"Then you can only continue to look here. It happens that I haven't seen a person here for decades. Talk and chat with me." There was a smile on the old man's face.

"Didn't you just go shopping?" Chen Ge takes a look at the rubbish that he has picked up.

"That's different. If you weren't here today, I wouldn't go out. Before, I would go out every other week. I always stayed in this stone room. Sooner or later, I would become insane."

The old man turned over and continued, "a few years ago, there were still some people who wanted to break in and amuse them, but now they haven't met again."

"Tease them?"

Chen Ge looked up to the entrance of the cave and saw the ground covered with white bones. He suddenly felt a cool wind blowing from his back.

"I can't help laughing." The old man shook his head.

"By the way, the former leader of South Vietnam didn't come in. I followed him at the beginning, and then I came here." Chen Ge suddenly remembers what happened before and says.

"He just stood at the entrance of the cave. All along, he got rid of the practitioners who had the spirit of jiuzhuanyuan, and other people were not allowed to get close to him. This is a rule handed down from the ancestors." The old man turned over and looked at Chen Ge.

"It seems that thanks to the jiuzhuanyuan spirit in my body, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die there." Chen Ge pointed to the pile of bones at the entrance of the cave, and said with lingering fear.

"Not necessarily. With your strength, it's impossible to break in, but I can't stop you. Maybe you can escape with a serious injury." The old man looked at Chen Ge and said.

"Seriously injured..." Chen Ge felt that the more the old man said, the more outrageous he was, so he stopped answering.

"By the way, master, I have another question." Chen Ge wants to smoke. It's I who touches my pocket, but suddenly he touches haixintu, so he says.

"Ask." The old man said faintly.

"This map of the sea center." Chen Ge took out the Haixin map and went to the old man. "I saw Youlong island on the Haixin map before, but it was moving all the time. It only lasted less than a minute and disappeared. Since then, I have never seen it again."

"You want to ask me, what's the matter? You also want to ask me how to make the Haixin map reappear, and then determine the specific location of the Haixin map from this map. What's better is to find a way to get on it?"

The old man took haixintu for a look and threw it aside.

"That's right!" Hearing the old man's voice, Chen Ge nodded excitedly and waited quietly.

"I don't know." Who would have thought that what the old man said made Chen Ge feel extremely depressed.

"I thought you knew." Chen Ge takes back haixintu and carefully puts it back into his pocket.

"I'm just a watchman here, not an encyclopedia. How can I know these things?" The old man sat up and took out an iron box from the bedside.

He took out the cigarette paper, picked up a handful of cut tobacco and put it on. After rolling it up, he sealed his mouth with saliva. Then he put it in his mouth, "is there a fire?"

"Yes." Chen Ge took out a lighter, lit a cigarette for the old man, and then smoked one himself.

"But I don't know, but after listening to your words, I feel that this Youlong island is not an ordinary place, and it should be very difficult to find. I don't know if your grandfather really found it." The old man was smoking, some of them said.

"If only I knew." Chen Ge spits out a smoke and says slowly.

"Then keep looking." The old man held out his cigarette hand and pointed to the bookshelf beside him.

With a cigarette in her mouth, Chen Ge goes to the front of the bookshelf and continues to search.


On the other hand, while Chen Ge was still searching for records left by the Hai Dong people, Liang Lu had been locked up in a secret base far away on the edge of South Vietnam for three days.

She was locked in a dark prison with no lights. There was only about four or five flat spaces. Walking forward, she felt the cold iron bar.


An impatient and noisy voice came from a distance.

Soon after the voice fell, Liang Lu saw the light of a flashlight. It was with this weak light that she could see the situation around her.

I'm really in a small prison, and it seems the same structure around me, but it seems that I'm only locked up here.

Liang Lu has never heard other people's voices or seen them deliver meals to other places.

Thinking, a little old lunch box was thrown in.

"Where am I?" Liang Lu summoned up the courage to ask.

Soon after being sent home by Bai Xiaofei, she received her father's order that she would return to Nanyue again and give uncle Guo a surprise, which was wrapped in an envelope in her pocket.

But when she got off the plane in South Vietnam, she was hugged from behind and pressed on her mouth with a wet towel. Even though she struggled hard, she couldn't get out. When she woke up again, she was already here.

And the envelope and other things on his body, long gone, just left him a suit of clothes.

"Little girl, I warn you not to ask, or your life may be here." A gloomy voice sounded.

"Are you Chinese?" Hearing this voice, Liang Lu felt a little surprised, "am I in China or in Nanyue?"

"If you ask again, your life may be lost." The other side didn't say much and left directly.

Liang Lu called a few more times, but got no response.

In desperation, she could only find the lunch box in the dark and eat something that was not delicious inside. Although it was bad to a certain extent, if she didn't eat it, she would really die here.

After taking a sip of the water in the lunch box, Liang Lu starts to think about why she is here.

But no matter what she thought, she couldn't understand how it happened.

Anxiety and uneasiness filled her heart. She suddenly thought of Chen Ge and Bai Xiaofei. Although it would be very dangerous to follow them, and she didn't take care of herself as a lady of a wealthy family, she was always safe anyway.

Liang Lu knew in her heart that even if Chen Ge or Bai Xiaofei were with her, she would not fall to the present situation.

Now she's locked up here. She doesn't even know who she is in China or South Vietnam. What she can do is stay in this small space.

After the meal, the man went back the same way. He went up the first step. What he could see was that it was dark because it was completely underground.

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