lu disappear on the way back to our South Vietnam? How could he never call me for such a serious matter?"

Guo Lintian suddenly stood up from the stool, took out his mobile phone and was ready to call the Liang family.

"Wait, uncle Guo." Chen Ge reaches out and holds Guo Lintian's hand.

"Little brother, I can't wait. Elder brother Liang is a brother who has a life friendship with me, and Liang Lu is also my niece. How can I sit back and ignore such a thing?" Guo Lintian looks very anxious, which is more anxious than Chen Ge when he talks about Guo fan.

"If things are really so simple, the Liang family will definitely tell you when Liang Lu starts. After all, last time, Bai Xiaofei, the special soldier king, was allowed to protect him." Chen Ge shook his head and said.

"You mean the Liang family didn't want me to know about it?" Guo Lintian stopped and asked.

"I don't know how it is, but the Liang family is absolutely hiding something from us. He just told Xiaofei's upper class that Liang Lu disappeared when he returned to your Guo family. There was nothing else. At the beginning, I thought it was hijacked by your Guo family."

See Guo Lintian calm down, no longer so excited, Chen Ge will continue to say.

"It's impossible. How can our Guo family hijack Liang Lu? Besides, even if it's of any use, Liang Lu doesn't have a lot of cash and no treasure on her." Guo Lintian shook his head firmly.

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