"I'll find it myself. I'm so old that I've already run out of energy." The old man shook his head and lit a cigarette.

"Who believes that?" Chen Ge said with some disdain.

"It's impossible to find something, but if you're interested, I can teach you how to make the true Qi in your body resonate with the natural energy around you." The old man shook his head.

"Really?" On hearing this, Chen GE's eyes immediately burst out with light, but after a moment he shook his head and refused, "forget it, I'd better look for my things."

"Oh? Are you not interested in this? " The old man obviously didn't expect Chen Ge to say that.

"Very interested." Chen Ge shakes his head again.

"Be a teacher, I can teach you." The old man threw away his cigarette and said solemnly.

"At other times, I would agree directly, but now I still have a lot of things to solve, and controlling natural energy can't be learned overnight. I don't have so much time to waste here."

Chen Ge took a deep breath and said with some regret, "and you told me before that my cultivation is very low, and I don't fully understand the jiuzhuan Yuanshen. Even if I want to learn, I'm afraid it's just a scratch."

"I didn't expect you to know yourself very well." The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, after I have solved these problems, I will definitely come back to study with you, and it will be no problem to be a teacher then." As Chen Ge said this, he continued to pick up the dusty book on the shelf and look for it.

"Can you tell me if you have any trouble to solve?" The old man cocked his legs and put on the appearance of listening to the story.

"A friend is missing in your South Vietnam. I have to save her." Think of the old man even his own nine turn yuan Shen and eight open mirror all know, there is nothing to hide.

Moreover, in his view, this kind of thing must be a very small thing.

"Well, if you tell me where she is and what she looks like, I can bring her back in half a day." Sure enough, the old man didn't take it seriously.

"Strange disappearance. If I knew where she was, I would have solved it." Chen Ge shakes her head helplessly.


"Why do you always encounter such strange things?"

The old man picked out his gray eyebrows and laughed hoarsely.

"If I had known, I might not have been in such trouble." Chen Ge took down a book and turned it several times. But before he finished, his eyes suddenly enlarged.

On the page I turned, there were five big words clearly written on it.

Although it is written with the symbols of the ancient clan, Chen Ge can still vaguely see it. After all, he had seen many similar styles in the secret room of the Erye family.

"Found it?" Seeing Chen GE's strange reaction, the old man turned over and got out of bed, rushed to the front with an arrow step and asked.

"It should be this one." Chen GE's hands trembled with excitement.

After taking a few breaths of air, Chen Ge carefully looks through it, for fear that with a little effort, the ancient books that have been preserved for thousands of years will become paper scraps because of the corrosion of time.

But Chen Ge didn't know what was written on it at all, but from some rough paintings, it can be seen that it should be related to the sacrifice described, which is exactly the same as what he happened to see on the map of Haixin.

"Master, can you understand these words?" Chen Ge carefully brought the book to the old man and asked eagerly.

"I can't understand. I can only understand this painting. It's like praying for rain." The old man fixed his eyes, then shook his head and said.

"It should be a sacrifice." Chen Ge explained.

"Whether it's offering sacrifices or praying for rain, the problem is that you have got the book now, but you can't understand the words on it. It's no different from no, it's no different." The old man couldn't help laughing. He worked hard all day. It was not easy to find it. It turned out to be such a result.

"I don't understand. There's something I can understand." Chen Ge also laughed.

"Who?" The old man asked curiously.

"A friend of mine, when I found the descendants of Hai Dong people some time ago, I saw some books handed down in a secret room, so he could understand them." The first thing Chen Ge thought of was the ghost operator.

"That's not bad. It's a helper." The old man nodded.

"Master, I'll go back first. I'll come back to visit you later if I have time!" Chen Ge wrapped the ancient book in his coat, then held it tightly. After bowing to the old man, he turned around and walked out.

"Ah, just go away?" Seeing Chen Ge running outside before he finished his words, the old man was caught off guard.

"Call again when you have time!" Chen Ge said excitedly.

"What about the clothes you dried?" The old man continued.

"Stay here and replace it when you come back next time." Chen GE's voice is getting lower and lower. Before he finishes this sentence, his voice has disappeared.

"What's the hurry, boy." Seeing Chen GE's back disappear from front of him, the old man can't help shaking his head and smiling. He looks at the bookshelf which has been turned a little disorderly and goes up to sort out one by one.

In the past few years, he has read almost every book here. In his opinion, the voice of Hai Dong people has no pressure at all.

The reason why he didn't agree with Chen Ge was that he had been here for too long and wanted Chen Ge to accompany him for two more days. However, he didn't expect that Chen Ge would have a helper who could read the words of the Hai Dong nationality. He was even lucky that he could find the literature of the Hai Dong Nationality from thousands of books in one day.

"Next time I have time, maybe it will be ten years later. At that time, old man, I may not live in the world." After finishing the bookshelf, the old man continued to sit on the bed.

Sensing that Chen GE has gone far away, he reaches out his dry hand and waves it. The entrance and exit of the cave are covered by a huge shale, and he slowly closes his eyes and enters a state of cultivation.

Outside the cave, it's still raining, but it's much smaller than before.

Chen Ge carefully protects her coat for fear that the ancient books will be temporarily damaged by the rain. She runs all the way back to the car. Regardless of her wet body and the soil on her feet and shoes, Chen Ge opens her coat for the first time. When she sees that the ancient books are not wet, she is relieved.

"Well, I found it at last." Chen Ge leaned on the driver's seat and exhaled a long breath of turbid air in a relaxed voice.

After relaxing for a while, Chen Ge drives away from the forest and drives back to the Guo family. On the way, he sends a message to the ghost operator, asking the latter to take Mr. Zhou and Feixu to the Guo family. There are important things to deal with.

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