"Well, I'll take you with me." Guo Lintian agreed, but he said with some scruples, "but Chen Ge, this is not a dinner for Chen Mingyong alone. There are many other family and company people. Even if he makes trouble for us, we can't do it at that time."

"Ha ha, uncle Guo, I know that!" Chen Ge burst out laughing.

"It's just me. How about you? Did you find out where Liang Lu was locked up?" With Chen GE's assurance, Guo Lintian was relieved.

Chen Ge told him about these hours.

"If you look at it this way, Liang Lu is likely to be there. Your choice is right. According to my understanding of Chen Mingyong, this man's means are very tough and ruthless. In the past, when he was in the War Department, some bad words came out."

"If you are reckless today, you are likely to fall into his trap. You'd better consider weighing and perfecting it before you speak."

Guo Lintian nodded with satisfaction. He found that Chen GE's thinking was very strict and cautious, and he almost never did anything impulsive.

"By the way, Mr. Chen Ge, the auction will be held in a few days. Do you want to prepare in advance?" After seeing them, the housekeeper said.

"Is the money ready?" Guo Lintian asked directly in front of Chen Ge.

"Things and money are ready, and the quota has been passed on." The housekeeper nodded, "but this auction is on a small island in Nanyang. You need to move one day in advance. In this case, you will have to leave the day after tomorrow."

"Do you have any questions?" Guo Lintian looks at Chen Ge.

"I have no problem, any time." Chen Ge shrugged.

"Take part in Chen Mingyong's reception tomorrow, have a rest the day after tomorrow, and leave early the day after tomorrow to attend the auction." Guo Lintian nodded and said in a deep voice.

"What kind of auction? Why is it still on the island of Nanyang? I've never heard of it." Bai Xiaofei has a blank face.

"It's no use talking to you about the auction of the practitioners." Chen Ge explained.

"No use is no use. Can I follow you?" Bai Xiaofei is very curious. Since he knows that Chen GE has such an identity, his three outlooks almost collapse, which also leads to great curiosity about this identity.

"There are only three people in the ticket." Said the housekeeper.

"That's a pity." Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei let out his anger.

"But if you really want to go, I'll give it to you." Then the housekeeper said, "I've been with the master many times, and it's no fun to go again."

"Is that ok?" Bai Xiaofei looks at Chen Ge and Guo Lintian.

"It's just a time to play. If you want to go, you can follow. Just let the housekeeper stay at home and let us know if there's any situation." Guo Lintian pondered for a while, but did not refuse.

"But I'm not a practitioner. Is it OK to go?" Bai Xiaofei asked with some worry.

"There are many non practitioners, including some big families. There are not only things that practitioners can use, but also natural resources and local treasures." Guo Lintian shook his head and explained.

"That's good, that's good." Bai Xiaofei was relieved.

"Well, there are so many things. It's not early. Go back and have a rest." Guo Lintian yawns. If Chen Ge hadn't come back to say the news, he would have gone to bed.

Back in the room, Chen Ge was lying in bed thinking about it.

In the high-end villa area near the War Department, Chen Mingyong is carrying a glass of red wine. In front of him, there are several confidants.

"Go back and tell your men to be smart tomorrow. Do you hear me?" Chen Mingyong raised his head in a low voice.

"It's all arranged. There won't be any accident tomorrow." Confidants look at each other and answer at the same time.

"Deputy leader, do you think that Chen Ge will really come?" Asked one of the bald confidants.

"Why doesn't he come?" Chen Mingyong poured another glass of wine.

"Since he entered South Vietnam, we have lost all news of him." Baldness took two steps forward. He has been with Chen Mingyong for the longest time, so he can say some words without scruple.

"That's a good question. Why don't you all guess where Chen Ge will go after he enters South Vietnam? He can't sleep on the street, can he?" Chen Mingyong became interested. He put down his glass and sat on the sofa in another position.

"Probably sleeping in hotels and hotels." Said the bald man.

"It's possible to live with a friend." Other confidants follow suit.

"What you said is possible, but we have ignored one point. It has been a week since we arrested Liang Lu. The Guo family must have known the news, and Chen Ge is in our South Vietnam, so Guo Lintian will definitely ask Chen Ge for help. Chen Ge and Liang Lu know each other, but they can't refuse."

"So Chen Ge must live in Guo's house now, and he plans to find Liang Lu and rescue her, but he certainly can't guess that Liang Lu is in our hands."

As Chen Mingyong said, he couldn't help smiling on his face and looked like he was winning.

"So it is!"

"The deputy leader is really the smartest leader of our whole war department!"

The next group of people agreed. Indeed, they never thought about this. When they were working for Chen Mingyong today, they still thought about why they had to hold a commercial cocktail party all of a sudden. It was not what they needed to do before.

"So, follow me and study hard. In the future, your position in the War Department will be higher and higher. You should learn to take the initiative to think and handle affairs for me. You can't let me carry it all the time. That way, you won't grow up." Chen Mingyong pointed at them.

"Thank you for the promotion of deputy chief!" Several people all bowed their heads to thank.

"I'll check one side tomorrow to make sure there's no problem. As long as Chen Ge dares to come, I'll catch him directly. Then I'll let him see Liang Lu die in front of me!" Chen Mingyong waved his hand and yawned.

After all these people left, he hummed a song and decided that even if Chen Ge had some strength, he would never be able to run out of the palm of his hand.

What he doesn't know is that although the plan is good, Chen GE has already guessed it.

the second day.

Chen Ge didn't get up very early. Now things in Youlong island have been put down for the time being, and Liang Lu has made progress. She is waiting to attend Chen Mingyong's cocktail party this evening to see if she can get some information.

Lying on the bed, Chen Ge thinks about all the situations she has encountered in recent months, and the things she has encountered in looking for a way to get on Youlong island.

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