"That's true." Chen Ge nods.

With these words, Chen Ge takes out his carefully protected Hai Dong ancient books and puts them on the table.

"What is this?" Seeing some old books on the desk, Mr. Zhou couldn't help frowning.

The others gathered around.

"This is an ancient book handed down by the Haidong people, which I found in the Dharma trail. It should be the book that records how to land on Youlong island." Chen Ge opened it carefully, and then pointed to the words like insects crawling on it.

"This is our family's?" Flying catkins come forward curiously.

"It should be, but I don't know the words on it. It's just a little similar to the books in the secret room of your manor." Chen Ge nodded.

"Not should, but is!" After a look, the ghost operator is certain.

"Ha ha, I knew you must know the words on it. Do you have any information about Youlong island?" Smell speech, Chen Ge immediately burst out laughing, quickly hook ghost operator's shoulder, deep voice said.

"I can tell you in advance that I don't know a lot about the Hai Dong clan. I just heard him talk about it when I was studying under the master's hands. I don't know all the characters of this ancient clan. I can't guarantee that I'm 100% correct."

All of a sudden, Chen GE has high hopes, and the ghost operator immediately feels the pressure.

"Never mind, just try your best." Chen Ge patted him on the back and said.

With Chen GE's encouragement, ghost operator picked up the ancient books and began to read the obscure hieroglyphs.

None of them spoke. All they could hear was the sound of each other's breathing.

It took nearly half an hour for the ghost operator to read less than five pages.

"I've got a general understanding. What's recorded in the front is all about the rules of how to sacrifice to the Dong people in the sea. Behind it should be Youlong island." The ghost operator rubbed some sore eyes, and then took a sip of the tea that had cooled off, and then said.

"Never mind. Don't worry. Take your time." Chen Ge went to pour him a glass of water and said.

Seeing the back, GUI operator's brow wrinkled tightly. He had a very shallow understanding of Hai Dong characters, and could only understand the general meaning. Especially because he had been stored for a long time and was in a humid cave, some of the characters on them could not be read clearly.

"According to the above records, about 1200 years ago, they left Youlong island and boarded other islands. The reason seems to be that a group of people who can mobilize fire and water suddenly appeared and occupied their island. All of them had to leave."

Whenever the ghost operator understands a little bit, it will directly tell the meaning recorded above.

"It should be ancient practitioners." Thinking that Zhou and the old man in the cave could easily mobilize the whole body's natural energy, Chen Ge understood the meaning.

"Er..." the ghost operator continued to look down, but after a while, he pondered.

"What's the matter?" Chen GE has a bad feeling.

"The book says," the Dragon Island is a very magical island, the collection of heaven and earth essence, in order to prevent future generations steal this book to harm the island, so will find and ascend the Dragon Island way, placed on the islands they are now on, and only boarded the island, only to have the opportunity to find. "

The ghost operator looked at Chen Ge and said it in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Hearing this, the expression on Chen GE's face stiffened, "are you sure you didn't read it wrong?"

"I don't think so. Even if I read one or two words wrong, the general meaning should be OK and there won't be any mistakes." The ghost operator sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was true.

"Hoo." Chen Ge seems to have been drained of her strength and is paralyzed on the chair.

"Brother Chen." Seeing the change of Chen Ge, Bai Xiaofei rushed over immediately.

"I'm fine. I just need to slow down." Chen Ge waved his hand, slowly closed his eyes and said, this thing can be said to make Chen Ge a little confused.

Originally, I thought that when I went to Japan and found the descendants of the Hai Dong people, I could find a way to get to Youlong island. When I saw the books of the Erye family, I learned that they were stored in the ancient legacies of Nanyue.

Now it's hard to find this book, but it says that the way to go to Youlong island was stored on the later island of Hai Dong nationality.

And even if you find an island, you still need to look for it from the top of the island. You may not be able to find it 100%.

Chen Ge can't accept the chicken's three hopes and blows. He doesn't even know how long it will take this time. If he finds the island of Hai Dong nationality, but still can't get the way to get to Youlong Island, what should he do.

"I'm a little sleepy, too. Talk to you young people." Old Zhou got up and walked out slowly.

"Xiaofei, when you just came in, you said you were sleepy. Go back with me. It's so dark outside. I'm afraid." Seeing Zhou Lao go, Feixu gives Bai Xiaofei a look and says softly.

"I'm not sleepy. I'll be here with brother Chen." Bai Xiaofei didn't know what flying catkins meant, so he said frankly.

"Come on, don't make me angry!" Fly catkins see a face haggard Chen Song, voice has some severe.

"I'll go, I'll go!" Bai Xiaofei doesn't dare to offend Feixu. Although he doesn't know what it means, he is very obedient and follows out.

After a while, only Chen Ge and ghost operator were left in the room.

"Have a cigarette." The ghost operator takes one from Chen GE's cigarette box and hands it up.

"Is there really no mistake?" Chen Ge took a deep breath and asked with a slight frown. Although he was hit by some blows, he soon eased down.

"90% of them won't make mistakes. What are you going to do next? I think the island mentioned in the book should be the island where we saw the sacrifice of Hai Dong people in the corner of Hai Xin Tu before." Seeing that Chen GE's speech returned to normal, the ghost operator was relieved.

"What else can we do, of course, is to find the island." Chen Ge smiles and says, "there seems to be no other way."

"It's not easy to find that island." The ghost operator also took one.

"I have to go back to the ancient Dharma trail again. Maybe that old man can solve the secret on the map of Haixin. After all, when I went there, he could find it directly and give it to me." Thinking about what the old man said when he was looking for books on this day, Chen Ge said.

"Do you want to go now?" Asked the ghost operator.

"Don't worry. I'd better wait until Liang Lu is rescued. Now things have begun. If I leave at this time, I can't do it." Chen Ge shook his head.

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